The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 265: Same hobbies

Chapter 265 Same hobbies

The girl's clear voice echoed in the empty lobby, leaving Yan Xiangluo speechless. She just applied for a certificate of identity change. Is it necessary to make the lobby so big?

“Who is it?” A chubby old man yawned and walked in from the back door of the lobby.

Yan Xiangluo twitched the corners of her mouth, "Old man, why don't you show your idle mood so vividly?"

“We need to apply for a certificate of identity change.” Yan Xiangluo said again.

The fat old man suddenly became energetic, and his squinted eyes widened, "Hey, someone actually escaped from those people again?"

Xiang Xiang's eyes were lightened, and he used it again, indicating that someone had escaped from those people before, so that Xiangxiang was more assured of his father and mother and master.

Yan Xiangluo curled her lips and rolled her eyes at the fat old man, "What about escaping? We did it openly, okay?"

The fat old man was not annoyed, and looked at the two of them with a smile, "Well, the talent is indeed good. When I first came here, I was able to break through to the third and fourth levels of the clan. I haven't seen such a talented person in many years. He’s still so young, not bad, not bad.”

Ji Jiuzhong remained silent, but he didn't sense any malice from the old man, so he left it to Yan Xiangluo to deal with the identity change.

“Since you think we are good, can you quickly change our identity documents for us?”

Yan Xiangluo naturally sensed that the fat old man had no ill intentions toward them. She could also see that the old man was not a stickler for rules, and his tone was much more relaxed.

“What’s the rush?” The fat old man walked slowly and leisurely to the high and low counter-like table facing the door and sat down.

“Why are you not in a hurry? Don’t you know that we are as tempting as two giant peaches that can make people live forever?” Yan Xiangluo lay on the counter and looked at the fat old man sitting inside.

The old man opened the drawer and took out a box, raised his eyes and glanced at her, "You are all here with me. No matter how tempting you are, no one dares to provoke you, right?"

  Although it is used as a question, the tone is very affirmative.

"You have really good eyesight. You are much better than those people." Yan Xiangluo bent her crescent eyes and smiled like a fat old man.

The fat old man opened the box and took out everything inside. He glanced at Ruan Xiangluo and said, "No need to please me, I won't embarrass you."

Yan Xiangluo's smile suddenly became brighter, "This is not to please, it is fate. Seeing how comfortable you are in old age, I just want to say a few more words to you."

 The fat old man was also amused by her words, "You are quite interesting, little girl."

 Pleasing people openly and without making people feel offended is something that young children today are not capable of.

Looking at their clothes, you can tell that even in a low-income continent, their status should be high, and they are not children of poor families.

Especially the young man who stood aside without saying a word, with the look of disdain in his bones. He was sure that this boy should have been born into an imperial family in the lower continent, and his status was not low, otherwise he would not be like this. A natural noble temperament.

"What are your hobbies?" Yan Xiangluo's big eyes rolled, thinking to herself, if she pleased the old man, they could get some information from him.

The fat old man did not raise his head when he heard this, but raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "Want to bribe me, old man?"

"What is bribery? It hurts my feelings when you keep talking like this. Isn't this also fate? I just want to give a gift to express my feelings. Since gifts naturally have to be given to those who are close to your heart, this is considered sincerity, isn't it? But I am just a person. "Hey, I don't necessarily have what you have in mind." Yan Xiangluo looked at the fat old man with her cheeks on the table as if she was troubled.

 The fat old man raised his head with interest. This shrewd girl is really becoming more and more lovable the more he looks at her. "The old man only has one favorite thing, food. Girl, do you have it?"

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up and she became energetic. She straightened up and snapped her fingers, "What a coincidence, we both have the same hobbies. I don't have anything else here, but there is a lot of delicious food."

As he was talking, he took out several food boxes from the storage ring and placed them on the counter, "Here, take a look and see which one suits your taste."

The old man stood up immediately. As soon as Yan Xiangluo took out the food box, he smelled the aroma of the food in the food box. It was different from the food he had eaten before. It was absolutely delicious. And they are all made with reiki ingredients.

 “They’re all here.” The old man put away several food boxes with a move of his hand.

Then he glanced at them and said, "It's short to take someone else's hands, and it's short to eat someone else's mouth. If you want to know anything, just ask."

This old man is really on the right track, Yan Xiangluo thought in her heart, but she still smiled on the outside.

"We have just arrived, haven't we? We don't know anything about the higher continent. I would like to ask you to clarify our doubts."

The fat old man chuckled, not surprised, "Come in with me, this is not the place to talk."

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other, meaning to ask him if he wanted to go in and if there was any danger.

The fat old man pretended not to notice the exchange of glances between them, lowered his head and put the box back together, picked it up and walked inside.

Ji Jiudian nodded, and the two followed the old man's footsteps, crossed the threshold of the back door, and walked inside.

The old man didn't go far. There was a large garden behind him. He took the two of them to the pavilion, motioned them to sit down, and then opened the box. "I'll take out your identity documents first."

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong sat down opposite him and watched the old man take out two emerald green jade tablets and use their spiritual power to carve something on them.

“Name.” The old man looked up at Yan Xiangluo and asked.

“阘香鲁, the character 阘 means cloud with a cloud next to the character for female, the fragrance is fragrant, and the word falls is falling.” Yuan Xiangluo said her name and explained it a bit.

 After all, many people thought her surname was Yuncai Yun.

The old man engraved her name on it, then touched it with his hand, and a ray of light flashed on the jade plaque. Then he handed the jade plaque to Yu Xiangluo.

“This is your identity here from now on, but you don’t have a place of residence. If you settle there, just go to the local government office and fill in the information.”

"Can I not add it?" Yan Xiangluo asked after taking the jade identity tag. It was so simple that she didn't even ask about her previous place of belonging.

Thinking about the arrogance of the people from the higher continents, they should not bother to know which lower continent they came from.

The fat old man glanced at her and said, "Only when you have your residential address, this jade plaque will turn white, and you will be considered a high-class mainlander in the true sense."

 (End of this chapter)

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