The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 117: decided to leave

Chapter 117 Deciding to Leave

Beitang Yunyu took out a brocade box and said, "Uncle Master, can I exchange this for Four Seasons Red?"

Brothers still know how to settle accounts. Although they have a good relationship, when it comes to money and the like, they still know how to settle accounts.

 I don’t care so much about eating and drinking. After all, I can get along so well with Master Jun because I have a lot of food. What's more, Master Jun saved himself and his brother, and by getting more ingredients for himself, he could be considered as being filial to Master Jun.

Although this uncle is two years younger than him, he really does not regard her as a fifteen-year-old girl. In his heart, Juan Xiangluo is his uncle who is both a teacher and a friend.

Yan Xiangluo opened the brocade box and took a look at it. They were two precious herbs. Their value was similar to the Sijihong she gave to Beitang Yunyu. She nodded and said, "Okay."

 Put it away calmly. This way of getting along is quite good.

Beitang Yunyu thought for a while and then asked: "Uncle Master Yu, are the people in the practice room here to seek medical treatment?"

"No, it's a friend who came to see me." Yan Xiangluo didn't say that Ji Jiuzhong came to suppress the poison.

In fact, Ji Jiuchong's visit to Qiandu Peak is not a secret in the Xianyun Sect, but no one knows that he is here to suppress the poison, and they all think that he is here to see Yan Xiangluo.

Beitang Yunyu didn't have much contact with his fellow disciples after the Miao Nagano incident, and he only said hello to his fellow masters. Apart from practicing alchemy and occasionally coming to Qiandu Peak for a meal, he didn't know that Ji Jiuzhong was here, and he had never seen Ji Jiuzhong.

What's more, he didn't know that his brother's poison was related to Ji Jiuzhong.

“Are you a friend of Tianshun Imperial City?” Beitang Yunyu asked with bright eyes.

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyes and glanced at him, "Well, he is Ji Jiuchong."

Beitang Yunyu looked at Yan Xiangluo in astonishment. Although he was close to Yan Xiangluo, he didn't know that Ji Jiuzhong came to see Yan Xiangluo to suppress the poison. He thought that Ji Jiuzhong came to see Yan Xiangluo.

He said with a bit of gossip in his eyes: "Uncle Master Yu, didn't you break off the engagement?"

 Could it be that when Ji Jiuzhong saw that Master Jun's status had changed and that his cultivation and talent had improved, he regretted it and came to visit Master Jun as a friend once a year because he wanted to marry her again?

"Well, we broke off the engagement, so we are friends." Yan Xiangluo would not tell anyone about Ji Jiuchong's fetal poisoning.

Only the master, the master, and the sect leader knew about this matter. None of the other peak masters knew that she had suppressed the poison for Ji Jiuzhong.

Beitang Yunyu was still very surprised. It was the first time he heard that a man and a woman could become friends after breaking off their engagement, and this good friend would visit her once a year.

However, he also knew that Master Jun didn't want to talk more about this matter, so he didn't ask any more questions. Although he was young, he was very thoughtful, otherwise he would not have dared to cancel Ji Jiuzhong's marriage in public.

He was still thinking about refining the antidote pill for his brother, so he said goodbye and left.

Seeing that Beitang Yunyu had left, Mu Zixian took advantage of the opportunity to deliver food boxes and bowls. He leaned at the window of Ruan Xiangluo and said to her: "Miss Ruan, let me tell you some news. I just received it. Your father’s.”

Yunxiang was stunned, father?

I almost forgot that the original owner had a father and mother, but didn’t the original owner’s parents have an accident five years ago? Although I know through the original owner’s memory that the original owner’s father went to find her mother, it seems that her mother’s identity is a bit complicated. It is unlikely that he will come back.

 There was news about her father five years later. What news was it?

She stood up, opened the door and said to Mu Zixian, "Come in and talk." Mu Zixian shook his head, "It's just one sentence, just say it at the door."

After saying that, he lowered his voice and told Yan Xiangluo the news he had received. Yan Xiangluo frowned. It seemed that the original owner's father was still alive and quite capable. He actually made those people helpless to him. He could only use this method. The method forced him to show up.

 Did he really find the original owner’s mother? What had he done to make those people force him to show up in this way?

Seeing that she didn't speak, Mu Zixian thought she was worried and scared. "My master has sent someone to check the person behind her. Miss, be careful."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Thank you very much."

Seeing that her expression returned to normal so quickly, Mu Zixian was filled with emotion and admiration at the same time. No wonder the second master of the Yu family was willing to abandon his daughter. Such a temper was not cultivated in a day and a half. The second master of the Yu family might have lost his daughter after A lot of thought went into it.

After Mu Zixian left, Yan Xiangluo couldn't do anything no matter how calm she was. She did nothing all morning. This was something that had never happened to her since she came to Xianyun Sect. It was the first time she wasted time like this. .

However, she spent the whole morning figuring out what she should do. Since she used someone else's body, she naturally has to bear her share of responsibilities.

The other party has spoken out in this way, so he must know her whereabouts well and is not afraid of the Xianyun Sect.

She didn’t know if this father would show up, but she didn’t want him to show up. After all, his daughter had changed her soul, and she didn’t want to owe him anything.

No matter what, she didn’t want to bring any trouble to Xianyun Sect because of her private affairs. The reputational damage caused by Miao Nagano to Xianyun Sect has not been recovered yet. If Xianyun Sect goes through something again, it may be difficult to recover this reputation.

 After all, he has a special status and is of the same generation as the sect master. If something happens to him in the Xianyun Sect, the Xianyun Sect cannot even protect the safety of his direct disciples. Will anyone else join the sect?

The next time I recruit a disciple, I can probably describe it as a lackluster job.

Originally, she wanted to stay in Xianyun Sect until she left the mainland, but now it seemed that her leisurely life of cultivation was coming to an end.

 The news released this morning means that she still has time to prepare.

 Suddenly something flashed through her mind. She focused her eyes to catch the flash of information. After a while, her eyes suddenly opened wide.

That was the memory of the original owner. When the original owner's father, the second master of the Yuan family, left, he told her that if she encountered someone of unknown origin threatening her life, she should dig under the pomegranate tree in the southeast corner of the family yard. When something comes out, there is a box buried underneath. Once you open the box, you will know what to do.

  Could it be that the original owner’s father knew that such a day would come and left a way out for the original owner?

 It seems that she really wants to go back to Tianshun Imperial City.

It has been more than two years since I was reborn in Tianshun Imperial City, broke off my engagement and severed ties with the Yu family, and left in a hurry.

Even though she was in a hurry when she left, she also made the intention to never go back. After all, she was not the original owner. Although she had the memory of the original owner, she did not live her life as the original owner.

But when she met Yuhao in Wanghai Forest and heard his voice, she knew that the original owner's father had been plotted by them. She changed her plan and wanted to go back to the imperial city to find out the reason. This time was also an opportunity.

 (End of this chapter)

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