The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 300: caused by treasure

Chapter 300: Treasure caused

Ji Jiuzhong smiled immediately when he saw her appearance. He knew that this girl was not only not afraid but also very excited.

"Are you so happy to go to such a dangerous place?" Ji Jiuzhong asked funny.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that she seemed to show her true emotions naturally in front of Ji Jiuzhong, without even thinking about hiding them.

"We can't go to Wanghai Forest yet. Look, I didn't come here early after I went there. What does that mean?" Yan Xiangluo was as cunning as a little fox.

“Oh, what does it mean?” Ji Jiuzhong asked, pretending not to know.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him. He didn't know, "It shows that danger and opportunity go hand in hand."

 “You don’t like taking risks?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

He has seen Yan Xiangluo several times, and she always hides far away from danger. Sometimes getting involved is not what she wants subjectively. This girl cherishes her life very much and will never trade her life for an opportunity.

 Why don’t I seem to be afraid at all today?

“For me, things that are not under my control are considered risky.” Yan Xiangluo said matter-of-factly.

 She has Pangu Space, and she has a hiding place when encountering any danger. Moreover, she has many skills. If she encounters any danger, she has the strength to fight.

 Coupled with the presence of Ji Jiuzhong, a monster-like person, the risk has been reduced a lot.

Although the tragedy in the historical records happened in the Death Mountain, weren't there always bounty hunters entering it?

Although bounty hunters make a living from this, they only go in after weighing the odds, and they don’t really risk their lives. It’s just that the things they do are highly dangerous. Even if they don’t go to the Death Mountains, they will Every mission is also dangerous.

 It’s not a dangerous thing, and no one posts tasks that require bounty hunters to do.

 This shows that there are still great opportunities in the Death Mountains. It’s not that everyone who goes in has no chance to come out.

 The most dangerous place in the Death Mountains is the place where people died. It would be better if they didn't go there. Isn't it just to catch a flying spiritual beast? They need to go there.

Moreover, after her cultivation reached the third level of the Zong level, she had not had the opportunity to practice and consolidate her cultivation. The time to fight with those who wanted to capture them was too short. Although she could practice in the copper tower, a space magic weapon given to her by her senior brother, she had not been able to practice it. It's not convenient to go in and practice with Ji Jiuzhong.

Hence, the appearance of Death Mountain couldn’t be more timely.

Ji Jiuzhong decided to go in for this reason. When he didn't know that this was the Death Mountain before, he also planned to go in and fight if there was a suitable opportunity. He also urgently needed to experience and consolidate his cultivation to prepare for breaking through to the next level of cultivation. .

 Every time he achieves a breakthrough in promotion, he is accompanied by experiences that are several times stronger than his cultivation level. Now that we know this is the Death Mountain, there is no more suitable place for training than this.

However, Yan Xiangluo's words convinced him that this girl did have a secret. Even he didn't dare to say that entering the Death Mountain was under his control. Her cultivation level was one level lower than his. Even if she had the ability to use poison, Some dangers don't give you a chance to react at all.

Moreover, this girl is so precious about her life that she can still say such things. She must have a trump card that he couldn't think of.

"Then let's go in and take a look. Is it more dangerous than Wanghai Forest?" Ji Jiuzhong said, looking at the dense woods in front of him.

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo responded and walked forward.

Ji Jiuzhong took out his long sword and walked in front, clearing the road as he walked. There was no road at all. It could be seen that no one came here. With one swing of the sword, a large area of ​​weeds and trees was swept down.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes flashed, and she pulled Ji Jiuzhong, "Wait a minute, I'll ask Zhe Tian to see if there is anything we can do. If this continues, I won't say how many plants will be destroyed."

Ji Jiuzhong stopped after hearing her words.

Yan Xiangluo called Zhe Tian out and told Zhe Tian about the situation. Zhe Tian immediately said, "It's easy. I'll clear the way for the master. The master only needs to tell me where to go."

  How to say it is also the reincarnation of divine plants. It is easy to suppress what these plants do.

Yan Xiangluo pointed at Ji Jiuzhong and said, "Just listen to him."

Although she came in to gain experience, she did not forget that her original purpose was to catch flying spirit beasts. She did not have the ability to catch flying spirit beasts, so she should leave this matter to Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the vibrant vines covering the sky. For the first time, he had a changed view on plant spiritual pets. It was not useless. In the forest, they ruled the world.

“Go in this direction.” Ji Jiuzhong pointed in the direction.

Zhetian glanced at the direction and walked forward. It walked in a very special way. It used vines to wrap around nearby trees and moved forward, but its speed was not slow.

Wherever it passed, the weeds and various plants automatically moved to both sides, making way for Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo. Although the two of them still stepped on the weeds, at least they did not destroy the plants anymore. .

 In this way, the speed of the two of them was much faster, and Ji Jiuzhong did not have to waste his spiritual energy on it.

After they were very far in, Yan Xiangluo said, "That baby is very fast. I dare not take it out for fear of running away. Is there anything you can do?"

Hearing this, Ji Jiuzhong glanced at her and said, "Just leave it alone. When we rest, I will set up a trap and then take it out for a look."

In fact, her spiritual pet found the baby and brought it back. Even if she didn't show it to him, it would be normal, but since she said it, he would not refuse her kindness. If she could really purify her spiritual roots and practice It will be easier to get up, and he will be one step closer to his goal of growing up as soon as possible.

Just as he didn't like her rejecting his kindness to her, he also didn't want to reject her kindness to him.

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo saw that Ji Jiuzhong had a plan, so she was no longer in a hurry.

“That tragedy was caused by a treasure. So many people died and no one got the treasure. Do you think that treasure is still in the Death Mountain?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at her and said, "You seem to be more courageous now."

This girl actually cares about that baby. Is that what they can care about now at their level of cultivation? More than 300 powerful men with god-level cultivation have died. They are only at the sect level and are still far away from the god-level. .

Yan Xiangluo curled her lips, "It's not that I'm brave, it's that my spirit beast likes treasures naturally formed between heaven and earth. If there is such a treasure, it will never give up and is very persistent. I'm worried that if that treasure is still in the Death Mountains Here, my cloud can't help but go hunting for treasure, but I don't have the strength to protect it."

Ji Jiuchong's eyes were full of smiles. It turned out that she was still the little girl who cherished her life. However, thinking of her spiritual pet Yun Tuan, she was really helpless.

 (End of this chapter)

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