The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 141: Fairy Yama

Chapter 141 Fairy Yama

But she didn't pay attention to him. She was very self-aware of her appearance. Let alone men, it was difficult for women to look away. She had no choice but to look so beautiful because of what her parents gave her.

 A man who can keep his true feelings in front of her long face has extraordinary perseverance and thoughts. What's more, Beitang Yunfeng is Beitang Yunyu's brother.

However, although she has a good relationship with Beitang Yunyu, she has never been in contact with his brother Beitang Yunfeng. As for the rumors, she doesn't believe them at all, so she doesn't deliberately get close to him or deliberately distance herself from him, and just get along with him.

 After eating, she saw that Yun Tuan was still eating, so she closed her eyes and continued to use her spiritual consciousness to refine the divine beads. At the same time, she released her mental power and was alert to her surroundings.

After Yun Tuan was full, he jumped on her shoulders and lay on it. His dark eyes watched the people around him warily, especially those who glanced at his owner from time to time.

At first, those people didn't pay attention to Yun Tuan, but those who looked at Yun Tuan all felt the oppressive feeling from their souls, which made their hearts tremble. Such a small thing didn't look like a battle pet. , how come there is such strong pressure?

The woman who coveted Yun Tuan finally beat her brother to the point where the man could not get up and walked over.

Sensing someone approaching, Xiangluo suddenly opened her eyes. The sharp gaze made the man pause in his footsteps. He stopped five or six steps away from her, and then coughed lightly and said, "Girl, my sister likes you very much." Spiritual pet, you give me a price and I’ll buy it.”

His sister also came over and said arrogantly: "You can make whatever price you want, our family has plenty of money."

While speaking, he passed his brother and walked to Yan Xiangluo. He stretched out his hand to lift the cloud from Yan Xiangluo's shoulders, but the hair on the cloud exploded.

 “Not for sale.”

Yan Xiangluo's movements looked unpleasant, but she easily avoided the woman's hand, picked up the cloud, put it in her palm, and stroked it.

The hair that exploded from the cloud was immediately smoothed down.

The woman's face looked very ugly, and she opened her mouth and said, "You need to know where this place is. Countless people have died here."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes turned cold. She didn't want to cause trouble, but she wasn't afraid of it. He actually threatened her. How courageous he was!

The woman who was sitting cross-legged on the ground suddenly stood up from the ground, her red skirt was flying, and in the blink of an eye, her hands grabbed the woman's neck.

 The change only occurred in a moment. The woman had no defense at all, mainly due to lack of strength. She struggled in fear, but because her neck was pinched by Yan Xiangluo, she could not say a word.

"Are you reminding me, are you tired of living?" Yan Xiangluo's girlish voice was obviously soft, but everyone could hear the murderous intent.

The woman's brother drew his sword and pointed it at Yan Xiangluo and attacked, "Let go of my sister."

Yan Xiangluo looked at the man with contempt, pinched the woman's hand without letting go, twisted her body, and threw the woman in her hand away, facing the man's long sword.

The man was too close. He was so frightened that he tried his best to change the direction of his sword. Although he did not hit his sister, the brother and sister collided with each other and flew some distance before falling.

Everyone looked at the brother and sister who fell to the ground in shock. They didn't use much force to look at the woman in the red dress. What level of cultivation was she?

That's not all. Before the two siblings could get up, Yuan Xiangluo Ren had already chased after her. He stepped on the woman's body, which happened to trample the two brothers and sisters who were stacked up under their feet. No matter how hard they struggled, they could not escape. not open.

Yan Xiangluo looked down at the two of them and said in a cold tone: "Do you still want my spiritual pet?"

The brother and sister finally got scared. When the two men who were with them saw that things were not going well, they quickly ran over and tried to smooth things over: "Girl, calm down. Ling'er is used to being pampered at home. If there is anything inappropriate, we will apologize for her. Girls, please forgive me." Forgive her this time."    They felt very helpless. If it weren't for the family's needs, they would not want to pay attention to these mentally retarded siblings, especially Qin Ling'er, who kept them around all the way.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at them, saw their flattering expressions, and snorted, "Get out of my sight immediately."

As soon as he finished speaking, he moved his feet, and the spiritual power entangled the brother and sister. He kicked them out, and the brother and sister flew out.

"Thank you, girl, for showing mercy." The two men thanked them and hurriedly chased after them. After the fall, they didn't know what the two brothers and sisters were like.

The brother and sister were thrown out again. This time the force was not light. Although Yan Xiangluo only used five points of strength, she was at the peak of the ninth level of the spirit level. The brother and sister were at the third level of the spirit level for the male and the female was promoted. At the spirit level, even five points of strength is enough for the two siblings.

 The moment they landed on the ground, the brother and sister felt that their internal organs had shifted.

 Two men ran over, helped them up, and asked how they were doing. Both brother and sister resented the two for not helping them earlier. The woman cried, "Brother, I want her to die."

The two of them immediately didn't know what to say. They both considered whether to find a chance to separate from the two of them, otherwise they would definitely be implicated to death by these two idiots who didn't know the heights of the world.

Both of them are at the seventh level of the spiritual level. They didn't realize that the girl's cultivation level must be higher than them. You two wasted countless spiritual stones before the secret realm opened to break through to the spiritual level. , a talent level three, you dare to provoke others, just because you are stupid enough.

As the elder brother, the man's eyes were full of viciousness. He was used to being supported at home. When had he ever been so angry? He also wanted her to die, but knew that they couldn't do it now.

“We can’t do it now. We’ll torture her to death when our people are gathered together.”

 The family has sent experts to protect them, but they haven’t been found yet.

From the way that Yan Xiangluo treated their brother and sister so easily, the man knew that none of the four of them were as strong as the woman in the red dress, and now there was only a dead end for them.

 The two men breathed a sigh of relief. It was okay that they were not getting along for the time being. They should quickly find a chance to leave the brother and sister who were preparing to die.

  What kind of luck did the two of them have? How did they come across such a huge secret realm and meet the two brothers and sisters?

After taking the healing elixir, the four of them continued walking forward, not daring to stay in Yu Xiangluo's sight any longer.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the backs of the four people and returned to rest under the tree. It was not that she was soft-hearted, but at the moment of taking action, she thought that she had experienced two worlds and knew the consequences of creating too much karma. Do yourself a favor.

Everyone swallowed their saliva, what kind of little fairy was there, a proper female Yama!

Everyone who wanted to take advantage of her before has stopped trying. There is no other way. Not to mention her cultivation level is not comparable to hers, and even her ruthlessness cannot be compared to hers.

 The whole process was like the cloud clinging to her shoulders, motionless, and only Yan Xiangluo could hear its excited voice.

 (End of this chapter)

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