The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 420: Not a small heart

Chapter 420: I’m not too small-minded

Even if he were the owner of this city and this mansion, he couldn't guarantee that the people behind it wouldn't attack the little girl.

Now that Yan Xiangluo is his only hope to save his son, he naturally wants to protect her life.

It doesn't matter if Yan Xiangluo lives there, but she still cares about Ji Jiuzhong's thoughts.

He glanced at Ji Jiuzhong and asked, "Jiu Zhong, okay?"

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "Okay, let the people who go home to inform you bring Du Danyu to take care of your daily life."

It's not that she has to be served by someone, but that this is not his own home. He doesn't feel at ease when there is no one to serve Xiangluo. He doesn't feel at ease when people in the city lord's palace serve her. He can't take care of her personally, so he can only let his own family come.

Du Danyu is just right. After all, he came from a big family, and his upbringing and rules are beyond the comparison of ordinary servants.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, looked at the lord of Xiangyang City, and informed her of her home address. The lord of Xiangyang City immediately arranged for someone to notify and bring back the person they wanted.

Anyway, nothing will happen under their noses.

Yan Xiangluo reminded her to bring back the medicinal herbs and send them to her place of residence, and then she and Ji Jiuzhong got up and went to the accommodation arranged for them.

Although the rooms the two live in are not together, they are not far away. They are on both sides of the bamboo forest. As long as they let go of their spiritual consciousness, they can clearly sense each other's aura.

Moreover, it is very close to the young city lord's residence. It is just a short turn away. Convenience is only one of the reasons. The most important thing is that there is a god-level powerhouse in the young city lord's room, and there are two god-level powerhouses secretly guarding the outside. Worrying about what their two clan-level cultivators do can also serve as a way to monitor them.

The lord of Xiangyang City is not that easy to trust people. Even if he sees what Yan Xiangluo is capable of, he will not trust her wholeheartedly.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong sat at the stone table beside the bamboo forest outside the house for a while. They chatted for a while. They didn't say a word about the young city lord's condition or the city lord's mansion. They were all about their plans for the yard they just bought. .

It wasn't until the medicinal materials were delivered that Yan Xiangluo took the medicinal materials and went into the room to refine the elixir, and Du Danyu also arrived.

Seeing that the two masters actually lived in the young city lord's yard, she understood that the masters were here to treat the young city lord's illness.

She also knew something about the young city lord's illness. She heard about it when her husband went out to buy things this morning. She was a little worried. Does the master have such strong medical skills at such a young age?

Whether it can be cured or not, it is certain that the master is a doctor and an alchemist. How did the master learn so many skills at such a young age?

Ji Jiuchong was still sitting on the stone bench by the bamboo forest and did not go back to his room. Du Danyu stood respectfully aside in the room and did not disturb Yuan Xiangluo's alchemy.

At this time, the city lord of Xiangyang City was reading the messages from Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, and he was even more shocked.

The twilight continent young master Liu Yu pursued and intercepted them so vigorously, but the two of them actually successfully arrived at the southern continent and settled in Xiangyang City. He still underestimated these two people.

There is not much information about the two of them, but the less information there is, the more he feels that they are not simple. Just because the two of them can come to the Southern Continent intact, how can they be simple?

You know, Liu Yu still doesn’t know that the beauty he is looking for is no longer in the twilight continent.

And her surname was Yun, not Yun. He didn't care about this surname. After all, no powerful person or family with the surname Yun had appeared since ancient times, but he had to pay attention to Ji Jiuzhong's surname.

Ji Ji, that was the surname of the Xuan Wen family in the mainland. Although Ji Jiuzhong was actually a lower-class mainlander, and the occupation recorded on his identity card was an weapon refiner, there was no guarantee that the blood of the Ji family would flow to the lower-class continent.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong discussed what profession to choose on their identity cards. In the end, Yan Xiangluo chose the alchemist and Ji Jiuzhong chose the weapon refiner. The lord of Xiangyang City had a plan in mind. If Yan Xiangluo really saved his son, he wouldn't mind helping them. Even though Ji Jiuzhong was a descendant of the Ji family, although the Ji family was a very difficult matter, Ji Jiuzhong My family's Xuan Wen is also an existence that everyone in the mainland is afraid of. Being able to make friends with Master Xuan Wen is also a matter of luck.

Besides, in name, he only helped Yan Xiangluo, who saved his son. If something really happened, it would not be difficult for him to withdraw.

Don't tell him that kindness is priceless. She, Xiangluo, saved her son and made a promise to reward her, so she no longer owes her anything.

 Besides, if she healed her son, it would be of more than just benefit to her. The one in Yunshang Palace couldn't do anything about it. If she healed him, it meant something. It meant that her medical skills were higher than that of him.

 She took advantage of the opportunity to treat her son and became the number one doctor in mainland China. This was the greatest benefit she received.

Thinking of this, the Lord of Xiangyang City narrowed his eyes. I am afraid that this is her real purpose.

The lord of Xiangyang City was shocked. This girl is not old but has a big heart!

Even if she succeeds in treating her son, I don’t know if she can handle such a big hat or wear it.

After all, they have no family support behind them and they are not very young. If that family really wants to covet them, can the two of them withstand it?

The master of Xiangyang City didn't know that Ji Jiuzhong thought about this, and he had already begun to prepare. If he couldn't even protect his beloved woman, is he still a man.

"City Lord, Miss Yu's elixir has been refined." The housekeeper announced from outside.

The city lord came back to his senses and asked, "Have you brought it over?"

The steward said, "Miss Yu must personally deliver the elixir to the city lord."

No one is so careful, even he, the steward of the city lord's palace, doesn't trust him.

The city lord smiled and said, "Let's go over and see how good the little girl is at alchemy."

The housekeeper thought of the good-smelling elixir fragrance surrounding the room where Miss Yu lived, and felt in his heart that even if the grade was not high, it was definitely not low.

The housekeeper followed the city lord to the young master's yard. When he came to the place where Yan Xiangluo lived, he saw that the door of her room was open, but she was not in the room, but sitting at the stone table next to the bamboo forest. With.

She was talking and laughing with her fiancé Ji Jiuzhong, who looked at her lovingly. From a distance, the two of them seemed to be a perfect match in appearance and temperament.

Ji Jiuzhong saw the city lord coming and alerted Yan Xiangluo. Yan Xiangluo turned around and saw the city lord and stood up. Ji Jiuzhong also stood up.

The city lord came over and said to the two of them, "Sit down, you're welcome, just treat yourself as your own home."

He then sat down between the two of them and looked at the tea on the stone table. It was the best spiritual tea in the house for entertaining guests. He turned to the butler and said, "Go and get a box of the spiritual tea I drink to replace it."

 The steward immediately responded and went down.

Immediately, the city lord said, "Miss Yu, has the elixir been refined?"

 (End of this chapter)

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