The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 257: Same chance

Those medicinal materials can grow without her using the power of wood, and they grow very well. Living in such a beautiful space will be very comfortable in the future.

After there were wind, rain, and snow in the space, the four seasons became obvious. It was the time when summer was about to turn into autumn, and it was when the plants were at their most luxuriant. She thought she would have time to see if there was anything in the mountains on the other side of the river. Fruit trees, if any, have any fruits ripe.

After getting over the excitement and calming down, Yan Xiangluo realized that she was in the snowfield and was looking for her own opportunity to leave the snowfield.

How long has it been since then? Is Ji Jiuzhong still there?

His consciousness retreated from the Pangu space. He opened his eyes and found that there was snow in front of him. It was a bit difficult to open his eyes. He wanted to raise his hand, only to find that he was wrapped in snow. What was going on? Could it be that he was being wrapped in snow? Buried in snow?

She hadn't noticed that the snow was so solid before. She actually didn't even raise her hands. She felt that she was still sitting cross-legged in the cultivation position, and her Dantian was still absorbing the spiritual energy in the snow. She was surprised to find that she could do it now without using her spiritual consciousness. Absorbing the spiritual energy in the snow.

what happened?

Haven't it only been practicing for a few days? Although she also knew that it was not a short time, it was not like she didn't know that such a big change had happened, right?

She twisted around hard and bumped into the person behind her. Only then did she remember that Ji Jiuzhong was sitting back-to-back with her.

 I didn’t expect he was still there.

She didn't dare to move. They were all buried so deep in the snow. It showed that time was not short, which meant that she had entered the realm, and Ji Jiuzhong had also entered the realm.

Ji Jiuzhong may not necessarily wake up from his realm after he wakes up. If he interrupts his opportunity, then the gain outweighs the loss.

 Therefore, she continued to sit cross-legged without daring to move.

Since you no longer need your spiritual consciousness to absorb spiritual energy, you can continue to absorb spiritual energy.

 There is still a little regret in my heart. After all, using spiritual consciousness to absorb spiritual energy can also strengthen spiritual consciousness. Just look at the doubled spiritual consciousness and you will know that the effect is not so good.

However, greed is not enough. She is not a greedy person, and she is already very satisfied with her current harvest.

Concentrating on absorbing spiritual energy, Yan Xiangluo discovered that although she had mainly been refining the divine beads this month, she had not stopped practicing. At first, she was tired and rested to restore her consciousness. Later, she didn't know from that day, She no longer needs rest.

At this moment, she discovered that her Dantian was actually filled with the spiritual energy from the snowflakes. The lush Wulinggen tree seems to have grown again and become more lush.

When you broke through the clan level before, the spiritual root tree didn't change so much?

Looking at the spiritual energy in her Dantian, Yan Xiangluo felt worried again. There was so much spiritual energy, why not break through and advance?

 Could it be that her path of cultivation is accompanied by uncertain and unpredictable results?

 She feels that she has never been normal in her cultivation.

Sigh, after sighing heavily in her heart, Yan Xiangluo accepted her fate and began to absorb the spiritual energy. Since the spiritual energy was full like this and she was not promoted, she should continue to absorb the spiritual energy. Anyway, Ji Jiuzhong was still in the realm.

 Besides, it seemed that every time she advanced, she would advance after absorbing overloaded spiritual energy, and then advance to several levels as soon as she advanced.

I don’t know if I will be promoted like this after arriving in the higher continent.

 This will not be known until promotion.

Yan Xiangluo once again began to practice calmly. Although she did not enter the realm this time, her practice was still progressing steadily. Time passed very quickly during practice. When Yan Xiangluo could no longer absorb the spiritual energy into her Dantian, she suddenly felt that her body was very light, as if she was about to float.

She stopped practicing, opened her eyes, and found that her body was indeed floating upward. Because it was buried in the snow, the speed was a bit slow.

It is not comfortable to forcefully push the snow away with your head. The snow is too hard.

Now she knew why she didn’t sink into the snow when she stepped on it because the snow was hard enough.

 What's going on with me now? What does this uncontrollable body floating upward mean? As for Ji Jiuzhong, he floated away on his own. Would he be anxious if he couldn't find her?

At this time, she was already one meter high from the snow. She turned around and saw Ji Jiuzhong sitting there with his back to her, motionless, even though there was snow blocking her.

He was still in the realm, and Yan Xiangluo did not dare to call him rashly. She was worried that interrupting his realm would be detrimental to him. What should she do?

 Her body has already risen two meters. She hasn't figured out a way yet. At this time, she can no longer see Ji Jiuzhong.

He was getting more and more anxious. At this moment, Ji Jiuzhong's voice came, "Can't you absorb the spiritual energy in your Dantian?"

Yan Xiangluo felt relieved. He woke up in time. Hearing what he said, he was just like himself. Yan Xiangluo said quickly, "Yes, it is floating upward now. What's going on?"

"This should be the opportunity we had in the snowfield. The opportunity for everyone who comes here should be the same. It just depends on whether you can find a way to absorb spiritual energy and get the opportunity. I estimate that even if you can't find a way to absorb spiritual energy, you should be able to By leaving the snowfield, I just missed such a good opportunity to practice and improve my cultivation."

Ji Jiuchong told Yan Xiangluo what he was thinking.

 This is what he figured out after he could no longer absorb spiritual energy and his body floated.

 If they can't find a way to absorb the spiritual energy, they should be sent away before they freeze to death. After all, if they can come to the higher continent, Heaven will not kill people here so unkindly.

“Then are we leaving the snowy field now?” Yan Xiangluo blinked.

"Probably, haven't you noticed? After we came here, we automatically ignored that we could fly in the air and kept walking." Ji Jiuzhong reminded her.

Yan Xiangluo was startled, but no, if Ji Jiuzhong hadn't reminded her, she wouldn't have even thought that they could fly in the air.

 “It’s so magical here.” Yan Xiangluo said with emotion.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and said, "Don't think too much. My Dantian is saturated with spiritual energy now. I think that as soon as we go out, the first thing we will face is promotion. We'd better be prepared to advance."

He didn’t know where he was going and whether anyone was there. If someone like the previous male master was there, it would be very detrimental to them.

"Protecting yourself is the first priority. If someone can suppress it for a while, find an opportunity to leave and find a safe place before advancing." Ji Jiuzhong said again, he was very worried about Yu Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo understood what he meant, "I understand."

Even if she had Pangu Space, she would not be able to go in when there were people around. She prayed in her heart that it would be best to go to a deserted place.

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