The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 302: strange phenomenon

Chapter 302 Strange Phenomenon

Yan Xiangluo naturally understood that with Yun Tuan's ability, as long as he entered the Death Mountain, he would definitely be able to sense the treasure. If there really was a treasure that caught his eye, it would be impossible not to get it.

"Let's go and see." Yan Xiangluo said helplessly. It may not be a treasure that Yun Tuan can see.

 “What kind of spiritual beast is the cloud?”

Ji Jiuzhong has always been curious about what kind of spiritual beast Yun Tuan is. He looked through the spiritual beast and war beast records and couldn't find any spiritual beasts or war beasts like it.

Because of its treasure-hunting skills, he had previously suspected that it was a Thousand-Machine Mouse, but after checking the spirit animal records, he found that although Yun Tuan and the Thousand-Machine Mouse were similar in size, they were different in color and had very different living habits.

Thousand-machine mouse likes to live underground. The cloud loves to be clean, even if it can dig out underground treasures, but it does not like to live in the dark underground. No matter what time, the fur remains as spotless as the clouds in the sky. No wonder the little girl named it Yun Tuan.

"I don't know. Yun Tuan said it is a mythical beast. I only know that it is a mythical beast but I don't know what kind of mythical beast it is. I don't know much about mythical beasts. I can only know what it is when it takes the form of its original form when it has the power of a mythical beast again. A mythical beast." Yun Xiangluo didn't hide the fact that Yun Tuan was a mythical beast.

 Actually, she didn't really believe that Yun Tuan was a divine beast at the time, but now she somewhat believes it. Ordinary spiritual beasts don't have the ability of Yun Tuan.

 The lower continent’s understanding of divine beasts is limited, and Ji Jiuzhong doesn’t know much either.

"If we have the opportunity to learn about the records of divine beasts in the higher continents, we should be able to deduce what kind of divine beast Yun Tuan is." Ji Jiuzhong comforted Yu Xiangluo.

He was telling the truth. As long as there were records, he could deduce what kind of mythical beast the cloud was.

"Master, there is a Purple Scrophulariaceae in front of me. It is three thousand years old. Do you want it?" A voice that covered the sky suddenly came.

 “Yes.” Yan Xiangluo blurted out, rather than communicating with his mind.

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned, "What do you want?"

Yuan Xiangluo said sheepishly, "Zhetian found a three thousand year old purple scrophulariaceae and asked me if I wanted it."

Ji Jiuzhong’s mouth twitched. He asked her if she wanted a three-thousand-year-old purple scrophulariaceae. Isn’t it necessary? How extravagant is she? Could it be that all her medicinal materials are tens of thousands of years old, and she has to consider whether to use those that are thousands of years old?

Although I thought so in my heart, I said, "Where is it, I will help you dig it out."

Yan Xiangluo pointed to the front and said, "In front, we can cover the sky and collect it without our hands."

The two followed Zhetian to a place. Ji Jiuzhong saw a plant standing upright in the middle of a circle of weeds and various wild plants that had fallen down on their own. It looked like it should be the purple scrophulariaceae that Zhetian mentioned.

Looking at Zhe Tian diligently digging up purple scrophulariaceae with vines, the corner of his mouth twitched again. This was the first time he had seen this method of collecting herbs.

Although none of this girl's spiritual pets are war pets, they have to admit that they are both experts at treasure hunting. One specializes in finding unique treasures in the world, and the other specializes in finding various rare medicinal materials.

 Looking at it this way, it is more suitable for her than having a battle pet.

Ji Jiuzhong, who originally wanted to help, could only stand aside with Yan Xiangluo, watching Zhe Tian dig out the purple scrophulariaceae and hand it to Yan Xiangluo, who put it away casually. There is actually soil at the roots of the medicinal materials. Is this how she picks all the medicinal materials?

Ji Jiuzhong was sure that this girl probably had a lot of medicinal materials. Zhetian was contracted by her in Wanghai Forest, and she probably had a lot of old medicinal materials in Wanghai Forest.

Next, Zhe Tian clears the way while looking for medicinal materials. Ji Jiuzhong discovers that the medicinal materials they collected are all thousands of years old, not hundreds of years old. It's not that there are no medicinal materials that are hundreds of years old here, but Zhe Tian doesn't like them. Eye.

Well, my two pets are very special. One only sees the unique treasures in the world, and the other only sees medicinal materials that are over a thousand years old.

However, along the way, he got to know a lot of medicinal materials, many of which were rare varieties. The further you go, the higher the level of the medicinal materials. Later, you even dug up medicinal materials that were tens of thousands of years old. However, the strange thing is that you didn't encounter any monsters or spiritual beasts. Let alone encounter them, you didn't feel their aura.

Looking at the sky, it was getting dark. It was evening. Yan Xiangluo said, "Why is there not a single monster or spiritual beast here?"

Ji Jiuzhong had discovered this strange phenomenon a long time ago. Even if the level of the monsters and spiritual beasts was not high, they should be able to sense their aura if they avoided them. Why, after walking for a day, there was not a single monster or spirit beast. Encountered?

"Let's find a place to rest and let Zhe Tian check the surrounding situation." Ji Jiuzhong didn't know the reason, but he was sure that something must have happened in the Death Mountain.

  After all, the historical records did not say that there were no monsters and spiritual beasts in the Death Mountains.

On the contrary, because no one comes to the Death Mountain, there are quite a lot of materials inside, and spiritual beasts and monsters can live quite comfortably. Unless there are some beast-taming families that specialize in capturing monsters and spiritual beasts, they are almost in no danger. Therefore, there are quite a lot of monsters and spirit beasts.

What's more, when he came in, he clearly noticed the aura of spirit beasts. The mountains in this direction are undulating, which is suitable for the life of flying spirit beasts. Why did the aura of spirit beasts and monster beasts become less and less after he came in, so that he can't detect it now, and even more so. Don't talk about meeting.

They found a small open space on a hillside and decided to rest here for a while. Yan Xiangluo asked Zhe Tian to investigate the situation in the Death Forest.

"You set up the formation and I'll take out the treasure and see what it is." Yan Xiangluo sat down on the cushion made of weeds that Zhe Tian had given her when she left.

Ji Jiuzhong thought of Zhetian and didn't even bother to talk to Yan Xiangluo before leaving. He neatly woven two cushions out of weeds. It would be more accurate to use instructions, because Zhetian used pressure to make the weeds weave themselves into cushions.

Although this skill is usually a bit useless, at this time it seems a bit warm and practical.

 At least they don’t have to sit directly on the ground, which is very comfortable.

Ji Jiuzhong sat down without delaying his formation. He raised his hand and threw a few spirit stones to fall around the two of them. A breath rose from around the two of them, enveloping them in the formation.

Yanxiangluo's attainments in the formation were not low, otherwise she would not have broken the Gentleman's Formation. Therefore, she could clearly see the process of Ji Jiuzhong's formation and the strength of the formation. Set up a trap to prevent the baby from going back to the ground again.

 Hand secretly admired him, Ji Jiuzhong's formation skills were definitely above his own.

This is also the reason why she did not set up the formation but asked Ji Jiuchong to set up the formation. She just wanted to see how advanced his formation skills were.

“You can take it out now,” Ji Jiuzhong said to Yan Xiangluo.

 (End of this chapter)

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