The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 143: Roasted Adult Dried

Chapter 143: Roasted Adults

After walking for a quarter of an hour, the two of them saw a barren mountain. The mountains seemed to be deliberately long. They were all the same height and shape. From a distance, there was no difference. Just like a child who just learned to draw draws several identical mountain peaks.

There is only one way through the middle. Many people stand at the entrance and dare not go in. Some people want to find another way, but they can't find any other way. They can't even climb the mountain. The reason is simple. It was so hot that the heat melted the shoes as soon as I stepped on them.

Who dares to go up there?

Yan Xiangluo stopped and asked Beitang Yunfeng, "Is that the entrance to the Valley of Fire?"

Beitang Yunfeng nodded and said, "It should be." He hadn't been here either, but judging from the situation, it should be.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at everyone. Since what are you waiting for here, she had no choice but to go in. Suddenly she thought of a question and turned to ask Beitang Yunfeng: "What will happen if you don't go in?"

Beitang Yunfeng was stunned. Would anyone not come in just now?

But he still replied: "Then we can only wait until one month is up and be automatically sent out of the secret realm."

"Does that mean you can get out alive if you don't go in?" Yan Xiangluo understood somewhat that this Flame Valley was for training people.

Beitang Yunfeng nodded, "That's normal, but it doesn't rule out fights between people."

He thought that Yan Xiangluo wanted to stay here and wait for the time to go out when he asked these questions, but he saw that as soon as he finished answering, Yan Xiangluo walked towards the entrance of the Valley of Fire.

 He feels more and more special about her, and her ideas are always beyond his expectation.

Glancing at Qin Suyue, who was trying her best to hide herself in the crowd, she followed Yan Xiangluo and asked, "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get out if you go in?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at her, "If I can't get out, I guess there won't be many people who can get out."

 Another unexpected answer. Why does it feel like she is so confident and a little arrogant?

Beitang Yunfeng’s mouth twitched. Well, this girl is not a normal person, and her arrogance is not annoying. On the contrary, she is very cute.

People outside who dared not go in looked at the two of them, talking and walking into the entrance of the Valley of Fire easily, as if it was not a scary place, but a place for sightseeing.

Although Qin Suyue was spotted by Beitang Yunfeng in the crowd, she felt a little more relaxed when she saw that he didn't say hello to her.

Looking at Yan Xiangluo's back with evil eyes, he met her the day after he came in. It seemed that God was on her side.

Qin Suyue, who had arrived a long time ago and had been hesitating to enter, held her breath and walked towards the entrance of the Flame Valley.

Since she has no idea, she can only rush into the Valley of Fire. After all, it is her only chance to get the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover. If she stays here, she can save her life, but it also means fighting against the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover. There was no chance for Cao. Thinking of the reality she would face in the future, she would rather die inside than go out and live.

 Besides, this is such a good place and such a good opportunity. It would be such a relief to bake Xiangluo into a human being and stay here forever.

Yan Xiangluo turned around suddenly when she noticed the murderous aura behind her, and saw a woman wearing a snow-white dress walking towards the entrance of the Flame Valley. The murderous aura had disappeared. She did not find the source of the murderous aura, but she intuitively knew that the murderous aura should come from this woman. on the body.

He glanced at the woman and narrowed his eyes. It was Qin Suyue. No wonder, it turned out to be her, so it is not difficult to explain the murderous aura. The murderous aura I sensed twice before entering the secret realm must have come from her.

 Now that you know who the other party is, you should be more careful.

The Valley of Fire itself is very dangerous, and you have to be careful of someone doing something shady. You know that the level of the Valley of Fire is not easy.

 At this time, Ji Jiuzhong was standing in front of another random danger, the "Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts".

Like the Valley of Fire, Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain also appears randomly. The requirement is to pass through Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain one day and one night under the attack of ten thousand monsters. If you don’t do it within the time limit, you will stay in Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain forever. Of course, it’s accurate. It is said that it is left in the belly of the monster in Wanshou Mountain. No matter how strong a person is in cultivation, it is impossible for him to fight all the time without rest, and his spiritual power will always be exhausted.

Similarly, people who see the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain have only two choices, either to wait for the secret realm experience to be completed and be automatically teleported out, or to go in and give it a try.

This multiple-choice question did not exist for Ji Jiuzhong, and he walked into the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts without hesitation. For a person with his level of cultivation, only when such an opportunity for training can he truly gain experience, how could he give up?

 When Ji Jiuzhong entered the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts, it was also the time when Yan Xiangluo entered the Valley of Fire.

As soon as I entered, the hot breath suddenly doubled several times, and it felt like it was really going to roast people.

There is a huge valley inside, surrounded by mountains. The ups and downs in the valley are not very flat. There are countless winding paths leading to the front between the ups and downs. The line of sight is not blocked, and you can clearly see the surroundings. The mountains are all the same, there is no exit, and there is no way to know where to go out. The paths in the middle are densely packed and feel like a maze.

The two of them turned to look at the entrance almost at the same time. At this time, the entrance was no longer visible. They could only see people constantly appearing inside. Obviously, it was impossible to get out through the entrance after entering.

Beitang Yunfengfeng's eyes narrowed. Although he had checked all the information he could find before the secret realm was opened, there was no fixed information about Flame Valley and Ten Thousand Beast Mountain. Only one thing was the same, self-enlightenment and You must have all the strength to go out.

In other words, these two training places are the real training places in the secret realm.

He glanced at Yan Xiangluo beside him and saw that her expression was still calm. He felt a little emotional in his heart. He himself had no idea. He wanted to know if Yan Xiangluo was really so calm in her heart.

Yan Xiangluo was really at peace in her heart, not because she was not afraid, but because of the experience she had accumulated during the past three years. The more dangerous the moment, the more calm she had to be. Her parents had told her this before, but only in person. Only through experience did she know that it was difficult to do it, but fortunately, she had developed this good habit within three years.

Yan Xiangluo walked towards a small road. He only had a day and a night, but the valley was very big. If he didn't have a clue and wandered around, he wouldn't be able to walk a few times in a day and a night, so wandering around was obviously not an option.

 But you can’t just stand there and watch, because you won’t be able to find a way to leave.

This path leads to the mountain side of the valley where she just came in. It is also the place with the highest temperature in the Valley of Fire. The closer to the mountain side, the higher the temperature.

As soon as she walked out, a layer of dust rose under her feet, and she realized that the entire Valley of Fire was covered with a thick layer of dust. How could there be such thick dust here?

As he walked further, he suddenly saw a man lying on the ground.

 (End of this chapter)

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