The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 272: Smart guy

Chapter 272 Smart Guy

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her bulging cheeks, lowered his voice and said dotingly in her ear, "You don't want the Five Elements Beads. I heard people on the road say that not everyone can enter the auction, and you need to buy a wooden entrance sign in advance. , the wooden signs have been sold out now, we are unfamiliar with the place, we may need their help if we want to go to the auction. "

Yan Xiangluo admired Ji Jiuzhong's ability to see and listen in all directions. She had come all the way, so why didn't she hear the news?

 Alas, it seems that I am still not careful enough.

 No, how did he know he wanted the Five Elements Beads?

Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong in surprise, and Ji Jiuzhong instantly knew what she was thinking.

"Ever since Cheng Hui said that the auction house auctioned the Five Elements Pearl, you were in a bad mood and have been thinking about things. Doesn't this mean that you are very interested in the Five Elements Pearl?" Ji Jiuzhong explained to her with a smile.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes widened. Was it so obvious? Or has he already understood this much about himself?

"There's a dental shop over there. Let's go see if there's a house to rent first. Otherwise, we're really going to have to squeeze in with Cheng Hui and the others tonight. I have mysophobia and can't sleep with a grown man." Ji Jiuzhong He said in a very serious tone.

There is another thing in my mind, if I live in the same room with you, you will probably want to **** my legs.

His words were obviously very serious, but it made Yan Xiangluo want to laugh.

"I think we should exchange some crystal coins first, and then rent a house." Yan Xiangluo said when he saw a bank next to Yahang.

Ji Jiudian nodded, "Okay, I guess there should be an entry fee for entering other cities. It's really inconvenient without crystal coins."

Since Siyun City is like this, he feels that as long as he travels in the Mu Sui Continent, he does not need a jade status card and only needs to pay the city entry fee.

This is a good thing for them, so that they can not rush to settle down first, and just see which city is more suitable before applying for the status jade badge of a high-level mainland resident.

 The two of them entered the bank first and asked how to exchange crystal coins.

 The exchange of crystal coins is usually done with crystal stones. The crystal coins of any color can be exchanged for crystal coins of that color. The exchange is valued according to the size and quality of the crystal.

You can also exchange it with spirit stones, but generally you use low-grade spirit stones. After all, one low-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for a lot of purple crystal coins, not to mention other crystal coins.

 The crystal coins of the higher continents are graded according to color. From low to high, they are blue, green, yellow, red, and purple. Ten blue crystal coins can be exchanged for one green crystal coin, and the order increases in ascending order.

Looking at it this way, the entry fee to Siyun City is also very high for ordinary people.

Ten red crystal coins are equivalent to a hundred green crystal coins or a thousand blue crystal coins.

Yan Xiangluo just saw that the sesame cakes bought on the street only cost ten blue crystal coins each. Of course, the sesame cakes are made of ordinary grains and are not ingredients containing spiritual energy.

 Thinking that an auction would attract so many people, the entry fee alone would be quite high.

The two of them exchanged some of each crystal coin, and Yan Xiangluo felt confident when she walked out of the bank.

It was time for breakfast, but all the shops were open for business. After all, many people came to Siyun City to participate in the auction. There were also many people going out to eat this early in the morning, and they would also go shopping after eating. some needed things.

There are not many people in Yaxing, and they don’t really want to live in Siyun City for a long time, they just want to find a place to stay.

As soon as the two of them entered, a waiter came up to them and asked, "Master, do you want to rent a house?"

 It’s no wonder that the guy asked me directly. All the inns in Siyun City are already full of people. As soon as the city gate opened this morning, many outsiders came in. There were no inns to stay in. There was a curfew in Siyun City at night. If you couldn't find a place to stay, you had to go out of the city. So many people started to think about renting a house. Many people in the city would rent out their rooms if they had spare rooms. It would be great if they could make some money. "Yes, we want to rent a small courtyard." Ji Jiuzhong said.

The clerk kindly suggested, "Young master and the girl are here to attend the auction, right? You are only staying for one and two nights. There is no need to rent a small courtyard separately. House prices are very expensive these days. You can rent a separate room." , that can save a lot of money.”

Ji Jiuzhong rejected the clerk's proposal, "We have other things to do when we come to Siyun City. We have to stay for a month. It is convenient to rent a separate small courtyard."

When the guy heard that he was a big customer, his attitude became even better.

"Well, then I will introduce you to a small courtyard and rent it to you at the normal house price." The guy looks young, but he is very smart and good at business.

House prices have been expensive these two days, but there is only one night left. Everyone attending the auction will leave tomorrow, and they have to rent it for a month, so the cost of this night is nothing.

 “Okay.” Ji Jiuzhong cherished the words as if they were gold.

The clerk immediately took out a map of Siyun City and pointed to several places to introduce them, "The prices of these small courtyards are the same, the location is not biased, and it is convenient to go anywhere. Let's see if there are any. like?"

 It doesn’t matter where Ji Jiuchong lives, he made Yanxiang lose the election.

Yan Xiangluo looked at it and suddenly saw Daqian Auction House on the map. When Cheng Hui said that the five-element beads were auctioned at Daqian Auction House, she chose the closest place to Daqian Auction House among several yards.

 It's just a relative comparison, but it's actually quite far away. You don't need to think about it to know that all the houses near Daqian Auction House have been rented.

Ji Jiuzhong understood what she meant when he saw the place she chose.

  After deciding on a courtyard to rent and paying the rent, the waiter took them to the small courtyard.

The small courtyard is not far from Yaxing. When we arrived at the small courtyard, the clerk opened the door and said, "This small courtyard has all the furniture, but there are no daily necessities. You have to prepare things like bedding, pots and pans yourself."

 “Okay.” Ji Jiuzhong responded.

 They wouldn’t use these things even if they were in the yard.

The environment of the small courtyard is indeed not bad. After the waiter carefully introduced the two of them and told them not to damage the furniture, and to compensate for any damage at the price, he was about to leave, but was stopped by Ji Jiuzhong.

“Young Master, is there anything else you need?” The waiter looked at Ji Jiuzhong with bright eyes.

Any guest who calls him at this time has something to ask him to do, or there is some news that needs to be inquired about.

Everything is not done in vain, nor is it given away for free. There will always be a reward. A reward from a generous customer can be enough for him to earn for several days.

Ji Jiuzhong first gave the clerk two red crystal coins before speaking, "We came to Siyun City to do business, and we happened to catch up with the auction house that was going to auction the Five Elements Beads, but we got the news too late. Is there any way to buy them? A wooden sign going to the auction house?”

 (End of this chapter)

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