The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 297: It's a good idea

Chapter 297 is a good idea

Although she is very confident in the abilities and speed of Yun Tuan and Zhe Tian, ​​this is a high-level continent where there are people of all kinds of strength and treasures of all kinds, so it would not be a surprise to find them.

"The guards of the City Lord's Mansion are still searching. They have already started searching door to door. The inn we are staying in will also be searched soon. Are the things Yun Tuan brought back ready?" Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Don't worry, you will definitely not be found."

Yun Tuan and the baby are both in Pangu space. No matter how skilled you are, you can’t find them in her personal space.

Hearing this, Ji Jiuzhong sat down at the table with relief, "There is another piece of bad news."

Yan Xiangluo understood that this news was what made him feel solemn.

"what news?"

“Everyone who enters or exits the city gate is inspected with a mysterious mirror. I heard that this inspection is done in the entire city of Musu Continent.”

Ji Jiuzhong just went out to check the news about the city lord's mansion. He didn't expect to know the news. If they didn't know, they would have gone straight to the city gate tomorrow and their identities would have been exposed.

"What is the function of Xuanjing?" Yan Xiangluo was the first to hear about Xuanjing.

Ji Jiuzhong explained, "I have inquired about it. The Xuanjing is a magic weapon that can see through and use the Xuanwen to change the face to hide the appearance."

 That’s it.

"Liu Jue did it?" Yan Xiangluo immediately understood that the purpose of using Xuanjing was to find people. Only the Lord of Musui Continent and the Young Master could have such great strength that the entire city of Musui Continent could search people like this. The Lord has this qualification.

 And she had just been spotted by Liu Jue, so it was hard not to make her suspect that this was done to find her.

She was a little puzzled. The Lord of the Late Continent just let Liu Jue do whatever he wanted?

"Yes, what I asked Wuji to check was indeed Liu Jue's order, and those people still have our portraits in their hands." Although Ji Jiuzhong's tone was calm, his heart was not calm.

Ji Jiuzhong knew very well who painted the portrait. Qin Suyue's painting skills were good, and it was not difficult to paint a portrait. She was very familiar with their appearance, and she had a grudge against them and wished they were dead.

 How could Qin Suyue give up such an opportunity?

Ji Jiuzhong's mood was extremely bad. Anyone who liked a woman who was attracted by another man would not feel comfortable if he used such methods to find her.

“It’s even harder for us to leave the Dusui Continent.” Yan Xiangluo said through gritted teeth.

If she had known that this face would cause such trouble, she would have hidden her face like this when she came to the higher continent.

Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes flashed with a cold light. He was still not strong enough. If he was strong enough, who would dare to have any undue thoughts about her? How could she be forced to hide her appearance?

 At this moment, he really wanted to become strong quickly.

“Don’t worry, you have forgotten that we are all Xuan Wen masters.” Although Ji Jiuzhong was in a very bad mood, he did not show it and said to Yan Xiangluo in a gentle tone.

Yan Xiangluo looked at him and said, "Isn't it said that the Xuanjing can see the appearance covered by the Xuanwen pattern?"

 “It’s not that there are still invisibility mysterious patterns.” Ji Jiuzhong reminded her.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes suddenly lit up. It was because she was confused that she was confused by Xuan Jing.

"When are we leaving?" Yan Xiangluo looked at the sky and saw that the city gate was not closed yet. If they could leave Quancheng now, it would still be too late.

“I’ll stay here tonight and leave tomorrow.” Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Wuji’s formation and flew in through the small courtyard.

Yan Xiangluo said in surprise, "Wuji actually knows how to use formations?"

Ji Jiuzhong stretched out his hand to catch Wuji, "It doesn't know how to form, but any formation is the same as nothing to it. This is its innate ability."

“Wuji, you are so powerful!” This was the first time that Yan Xiangluo knew that spiritual beasts had such abilities. He raised his little head proudly, and his body movements were small but well done.

The arrogant look made Yan Xiangluo couldn't help but smile, "So cute."

Ji Jiuzhong saw that she liked Wuji and handed Wuji into her hand, "If you like it, let it play with you for a while."

The arrogant Wuji's little body froze immediately after hearing the master's words. Master, what did you say? Did I hear you right? You actually gave me to others to play with?

Yan Xiangluo smiled even more happily when she saw Wuji's frozen movements, "Wuzhi is so powerful, how can he be played as a pet?"

After hearing this, Wuji immediately felt that Yan Xiangluo was very interesting. It was so powerful that it was really not a plaything. The arrogant little head suddenly raised again.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "You can do it if you like."

Wuji feels that it is hopeless. Master, is it really okay for you to value **** over pampering? Don’t you realize that my body is so small and my heart is even smaller, and I can’t withstand the blow.

Yan Xiangluo saw a small bird, its bean-like eyes moving round and round, its expression was extremely rich, and she felt more and more uninhibited and fun.

However, she stopped teasing it. Seeing that it was frightened, spiritual beasts also have self-respect.

“Let’s study the invisibility pattern. The level of the invisibility pattern I carved is not high. Please take this opportunity to give me some pointers.”

Yan Xiangluo's words made Wuji fly away immediately. If it didn't leave after such a good opportunity, the owner might just put it into someone else's hands to play with.

"Okay, let's go together. Before we leave the Dusui Continent, I'm afraid we will need a lot of invisibility patterns." Ji Jiuzhong looked at her funny. Her level of mysterious patterns was still low, so those Xuan Pattern masters wouldn't have to live.

 In fact, Yan Xiangluo didn't know any other Xuan Wen masters. She only knew Ji Jiuzhong. His Xuan Wen talent was very abnormal and was much higher than hers.

The two of them walked into the main room. Ji Jiuzhong took out a pile of cut jade blocks, and Yan Xiangluo took out a pile of cut wood blocks.

Seeing the two piles on the table, the two looked at each other, and Yan Xiangluo explained sheepishly, "I think it is too wasteful to carve mysterious patterns on jade. After all, the jade will be useless after use, so I prepared it." These blocks."

Ji Jiuzhong came back to his senses and said with a smile, "It's indeed a good idea. Do you still have any wooden blocks? Bring out some more."

  While talking, he put away the jade pieces he took out.

Yan Xiangluo smiled when she saw that he didn't think she was stingy and poor, but was preparing to carve mysterious patterns with wooden blocks.

 With a wave of his hand, he took out another pile of wood blocks.

 “I’ve prepared a lot.”

Ji Jiuzhong picked up a piece of wood and said, "Did you use wood grain to carve it from the beginning?"


Ji Jiuzhong looked at the wood block in his hand, "Although the pattern can be carved on anything, the harder the carrier, the better the pattern will be. Your patterning technique should be higher than you know."

Yan Xiangluo listened to his words and said, "I made a mistake."

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "You are very lucky."

“You’ve been a waste for thirteen years, how lucky are you?” Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him.

 (End of this chapter)

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