The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 253: his secret

 Chapter 253 His Secret

Ge Tianjun left her a token. He said that he would know when she arrived in the Higher Continent. I don’t know if Ge Tianjun knows now, or he will have to wait until Xueyuan comes to know.

But she didn't want to tell Ji Jiuzhong this idea. After all, Ji Jiuzhong cultivated the righteous path, while Ge Tianjun practiced the demonic path.

Although she doesn't care about the righteous path or the demonic path, it doesn't mean that other righteous monks don't care. She doesn't understand Ji Jiuzhong, and she can't have 100% trust in him. She doesn't want to cause any trouble or danger to her sworn brother because of herself.

“What plans do you have in the future?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned, plan? Originally there was, but it was all disrupted by her appearance.

"I want to find the inheritance of the Ji family." Ji Jiuzhong thought for a while and said.

 No matter how things change, he has to do this. This is his mission as a descendant of the Ji family.

“The Ji family is inherited from the Higher Continent? Do you mean to say that the royal family of the Tianshun Empire comes from the Higher Continent?” Yan Xiangluo was surprised.

Ji Jiuguang nodded, "This is the secret of the Ji family, which is only passed down orally among each generation of emperors. In my generation, because I awakened the blood of the Ji family, my father told me, and this secret of the Ji family is The Tianshun Empire has come to an end.”

Yan Xiangluo finally understood why no one in the royal family of Tianshun Empire knew Xuan Wen, but Ji Jiuzhong had a copy of such a high-level Xuan Wen technique in his hands, and the name of the technique was Ji Yin, which was passed down from generation to generation in their Ji family. of.

“Is it related to Xuan Wen?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

"Yes, I don't know how many years the Ji family has been living in the lower continent, and I don't know how they came down. Before the Ji family established the Tianshun Empire, it was passed down from generation to generation among the successive family heads. There have been countless How many generations have passed. Therefore, the original purpose has been changed by word of mouth. There is only one useful sentence left to my father. The descendants of the awakened Ji family bloodline must return to the higher continent to find the Ji family inheritance. Inheritance. The Ji Yin Technique suddenly appeared in front of me after I awakened my bloodline. Apart from me, only you can read and learn this technique."

Yan Xiangluo did not expect that Ji Jiuzhong would have such a heavy burden on him, nor did he expect that the Ji Seal that Ji Jiuzhong gave him would be so magical. No one could read or learn it except him, so why could he read and learn it?

Yan Xiangluo did not think deeply about this question and asked again, "The Higher Continent is so big, where can we find the inheritance of the Ji family? Are there any Ji family members in the Higher Continent? Are there no clues for you?"

Yan Xiangluo felt that even a low-level continent in the Tianqian Continent was already that big, and that a high-level continent with many affiliated low-level continents would be larger in size without even thinking about it.

If there are no clues at all, and the Ji family has disappeared in the higher continent for so long, how can Ji Jiuzhong find it?

Ji Jiuzhong smiled bitterly, "There are no other clues."

He didn't know whether there were people from other bloodlines of the Ji family here.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless, "Should I say you are lucky, or too pitiful?"

 “That’s not true.” Ji Jiuzhong said in a funny tone.

It is precisely because he awakened the bloodline of the Ji family that his cultivation talent is stronger, and he can survive the fetal poison in his body until it is detoxified, and he has the opportunity to come here.

Yan Xiangluo sighed. If she could help, she would help. That was all she could do. She should help him pay attention in the future!

"Xuanwen Master is a noble and mysterious profession even in the higher continent. Since your family has a heritage, you will not be an unknown person in the higher continent before. If you check slowly, there will always be news." Yu Xiangluo comforted. Ji Jiuzhong said.

Ji Jiuzhong agreed with what Yan Xiangluo said. In fact, he was not worried about not finding the inheritance of the Ji family. After all, he had awakened the blood of the Ji family. As long as he encountered the inheritance, he would feel it.

What he was worried about was why the Ji family would be exiled to the lower continent, whether there were any enemies in the higher continent, and other possibilities he could think of. He didn't know anything about it, and he didn't feel good about this situation where the enemy was in the dark and he was in the light.

But he didn't tell Yan Xiangluo this, not wanting her to worry. Although Yan Xiangluo may not necessarily worry about him now.

"Let's take it one step at a time. Since I have awakened the inheritance of the Ji family, I will not be asked to come back and die." Ji Jiuzhong said pretending to be relaxed.

"It's useless to think about anything now. Let's just absorb spiritual energy and improve our cultivation!" Yan Xiangluo didn't want to talk about this unsolvable topic anymore. Strength is the root of all problems.

“That’s right, what’s the opportunity in the snow field?” Ji Jiuzhong asked while absorbing the spiritual energy.

Yan Xiangluo watched the puddles of water they left behind disappear under the thick snow, "I'm more curious about where the water went? How thick is the snow under our feet?"

Ji Jiuzhong stopped when he heard this and looked at the snow under his feet. If Yan Xiangluo hadn't raised this question, he really wouldn't have considered how thick the snow was under his feet.

“Digging and giving it a try?” Ji Jiuzhong asked tentatively.

I always feel that it is a bit naive to do this. If I don’t do it, I won’t find anything else. Anyway, there is no other way of thinking. It’s better to follow the little girl’s idea. Her luck has been very good in the past three years.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Okay, but we don't have the tools to dig, so what should we use to dig?"

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at her, "Have you forgotten that we are all sect-level cultivators now?"

If he were in a lower continent, he would have dared to add the word "strong", but after listening to what the man said before, he automatically classified the two of them as weak.

Yan Xiangluo stuck out her tongue, "I really forgot."

 When she mentioned cultivation, she also thought of that man's disdain, and felt a little aggrieved. Whenever she became stronger, there were always facts proving that she was still weak.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled when he saw her aggrieved look, "I'll give it a try."

Yan Xiangluo didn't fight with him, but she just used some spiritual power, so she stood aside and watched, not forgetting to absorb the spiritual energy in the snow.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and slashed the snow in front of him with a stream of spiritual power. Although he only used three-thirds of his strength, he was a sect-level practitioner, and three-thirds of his strength was not small when he was using it to chop the snow.

With a bang, more than ten meters of snow rose up from the snow in front of him. When the snow was lifted up, Ji Jiuzhong waved out another spiritual power and pushed all the lifted snow aside with his spiritual power.

 A huge snow pit suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, five or six meters deep.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the bottom of the snow pit and was stunned. There was still snow underneath, and there was no trace of land at all.

He raised his eyes to look at Ji Jiuzhong, then looked at the snow under his feet, "Why do I suddenly feel no sense of security at all?"

 (End of this chapter)

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