The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 269: Go to the city first

Chapter 269 Go to the city first

 Because she didn’t know the place, she used distance to locate it, but she appeared directly in the woods outside a city. From the outside, where they were at this time, the city was very large, with majestic gates and walls. It looked like a prosperous city. It was a bit far away and they couldn't see clearly the words on the city gate.

The two of them did not rush into the city, but found a place in the woods to sit down and read the High Continental Histories given to them by the fat old man.

 First, have a good understanding of the Higher Continent. It is best to have some information about Jiuzhongtian. Yan Xiangluo has not forgotten that her ultimate purpose in coming to the Higher Continent is to visit Jiuchongtian.

Since there was only one book, the two of them read it side by side. Fortunately, Ji Jiuzhong read the book as fast as she did, so neither of them had to wait for the other, they could just flip through the pages page by page.

Even though both of them were very fast, the historical records of the Higher Continent were too thick, and it took them half an hour to finish them.

After reading it, Yan Xiangluo said with emotion, "It is indeed a high-level continent. Not only is the territory large, but the distribution of power is also very complicated. This is where strength really speaks. The respect for the strong is vividly displayed here."

Ji Jiu nodded and said, "The Tiancha Continent is only a few tenths of the size of the continent here. The distribution of forces is very complicated. The high continent has so many low-level continents attached to it, so it is normal for the strength to change more frequently. However, some have The big families with strong foundations still have their own way of survival. It’s better for us to understand it first. Now we are not strong enough to offend those big families.”

Yan Xiangluo also knew very well that they had not done too much in the town before, and those families did not want to easily become enemies with them, so they were able to leave the town smoothly.

  If you really face off against any family, they will disappear and be able to escape unscathed. The existence of any family has a trump card, and it is not just one.

“Where are you going next?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

She wants to find her parents first, and Ji Jiuzhong also has a purpose. He wants to find the inheritance of the Ji family. They both have their own purposes, and they may be separated.

Although the two of them had not met often before, they had been together since leaving Tianqian Continent and had not been separated yet. Thinking of being separated from him, Yan Xiangluo still felt a little disappointed.

 In so many years, Ji Jiuzhong was her first companion on the road to experience.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at her, "There is a Xuanwen family, the Ji family, in the historical records. I don't know if that is my ancestor, but this is the only clue so far. The Ji family has been extinct for more than a thousand years. The clues left behind There’s not much left, I want to see where the Ji family once lived.”

Yan Xiangluo was not surprised that Ji Jiuzhong would make such a decision.

 Historical records record that the Ji family lived in the interior, and the higher continent was divided into two parts: the interior and the outer continent.

 The interior is divided into four continents, the Eastern Continent, the Western Continent, the Southern Continent and the Northern Continent. Among them, the richest families in the Southern Continent and the most powerful families in the Higher Continent also live in the Southern Continent.

 The outer continent is divided into twelve continents, named after the month of December.

They are Chuyang Continent, Huayue Continent, Late Spring Continent, Huaiyue Continent, Midsummer Continent, Linzhong Continent, Mengqiu Continent, Nanlu Continent, Wushe Continent, Xindong Continent, Changyue Continent, and Dusui Continent.

 The twelve continents are distributed as if they are guarding the interior.

 The Ji family used to live in the inland southern continent. You can imagine how prosperous the family was when it was most prosperous.

  Although they don’t have a map now, they heard from the fat old man that the place where they are now is the Dusui Continent among the twelve outer continents, and it is also the only way for all low-level mainlanders to come to the high-level continent.

  But an outer continent is already as big as dozens of Tianqian Continents, not to mention that the Twilight Continent they are in corresponds to the inland Northern Continent.

If you want to go to the Southern Continent, you have to go through the Dusui Continent and then through the Northern Continent to reach the Southern Continent. Not to mention that the inland continent is much larger than the outer continent. It is not easy to just cross the two continents. What's more, reaching the Southern Continent is not the end of the road. There is still a long way to go from where the Ji family once lived.

 Want to cross the continent, you need a pass. It is not easy to get the pass. Their current status is not qualified to get the pass. They must first become an official resident of the higher continent.

“First of all, we must obtain the status of a high-level mainland resident.” Yan Xiangluo sighed.

They still don’t know what conditions are needed to obtain high-level continental status. No matter what conditions are needed, it is now a problem that they must solve.

She wants to find her parents. Ji Jiu needs mainland resident status to go to the inland and southern continent.

"Go to the city first and inquire about it. Don't be blind and see if there is any difference in the identity of the residents. Since you have to do something, you must do the best thing to avoid trouble in the future." Ji Jiuzhong said.

At this time, he was not worried about getting a resident status. What he was worried about was whether Yan Xiangluo would leave him separately.

He didn't know the news about the Ji family before, but now that he has some clues, he naturally wants to go to the inland Southern Continent to visit. But as for Yan Xiangluo, she still needs to find her parents. Will she be willing to go to the Southern Continent with him?

There is no reason for her parents to leave the Mu Sui Continent. It is very unlikely that she will choose to search in the Mu Sui Continent first.

Twisted Continent is so big that it’s not easy to find someone. It takes a lot of time to walk through it. The more I think about it, the more panicky I feel.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know that Ji Jiuzhong was calculating whether she would follow him or not. She raised her head and looked at the sky. They came out in the middle of the night. They spent some time on the mountain and fought with those people before arriving in the town. It was already morning when we went up. Although we were delayed for some time at the fat old man's place, it was still breakfast time.

 I don’t know if the city gate in front is open or not. The city gates all over the Tianqian Continent are opened at all times.

Ji Jiuzhong stood up and said, "Let's go and take a look at the city first."

No matter how much you think about it, you have to do it. The two of them can't come up with any results after discussing it here.

They left the woods and flew towards the city gate. As they got closer and closer to the city gate, they saw many people waiting outside the city gate, all of whom were obviously going to enter the city.

This is the city gate that hasn’t been opened yet.

The two of them landed on the ground when they were still some distance away. They walked over, mainly to see those people landing at this distance, whether you were walking in the air or riding a flying spirit beast or a chariot.

 Since everything is like this, there must be rules.

  The appearance of the two of them was so eye-catching that people on the road couldn't help but peek at them, but they didn't dare to provoke them because of their temperament.

  After all, the most indispensable thing in the higher continent is the children of aristocratic families, and you don’t know who they are.

It was Yan Xiangluo who struck up a conversation with a middle-aged man who looked more pleasant to her eyes, and the people who were with the man started chatting with them.

 (End of this chapter)

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