The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 153: Guizhou donkey has no skills

Chapter 153 The donkey is at his wits end

Yan Xiangluo looked at the hidden guards who could not hide in the dark at this time, and then looked at Jin Yutang.

Jin Yutang is the leader of Ji Jiuzhong's hidden guard. She had seen him in the cave in Wanghai Forest, but she never saw him again.

 Hence, she is more familiar with Changfeng and Mu Zixian.

However, what she didn't know was that Jin Yutang was no stranger to her. It was just that he often looked at her in the dark and she didn't know it.

"Girl, you came in time. Please show it to our master." Mu Zixian did not forget that Ji Jiuzhong was in a coma and was dying.

Yan Xiangluo looked over, Changfeng and Mu Zixian stepped aside, and she saw Ji Jiuzhong, who was leaning against the stone wall of the tunnel and unconscious.

His face was so dark that it was scary. She knew with just one glance that the poison she had sealed with a silver needle had dispersed.

Hurry over and squat down to feel his pulse, which is so weak that you can hardly feel it.

"What's going on?" Yan Xiangluo asked without raising her head, but her hand did not leave Ji Jiuzhong's pulse and continued to feel his pulse to find a glimmer of hope for him.

Changfeng and Mu Zixian looked at each other, and Mu Zixian said: "Yesterday, my master was tricked by his own people. He was forced to use all his spiritual power, and then he fell into a coma. I took a look, and Miss Yu used The poison sealed by the silver needle has dispersed, and the master's entire chest is black. "

He didn't know what to do in this situation. After all, the silver needle technique that Yan Xiangluo pointed out to him was not that strong yet, so he didn't dare to do it randomly.

 The detoxification pill he refined has long been ineffective on Ji Jiuzhong.

Yan Xiangluo let go and pulled off Ji Jiuzhong's clothes, revealing his chest. Sure enough, it was all black.

She raised her hand and turned Ji Jiuzhong over, and roughly tore off his clothes. His back began to turn black, which spread from his chest, leaving only a disc-sized area in the center of his back. It’s still the true color of the skin.

Yan Xiangluo looked up at the tunnel and said to the three of them: "Hurry up and find a tunnel that can be sealed. I need a quiet space to rescue immediately. After my back is completely dark, I will be unable to save myself. "

When the three of them heard that their master could still be saved, their faces burst into surprise. Changfeng and Jin Yutang immediately looked around. When they saw a three-way intersection, they immediately walked over. Changfeng came back after a while.

Changfeng said: "Girl, we've done it over there. I'll carry the master over there."

As soon as he finished speaking, he bent down and picked up Ji Jiuzhong and walked quickly towards the passage. Yan Xiangluo quickly followed.

Mu Zixian and other hidden guards also followed.

When they came to the passage, Yu Xiangluo saw Jin Yutang busy inside. Seeing Changfeng coming over with Ji Jiuzhong in his arms, he immediately asked several hidden guards to go in first and guard the inside with him. Only then did Changfeng Ji Jiuzhong put it on the quilt that Mu Zixian took out, then stepped aside to guard the other side.

"Don't worry, Miss. Both sides are sealed with isolation patterns. No one can know that we are here. Even if they know, they can't get in." Changfeng's implication is that you can safely treat our master.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at all the hidden guards, "Are you sure there is no problem among these people?" Ji Jiuzhong was really in danger now. Once the treatment process was interrupted, she was really helpless.

Jin Yutang, Changfeng and Mu Zixian all sighed inwardly after hearing her words. Look, these girls don’t trust their own people anymore.

“Don’t worry, Miss. All of us have sworn a soul oath, and no one will be betrayed by our master.” Jin Yutang spoke.

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said to Mu Zixian, "Come over and help me."

Mu Zixian immediately walked over and said, "It's good to help. It's a good opportunity to learn." He discovered that he benefited a lot every time he watched Yuan Xiangluo heal his master.

“Let him keep sitting cross-legged for cultivation, and just help me hold him up.”

Yan Xiangluo took out the needle roll and quickly opened it. Instead of disinfecting it with wine, she directly wiped it with spiritual power. It was cleaner than disinfecting it with wine.

Mu Zixian followed her instructions and helped Ji Jiuzhong up. With the help of Changfeng, he asked Ji Jiuzhong to sit cross-legged. Then Mu Zixian supported Ji Jiuzhong on one side and maintained this posture.

He saw Yan Xiangluo picking up four silver needles in one hand and quickly pricking a needle up, down, left, and right on the area on Ji Jiuzhong's back that was not yet black. As soon as the four needles fell, Mu Zixian could see with the naked eye. The spread of toxins has stopped.

It was so magical. He was so impressed by Yan Xiangluo's silver needle technique that he wanted to bow down to her.

After the four needles were inserted to stop the spread of the poison, Yan Xiangluo was not relaxed either. The three longest silver needles were inserted into the center formed by the four needles. The three needles were inserted into the center in a triangular shape, one inch apart, and then again. One needle stuck in the center of the three needles.

Then a magical scene appeared. The black toxin retreated at a speed visible to the naked eye. For every inch it retreated, Yuan Xiangluo dropped four needles one inch away from the four needles, completely intercepting the toxin. In this way, until the toxin retreated to the chest and stopped retreating, Yuan Xiangluo inserted nine needles around the toxin. At this time, none of the 108 silver needles in the needle roll were left. .

Yan Xiangluo's face was covered with sweat, dripping down drop by drop. It was not because she was tired, but because she was nervous. Although she had saved many people with her extraordinary silver needle technique in her two lives, this was the first time she had used one hundred and eight needles. All the silver needles were used, which shows that Ji Jiuzhong was indeed on the verge of life and death.

"Don't worry, but the toxin can no longer reduce the area. This is the limit of what I can do. After pulling out the silver needle after a quarter of an hour, the toxin will be like this. It can only last three days. This time I can I'm really at my wits' end. If something happens again, don't make things difficult for me." Yuan Xiangluo took out a silk handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on her head.

Although the range of the toxin is twice as large as before, it’s good to be able to save your life. Tomorrow is the time for the secret realm to be closed. The most important thing for Ji Jiu is to get the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover to detoxify. If he can't get it, his fate will be like this. She really has no choice.

Mu Zixian, Changfeng and Jin Yutang felt very ashamed. Every time Miss Yu told her master not to overuse his spiritual power, they all thought they could do it. However, every time there would be accidents that they couldn't prevent, which made them unable to prevent them. The master is on the verge of life and death, and now they are embarrassed to say that they can protect the master.

 Therefore, the three of them were silent.

Yan Xiangluo didn't care. Anyway, she had tried her best. Whether it was Ji Jiuzhong's Jiyin Xuanwen technique, helping her to find out her father's life experience, and giving her a map of the secret realm, she could use this time to save her life. The favor was paid, she didn't owe Ji Jiuzhong anything.

 I feel a lot more relaxed.

 (End of this chapter)

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