The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 201: Use Yu Ge

 Chapter 201 Using Yu Ge

Yu Ge was sitting cross-legged on a big stone and practicing. He seemed to be a completely different person from before. There was a gloomy air about him that made people uncomfortable to watch.

 “Yu Ge.” The great elder shouted.

Yu Ge quit practicing, stood up, and saluted, "Yu Ge has met the great elder."

The great elder walked over with a kind look on his face, "Has there been any progress in your cultivation recently?"

Yu Ge gave another salute, "We have reached the fifth level of honor."

Changfeng and the others would definitely be surprised if they heard this. Yu Ge was the lowest among them in cultivation, and now he was at the fifth level. This would have been impossible before.

 The great elder nodded and said, "Although the promotion is fast, it is not enough."

Yu Ge said in surprise, "Ji Jiuzhong has broken through to the ninth level?"

When he was abandoned by Ji Jiuzhong, Ji Jiuzhong should have been at the fifth level of cultivation. It has only been more than two years, but Ji Jiuzhong's body with fetal poison has broken through to the ninth level?

The great elder shook his head and said, "He doesn't know what method he used. We can't see through his cultivation level. However, if you don't take me seriously, your cultivation level must be high. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us." ”

Yu Ge glanced at the Great Elder and asked, "Does the Great Elder want to take action now?"

"You must take action, otherwise you will have no chance. He is much more powerful than his mother." The elder said through gritted teeth.

Yu Ge was stunned, "Are you sure?"

He has followed Ji Jiuzhong for so many years, and he still knows Ji Jiuzhong well. No one can guess his thoughts. No one can escape who he wants to plot. Therefore, even if he has reached the fifth level of cultivation now, , he also has an instinctive fear of Ji Jiuzhong.

However, the hatred for Ji Jiuzhong in his heart made him want to confront him as soon as possible. After speaking out of his heart, thinking about stepping on Ji Jiuzhong to improve his cultivation, he felt much less afraid.

The great elder raised his lips and said, "I wasn't sure before, but now I am."

Yu Ge's eyes lit up. He was taught by the Great Elder himself, and he also knew the Great Elder's strength and calculations very well. He would not do anything that he was not sure of.

 As for who can be Ji Jiuzhong’s opponent, Yu Ge’s heart is none other than the great elder.

 “How do you say it?” Yu Ge asked urgently.

 The great elder was very satisfied with the song's reaction and held up a box in his hand, "Because there is it."

Yu Ge looked at the box and asked doubtfully, "What is here?"

“Something that can help you kill Ji Jiuzhong.” The elder said to Yu Ge in a seductive tone.

Yu Ge’s eyes narrowed, “What thing has such ability?”

He is very aware of Ji Jiuzhong's fighting ability. Even if you see him dying, he will still be able to kill you.

Ji Jiuzhong is a person who can calculate things to the core. He always has the ability to use the weak power in his hands to calculate the death of a couple.

 “Things from the Spirit Clan.” The Great Elder said with a smile.

“Elf clan stuff?” Yu Ge was stunned, not expecting that the stuff inside was actually the spirit clan stuff, but he still didn’t know what could help him kill Ji Jiuzhong. "Yes, I exchanged this with someone from the Spirit Clan. As long as you open the box, the contents inside will be imprinted on you. You know the soul control power of the Spirit Clan. When you fight Ji Jiuzhong, The other party can use your body to control the soul. With your current cultivation strength, if Ji Jiuzhong's soul is controlled, won't you be able to kill him?" Yu Ge was immediately tempted by the great elder's bewitching tone.

"If I can really control his soul, I can kill him if I have a moment's chance." Yu Ge said with certainty.

 The great elder laughed, "That's right, your chance has come."

He handed the box to him as he spoke, "Open it and you can realize your wish. Tonight is a good opportunity."

Yu Ge hesitated but couldn't resist the temptation of the great elder and reached out to take the box. He opened the box with trembling hands. There was nothing in the box, but a ray of light rushed out from inside and penetrated into Yu Ge's eyebrows.

Yu Ge was stunned for a moment, "Is this enough?"

The great elder nodded and took the box back from his hand, "Don't worry, I'm looking for an elder from the dragon clan. He's very strong. Go ahead, kill him, absorb his spiritual power, and you can instantly break through to the senior level." At the peak of the ninth level, you have been away from the clan for ten years. As long as you break through to the clan level, you can leave here and go to the higher continent. For the sake of quota, no one will make it difficult for you because of a dead person, not to mention that I will help you. "

Hearing this, Yu Ge finally made up his mind and glanced at the sky, "I'll go right away."

Looking at Yu Ge walking toward the courtyard where Ji Jiuchong lives, a figure appeared next to the elder. He was the thirteenth elder of the Long family. "Are you sure he can do it?"

How can a person who has cultivated his skills through evil means be Ji Jiuzhong's opponent?

The great elder smiled proudly, "You don't need him to be Ji Jiuzhong's opponent. What you need is not the opportunity to control the soul. None of us can step forward and we can only let this idiot go."

The thirteenth elder of the Long family frowned, "It's a bit far here."

The great elder pointed to the nearest courtyard next to the courtyard where Ji Jiuzhong lived and said, "My people live in that courtyard. It has been arranged. Let's go there now. If it succeeds, we can leave here and go to the higher continent. If it fails, , we can also retreat quickly, and no one will know that we are involved.”

The thirteenth elder of the Long family asked, "Aren't you afraid that Yu Ge will tell you?"

"He won't. In the Xu family, he only trusts me. With his hatred for Ji Jiuzhong, he will never tell me. Even if he fails, in order to leave Ji Jiuzhong an enemy and a rival, he will not put me Tell it." The great elder said confidently.

 In fact, he secretly thought: He had already poisoned Yu Ge, and Yu Ge would not have the chance to betray him, but he could not say this to the thirteenth elder of the Long family.

 Otherwise, he would wonder if he had also poisoned him. In fact, he had also poisoned him. How could he give the opportunity that he had calculated for nearly thirty years to others.

The thirteen elders of the Long family are just tools and chess pieces in his hands.

 Sure enough, the thirteen elders of the Long family felt relieved after hearing what he said.

“Let’s go, it’s almost time.” The first elder said to the thirteenth elder of the Long family.

  The two of them walked quietly towards the courtyard where the elder mentioned, without disturbing anyone.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo looked at the sea in the night not far ahead and was extremely surprised. She lived in two worlds alone. She in the other life and she here came to the seaside for the first time and saw it with her own eyes. to the sea.

 The waves in the night were crashing over her like giant beasts. It looked scary, but she felt very excited.

 (End of this chapter)

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