The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 120: Letter from Dad (1)

Chapter 120 Letter from Dad (1)

Yanxiang was very careful about loosening the soil. After all, the purpose was to find the jade box.

After sensing the jade box, Yan Xiangluo quietly put it into the space. Continue to loosen the soil of the pomegranate tree, and then water it. After it is done properly, you put away the tools and start cleaning up the room and kitchen.

No matter how much people in the dark see, they can't tell anything. She just came home and has not stayed to clean up for a long time. It looks like she will stay there for a while.

 After all, Xianyun Sect did not release the news of her leaving the sect, even the sect disciples except Jin Xinrong and Beitang Yunyu didn't know.

By the time all the incense drops were cleaned up, it was already past noon.

 She took out the pots and pans and put them in the kitchen, and then took out the ingredients to make lunch. The aroma of the food wafted out, and the neighbors knew she was back.

They all whispered, why is she back at this time? Is she wondering if someone wants to use her to threaten her father?

Thinking of the red notice posted outside the imperial city gate that could not be removed made me tremble with fear.

The neighbors nearby were afraid that if a strong man came and would be implicated in their lives, they immediately packed up their valuable things, left home, and temporarily lived with relatives.

 If you can’t afford to offend, you can’t afford to hide.

By the time Yan Xiangluo finished her lunch, no one was around her neighbors.

After the person arranged by Changfeng came back to report, Changfeng and Mu Zixian both looked at Ji Jiuzhong. A faint light flashed across Ji Jiuzhong's eyes. What is this girl going to do?

 She is not well in Xianyun Sect at this time, so why should she come back?

 “Arrange people to protect you secretly.”

Ji Jiuzhong knew that the other party was not an ordinary person without any clues about him. After all, the people he trained could find out the secrets of other empires and royals.

As for the notice posted outside the imperial city gate, it's not that he can't tear it off, but he doesn't want to reveal his cultivation level, which will cause a lot of trouble. Before he has completely detoxified, he can no longer take risks. His body won't allow it. , so the notice is allowed to exist.

After Yan Xiangluo had a full meal, she went back to her room to rest.

  The doors and windows were closed, blocking the view from outside. No matter how strong the consciousness was, he could only detect that she was in the room, but he didn't know what she was doing specifically.

To be on the safe side, she got into bed and lowered the bed curtains so that even the crack in the window could not see what she was doing.

After everything was done, she took out the jade box.

The jade box is light green, crystal clear, and the quality is very good. The original owner is really proud to make the jade box with jade of such good quality.

 The jade box had no lock. I tried to open it but couldn't.

Yan Xiangluo frowned, is there some mechanism?

She frowned and thought hard for a while, but she couldn't find anything in the original owner's memory that her father had told her about the organization. That was not an organization. Her eyes lit up. Could it be that her blood recognized it?

After all, she has read a lot of fantasy books. In order to prevent outsiders from getting the things passed down by bloodline relatives, it is set up so that only blood of the same bloodline can be put on them. Although her soul had been changed, her flesh and blood was still the original owner. She immediately took out a silver needle and pricked her finger, and dropped a drop of blood on it. The blood was immediately sucked in by the jade box.

Yan Xiangluo tried to open the jade box again, and it opened immediately. As expected.

As soon as the jade box is opened, the first thing that catches the eye is a letter, which says "My daughter Xiangluo is married". The handwriting is painted with silver hooks and flying dragons and phoenixes. From the words, it can be seen that the original owner's father is an informal, elegant and structured man. people.

Picked up the letter and found a small jade box inside the jade box.

Yan Xiangluo did not rush to open the small jade box, but first opened the letter left by the original owner. She understood that how to avoid the life threat of unknown people should be in this letter.

There were three pages of letter paper, and Yan Xiangluo unfolded them gently.

"Luo'er, when you read this letter, your soul in another world should have returned..."

The first sentence made Yan Xiangluo stunned. What does this sentence mean?

  A soul in another world, isn’t it that you are reborn after death, but that you are returning?

 My heart skipped a beat and I continued reading.

"Luo'er, are you confused? Let me explain to you. Your mother was tricked when she was pregnant with Luo'er. Although your mother tried her best to protect you in her belly, she still hurt herself and the baby in her belly. You. When you were born, your talent was too strong. Your injured body could not bear the powerful talent of awakening your entire spiritual root after you were born. The only consequence was that you would face death after you were born."

Yan Xiangluo's hands were trembling. She had never thought that her life experience was so mysterious.

"Your mother has a special ability. She separated your soul and soul and sent them to be reincarnated in another world. In this way, if the soul is incomplete, you will not awaken your spiritual roots immediately after awakening the human soul. But there are also disadvantages. Even before your soul returns, your talents will be very poor, so all your spiritual root talents will become a five-spirit-root waste material."

It turns out that the five spiritual roots merged into one not because I passed the first level of Pangu Flower Bloom and corrected my talent, but because my original talent was the five spiritual roots, which were restored due to the return of the soul. Although they both have five spiritual roots, one is a peerless genius and the other is a peerless waste.

"And the body of the soul sent away will be very bad because it only has one soul, and its life will not be long. Your mother said that your soul will return when you are thirteen years old, just right When you are thirteen years old, you will have a great calamity of life and death. This can break your calamity of life and death, and then you will have the memory of two worlds."

It’s no wonder that I was in poor health in my previous life. It turned out to be because I only had one soul and one soul. It’s no wonder that my body could recover with such an incomplete soul.

"Originally, we were with you, thinking that we would explain to you after your soul returns, but something happened suddenly. Something happened to your mother, and dad had to save her, leaving you alone to face the future life. I don't know Isn't Xiao Luo'er very scared? My daughter, don't be afraid, you must remember what dad once told you, any experience is wealth, and everything you experience is to pave the way for you to be strong in the future."

Seeing this, Yan Xiangluo's tears flowed uncontrollably. In the past two years, although she was grateful for her rebirth, she never felt a sense of belonging to this world. She always felt that she only had the chance to survive by occupying other people's bodies. She had to cherish it. She never thought that all of this was hers, her parents were hers, and the love and happiness she once had were also hers. At this moment, her mood changed.

Yan Xiangluo was extremely proud. She had parents who loved her very much. They were strong, unworldly and free, and they were the kind of parents she longed for.

 At this moment, she had even more confidence to become a strong person.

 (End of this chapter)

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