The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 151: Someone robbed

Chapter 151 Someone robbed

Ji Jiuzhong saw that he could not delay any longer. It would take time to search for the spiritual spring. With so many people there, he could not guarantee that he was the one destined to be there.

  Looking down the mountain, she still didn't see the red color. She didn't know whether it was because she couldn't make it in time, didn't want to come, or was in danger. Even though she was worried, she didn't hesitate, opened the entrance, and went down.

It's useless for him to worry. He doesn't know where she is and can't help her. He can only wait until he gets out before looking for her. Anyway, he needs her to refine the detoxification pill for him. He has a reason to look for her. He prays in his heart that she can get out safely. .

Changfeng and others followed him down.

 There are many entrances. As for who can find the spiritual spring and get the nine-leaf clover, it depends on his own ability.

After the entrances were discovered one by one, all the waiting people flocked in, fearing that they would go in too late and miss the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover. Don't you know that even if you go in, you may not have the chance to see the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover. .

When Yan Xiangluo finally arrived at the location of Lingquan, what he saw was such a crowded scene.

Ji Jiuzhong just opened the entrance and went down. He didn't see her, and she didn't see him either. The two of them missed each other perfectly.

Yan Xiangluo frowned as she watched groups of people rushing in all directions. What is going on?

After listening carefully, I realized that the spiritual spring was below. Many entrances were discovered at once, and they all crowded in to get in.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the crowded entrances, did not move forward, and hid in a place with lush trees to watch.

With so many entrances, not all of them lead to the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people who came to the location of Lingquan, but they didn't even get the Lingquan and the Nine-Leaf Clover.

I looked around for Ji Jiuzhong, but I couldn't find him. I don't know if he went in or if he didn't arrive. But based on his strength, he should have already entered. After all, the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover are related to his life.

I did see Beitang Yunfeng again, but he hurriedly found an entrance and went in. There were many people following him, who should be his subordinates.

I also saw Qin Suyue, who seemed to have just arrived, dusty and somewhat embarrassed, and was running towards an entrance.

I actually saw the brother and sister who sold Yun Tuan and wanted to kill people to win favor. Their low cultivation level actually came to the location of Lingquan. I have to say that a strong family background is also part of the strength.

There are also some familiar faces that we have seen in the Valley of Fire, and it seems that there are quite a few people coming out. Yan Xiangluo did not stay outside, but directly found a secluded place and entered the space to rest. I was a little curious in my heart, wondering how many people were left in the Valley of Fire, roasting them into dry powder.

Seeing so many powerful people entering, Yan Xiangluo frowned and waited until there were fewer people before going in to take a look. Anyway, she just wanted to open her eyes now, and she didn't have to get the nine-leaf clover and spiritual spring water. .

After eating and drinking in the space, she rested for a while. When there was no one else outside except for a few people coming here, she left the space and looked at the locations of several entrances.

There are few people entering the entrance on the mountain. The other entrances are at the bottom of the mountain, which is convenient to enter. In addition, most people think that the spiritual spring should be underground, and there is no need to enter from the top of the mountain.

Yan Xiangluo wanted to go in through the entrance on the top of the mountain. She had no other intention and just wanted to choose a place with less people. However, she still asked Yun Tuan, a little treasure hunt expert, which entrance to go in. Yun Tuan also asked her to go in from the top of the mountain. Go in that entrance.

Whether it was a mistake or fate, Yan Xiangluo chose the entrance that Ji Jiuzhong found and went in.

I climbed up the mountain and looked at the entrance. It was pitch black, straight up and down, and I couldn't see the bottom. Should I jump directly?

 When nothing is clear, it is still very dangerous to continue like this. After thinking about it, she still couldn't jump like this, so she found a few pieces of red silk that she used as a belt, tied them together, tied one end to the nearest tree, and tied a red gauze wrapped with lighting beads around her waist. , and then slid down the red silk.

She used all the red silk belt, but it still didn't slide to the bottom. She was hanging in mid-air. Looking down, fortunately, she saw the ground. Although she was still very high, she felt confident.

Let go of your hands, use your feet to lean on the nearby rocks, leap downwards, and land firmly on the ground. She looked around. It was not spacious, but there were many roads leading in all directions. A group of crows flew overhead. Is there a maze below?

He poked the cloud on his shoulder with his finger, "Where are you going?"

Yun Tuan pointed with his little paw, "This way."

Yan Xiangluo walked in the direction pointed by the clouds without hesitation. After walking for less than a quarter of an hour, she heard voices coming from in front of her.

 “Why do I feel like I’ve walked this road?”

“We have indeed passed by. We rested here just now.”

 “Are we lost?”

 “What should we do?”

 “It’s like a maze.”


Yan Xiangluo frowned. She didn't want to run into someone else, but she was about to run into them. Now there was no fork in the road, so she had to meet them head-on.

While thinking about it, I saw six men walking in front of me. The expressions on their faces were not very good-looking, but three of them had cultivation levels above the king level, and three of them had the same cultivation level as her, and they were all at the peak of the ninth level of the spiritual level. However, it can be seen that the cultivation levels of the three of them have just been promoted and are not yet stable.

He was stunned when he saw her. He looked her up and down, lingering on the red dress she was wearing for a moment, and then looked at each other with greed in their eyes.

A dark light flashed across Yan Xiang's eyes, and she hated the way they looked at her.

“Brothers, we are lucky.”

“Yeah, I’m wearing a red dress, I’m young, I’m very beautiful, and I have a little white animal as my pet, are all the right things?”

"Hand over the Gentleman's Sword, and we will spare your life. Of course, you can't be blinded in vain if you are so beautiful, right?" The person who spoke was extremely obscene. As soon as he finished speaking, the other five people all laughed with obscene expressions on their faces. .

 The robbery has come to her.

Yan Xiangluo understood that the news that she had obtained the Gentleman's Sword had spread. These people saw her dress and were sure that she was the one who had obtained the Gentleman's Sword. They wanted their own Gentleman's Sword and were greedy for their own beauty. color.

Such a group of disgusting people dare to come in front of her and disgust her.

 He raised the corners of his lower lips and smiled brightly, "The Gentleman's Sword is something you, a bunch of despicable and despicable people, can covet. Showing it to you is an insult to the Gentleman's Sword."

It doesn't matter if her cultivation level is higher than hers. The space here is so narrow that they can't use it. And she has the cheating magical Pangu space, so it's not difficult to kill them.

Yu Xiangluo's voice sounded great, but it was too insulting. The faces of the six people opposite her suddenly became extremely ugly. No one could bear to be looked down upon and insulted like this.

 (End of this chapter)

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