The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 278: Palace artifact

Chapter 278 Palace Magical Weapon

 You can imagine how difficult it is to ascend.

Yan Xiangluo did not expect that her wish to go to the Nine Heavens would take a lifetime to fulfill, and it was very likely that she would not be able to fulfill it. After all, no one had ascended in the Higher Continent for ten thousand years.

Therefore, she is now very interested in Yunshang Palace. Based on their current understanding of the mainland, Yunshang Palace is the closest place to Jiuzhongtian and is also where the most powerful people are. If they can enter, they will definitely know something about Jiuzhongtian. God's secret is unknown to the world.

The two of them looked at each other, and thinking of Ji Jiuzhong's shrewdness, they suddenly asked, "Tell me, why has no one ascended in ten thousand years?"

Looking at the historical records of the higher continents, ten thousand years ago, even if there were people ascending every year, how could it be that no one ascended after such a long time?

Although the life span of people in the higher continent has increased, it only starts to increase from the clan level up. Each level increases the life span by one hundred years. In other words, now Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong have two hundred years of life span. Longevity.

 Beyond the Zong level, there are seven levels: Emperor, Saint, God, Demigod, Supreme God, Dao Dao, and Tribulation. In other words, if a person's talent is good enough, he can only have a life span of nine hundred years at most.

No one has ascended in ten thousand years, that is, no one has seen anyone who truly ascended and left as early as nine thousand years ago.

 What people know about ascension now is through historical records and secrets left by some families.

Ji Jiuzhong stared at her gently, "Maybe we won't know until we reach that level."

Yan Xiangluo sighed after hearing this, "I also want to go to Jiuzhongtian to see the evergreen trees that bloom once every thousand years as long as the heaven and earth."

"It will come true." Ji Jiuzhong's tone was equally gentle, "Then let's go to Jiuchongtian together to have a look. I heard that making a wish under the evergreen tree of Jiuchongtian will definitely come true.

Ji Jiuzhong's words made Yan Xiangluo's expression pause, and she instantly remembered the dream she had before she got the divine bead in the secret realm of Lingquan. Before the couple died, the man said that it is said that a man and woman who love each other only need to make a promise when the evergreen tree falls. I swear, I will see you again in the next life. The woman responded to him for all eternity, while the man said she would never leave him.

She remembered that she had been wandering around for a long time in her dream, but she had never heard that evergreen trees could make other wishes. Wasn't that what she thought?

When I think about it, the rumors change their meaning as they are passed around. Maybe what I heard and what people know now are not correct.

 Forget it, why are you thinking about these things? Going to the Nine Heavens has now become an unattainable dream.

 It’s really shocking!

Ji Jiuzhong saw that she was not in a high mood and was a little confused. Could it be that she understood the meaning of his words and was not happy?

“What’s wrong?” Ji Jiuzhong asked anxiously.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "I'm just a little worried."

Ji Jiuchong breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he didn't understand what he meant. Why is such a smart little girl so emotionally slow?

"There will be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Don't worry. Let's work hard together. I don't believe it. We can't reach the ninth heaven."

Ji Jiuzhong's sonorous and powerful words immediately cheered up Yanxiang's flagging mood, "That is, there is nothing that cannot be achieved as long as you work hard."

 She has experienced too much along the way, and every difficulty she feels is insurmountable. She has not made it this far. Looking back, those difficulties are not even a threshold now.

Seeing that the person was energetic again, Ji Jiuchong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Go and have a rest. The auction will start tomorrow."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, got up and went back to her room. Although she was staying temporarily, the bedding was hers, and she didn't feel like she couldn't sleep in another place. She just felt like she had forgotten something before lying down. , never thought of it. My memory is not very strong and I will never forget anything. How could I feel like this?

She fell asleep with doubts. In her dream, she was wandering in a palace. Suddenly she woke up and sat up from the bed. She remembered that she had forgotten something.

The time when she got the wooden beads in Wanghai Forest, she contracted a brass palace. A man appeared in the palace, and he said he was his senior brother. Where there is a senior brother, there is naturally a master. The senior brother said that she reincarnated and could not remember the past. I hope she can accomplish what her senior brothers and sisters failed to accomplish.

She didn't know what they had agreed upon as brother and sister, and she didn't know how to do it, but the man who called himself her senior brother said that the palace space magic weapon was his, and the power of spiritual consciousness left behind just wanted to see her again. , also said that the level of his space magic weapon is too high and cannot be fully displayed on a lower continent. In the future, she will make new discoveries when she goes to a higher continent.

With a thought, Yan Xiangluo's exquisite brass palace appeared in her hand. Originally, she had enlarged the palace and placed it in the space, but later she felt her heart was blocked when she saw it, so she put it away.

Now that she has arrived in the higher continent, there is something else she doesn't know about the palace that she can discover.

With a thought, her consciousness penetrated into the palace. Suddenly, she opened her mouth in surprise.

So many people went in to **** the Wood Spirit before, and she also went in. She remembered that she had to go through three or three levels before reaching the place where the Wood Spirit was placed. Now the palace has completely changed.

Although it still looks like a palace from the outside, all the previous levels inside are gone and it looks like a nine-story building.

 She could only see the third floor now. She could only perceive a few floors going up, but she could not detect what was inside.

 However, these three floors were enough to shock her.

The first floor is a library. The reason why it is called a library is that she has never seen such a large place to store books. It can only be described as a library.

She took a few glances and saw that there were books of all types. There were actually some books about other types of cultivation techniques, as well as books on alchemy, weapon refining, mysterious patterns, formations, animal training, etc., from Judging by the texture and color of the books, these books are old.

Then these should all be ancient books, and each one is a rare treasure.

 The second floor was the weapons warehouse. Various weapons that she had never seen before were suspended in it. She couldn't even count how many there were.

 She has a long caltrop spear, a gentleman's sword, and a flying lotus. She doesn't want to ask for any other weapons, and she doesn't look at them too much.

The third level is even more powerful. There is actually a training place set up inside, but it is only suitable for people with sect-level cultivation.

She suddenly looked at the other six floors that she could not investigate. Could it be that the other six floors were places for higher-level training?

She got excited with this idea. Does this mean that she no longer has to go to the place where she came from? In the future, she can just go to the same level to practice her cultivation level.

 (End of this chapter)

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