The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 382: Meet the enemy again

Chapter 382 Meeting the enemy again

Although they couldn't afford to change their appearance, they used makeup to change their appearance.

 Hey, I actually figured out how to work around it, that’s good.

Li Changhao said to Yu Xiangluo, "Master Yu, please change your clothes."

The alchemist hired by their Evergreen Team must know that just changing their clothes to hide their identity is not enough, they must also change their appearance and appearance.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, found a place to change her robe, and then took out the Changing Yan Xuan Wen and directly changed her face.

The people in Changqing's team looked at her with envy when they saw how easily she changed her face. The reason why he can use the Xuanwen pattern so casually is not only because he is from a good family, but also because Mr. Yun himself is a Xuanwen master.

The most indispensable thing for a Xuan Wen master is Xuan Wen.

Li Changhao's eyes flashed when he saw Yan Xiangluo's change of appearance, but he said nothing.

Yan Xiangluo saw only envy but not jealousy on their expressions, which showed that the conduct of the Changqing team was indeed good.

Although she has a lot of Xuan Yan patterns, she can carve them out even if she doesn't have them at hand. For her, the Xuan patterns are not something she can't afford, but for the people of the Changqing Team, they are an extremely luxurious thing.

She will not give it to them on a whim. There is no free lunch in this world. If you want to get it, you must pay for it yourself. Giving them away for free will feed their appetites and may destroy the good character they have cultivated over the years.

Yan Xiangluo knows very well that human nature is the least tempted and the least able to withstand the test.

After everything was packed up, Li Changhao directly divided the team into three teams, divided them into three types of people according to their clothing, and then changed the route.

Li Changhao, Yan Xiangluo and three team members were still on their way on the flying spirit beast, but instead of flying in the wild, they flew along the official route like other people on the road.

Although the other two teams were also on their way on flying spirit beasts, one of them flew according to the original route, and the other team was about a quarter of an hour behind Li Changhao's team.

This kind of time and distance is just right. It’s not too far away and you can catch up quickly to help if something happens. And no one will suspect that they are together.

Changqing's team has a total of eighteen people. After being separated, the number of people has been reduced, but it is not conspicuous at all.

The other party would never have thought that they would be so bold to disperse people, at least not within a day or two.

Yan Xiangluo has a new understanding of Li Changhao. He is cautious, humble, and eager to learn. With these advantages, it is no wonder that he has led the Changqing Team to this point.

 In any environment, people who have a good brain and know how to adapt can live better.

Sure enough, after making this change, the next journey took two days safely.

They have been walking for four days since they set off from Musui City. During this period, they passed the first city between Musui City and Xiangyang City, but they did not stop in the city.

Although they have all changed their clothes, they can't hide from each other's eyes if they go into the city. Li Changhao's idea is very straightforward. He can go as long as possible before they react.

Yuxiang made some calculations, and now they have walked half the distance.

The ability to get halfway smoothly is directly related to Li Changhao's change of method. However, no matter how stupid the other party is, he should have reacted by now. If he continues like this, he may not be able to do it.

Yan Xiangluo knew her identity very well. She was the alchemist they hired. How their team acted was their business, and it was definitely not her responsibility.

She never thought about intervening in their decisions. After all, although she wanted to reach Xiangyang City early when she went with them, she mainly wanted to gain combat experience along the way. But for four days, she had no chance to take action.

But if the Changqing team can reach Xiangyang City safely, she won't take action unless she takes action. After all, it involves other people's chances of survival.

 On the evening of the fourth day, while they were resting, the consciousness left by Yan Xiangluo sensed someone approaching.

Although the other party's reaction was not very fast, it was not bad to find their whereabouts in two days. After all, they had changed their clothes and appearance.

Yan Xiangluo felt a little excited. She knew without thinking that there would be a big battle soon.

Li Changhao obviously noticed it and immediately sent a signal and asked Yan Xiangluo to stay away.

 The people who followed him immediately prepared for battle. In a moment, six figures fell in front of them.

Yan Xiangluo still chose a big tree to sit on, and her eyes fell on the six people. All six of them were above the emperor level. Although the specific cultivation level could not be seen, she could tell from the aura of the six people. Come out with a higher level of cultivation than those who came last time.

 That means that these people are at least the fourth or fifth level of the emperor level.

Her heart sank. The disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves was too great. Li Changqing and the others, who were both at the clan level, had no chance of winning. The most important thing is that he is only at the fourth level of Zong-level cultivation. Even if he can fight beyond the level, he can still fight at one or two levels, but he cannot fight against people with emperor-level cultivation.

 Her idea was simple before and she wanted to accumulate some combat experience with them, but now it seems that she has no chance to participate in the battle.

Given the strength of the opponent, if she dares to go up, she will definitely kill him instantly.

 But she found that Li Changhao was not afraid at all and was very calm.

Yu Xiangluo understood clearly that he was in this business, so how could he not have the ability to defend himself at all? Li Changhao must have some means to save his life.

 She was just curious whether Li Changhao could save the lives of all the team members, or just his own.

This is the time when human nature is most tested, and it is also the opportunity for her to see clearly whether the Changqing Team is a bundle of firewood or a scattered pair of chopsticks.

 “He is quite capable, he was able to evade our search and tracking.”

The other six people obviously didn't take Li Changqing and the others seriously. After all, the disparity in strength was huge. No matter how you looked at it, they would win in a crushing way.

Li Changhao didn’t say anything to the other party.

The other party naturally didn’t expect them to talk to them. He glanced at them and said, “Who is the Xuan Wen Master you invited?”

Yan Xiangluo's eyes turned cold. The other party had been scolded badly by her and wanted to catch her and take revenge. She wanted to know what Li Changhao would do?

Li Changhao narrowed his eyes and finally spoke, "Do you think our Changqing Team has the financial resources to hire a Xuanwen Master?"

The people on the other side also knew that the strength of the Changqing team really couldn't afford to hire a Xuanwen master. After all, the Xuanwen master who took action was much higher than their elder Jiang.

In the past two days, they knew how much Mr. Jiang was tortured, and they became very cruel, saying that they must find this man and cut him into pieces in order to relieve their hatred.

But the last tracking talisman was indeed counterattacked by the Xuanwen Master. Even if they couldn't afford the Xuanwen Master, they must have received help from a high-level Xuanwen Master.

 (End of this chapter)

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