The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 422: Listen to her

After two thrilling days, just when they thought something unexpected would happen on the third day, the whole day passed peacefully.

They can all sense that the young city lord's physical condition is excellent. It seems that the elixir on the third day is the one that really regulates the body.

Just because the young city lord now looks like he is asleep, unlike the coma, pale and weak appearance before, people who don't know will never tell that he is ill.

Three days finally passed. Several tattoo masters who had also lived in the young city lord's yard for three days were called to a room by Mu Chengzhi, the lord of Xiangyang City, early in the morning.

Let these people carve a few mysterious patterns on his face, which are all mysterious patterns that are not commonly used.

They didn't know what the city lord's intention was, why he let them live in the young city lord's yard for three days, cut off contact with the outside world, and suddenly asked them to carve such a simple mysterious pattern.

They only knew that a very beautiful woman came three days ago. She was said to be a doctor and came to treat the young city lord. When they were invited to the young city lord's yard, the woman had not left yet. After that, they The news has been blocked, so I don’t know what is going on, whether it is related to the treatment of the young city lord.

Even if treating the young city lord has nothing to do with them, Xuan Wen Masters, this is what they are most confused about.

Everyone was very unsure, so they were all serious about carving the mysterious patterns. Especially the city lord was sitting aside and watching, and they didn't dare to slack off at all.

What they didn't know was that the lord of Xiangyang City knew that someone in the mansion wanted to kill his favorite son because of the medicinal materials. Before this person was found out, everyone in the mansion was a suspect.

 Except for those who had sworn a soul oath to be loyal to him, he arranged for people to investigate in secret.

He didn't understand. Although he favored Xiu Yang as his son, he didn't treat his other sons, daughters, and grandchildren badly.

Xiu Yang's talent is the best among all his sons, and his mind is the smartest and most flexible. Although these are not the main reasons why he prefers him, the other children are indeed not as good as Xiu Yang. Everyone knows this, who is the target? Where is Xiu Yang?

Therefore, at the last moment of curing his son, he absolutely did not allow any mistakes. Therefore, he did not let them carve the mysterious pattern that Yan Xiangluo wanted three days ago, but let them carve it on his own when he was going to use it today. Tattoos were carved under his eyelids.

Although he is not a mysterious pattern master, he can also see that these mysterious patterns are not special. Even if they have any doubts, they will not think that these mysterious patterns can have any effect, especially after they have been detained for three days and have been cut off for three days. In the absence of contact with the outside world, I was confused and anxious, and I would not do anything on the mysterious pattern at this time.

These tattoo carvers are sweating profusely while carving the tattoos, which shows how much mental energy is consumed.

If Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong saw the way they were carving, they would definitely wonder why they were working so hard. After all, they had never carved high-level mysterious patterns so hard.

 Half an hour later, everyone had finished carving.

Mu Chengzhi, the lord of Xiangyang City, took the mysterious patterns and left, asking them all to wait in this room, in case they needed other mysterious patterns, or if these mysterious patterns were not good enough, they needed to be carved again.

With such an arrangement, several engravers were even more unsure about what happened. Did they do anything wrong? What does the city lord want to do?

Questions popped up in my mind one after another, but no one dared to ask. The room was extremely quiet. You looked at me, I looked at you. No one dared to say anything, so they just waited.

Mu Chengzhi, the lord of Xiangyang City, took Xuan Wen to his son's room and asked the housekeeper to invite Yan Xiangluo.

Of course, Ji Jiuzhong was the one who came uninvited. The purpose of his coming was to accompany Yu Xiangluo, so naturally he would not be separated from her.

Arriving in the young city lord's room again, Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the person lying on the bed and narrowed his eyes. He was completely different from three days ago. His Luo Luo was so amazing!

Mu Chengzhi, the lord of Xiangyang City, did not hesitate and took out the mysterious patterns directly, "Miss Yu, can you take a look at these mysterious patterns?" Although she knew that she was not a mysterious pattern master, since she wanted these mysterious patterns, she must know whether they can be used. Even if she is not a Xuanwen master, she will be able to tell the difference. After all, she still needs to decide how to use it.

Mu Chengzhi, the lord of Xiangyang City, didn’t know why he was so sure.

Yan Xiangluo took the Xuan Wen and looked at it, "Okay."

She is a Xuanwen master, and she can tell the Xuanwen at just one glance.

Although Yan Xiangluo only said two words, in the eyes of Xiangyang City City Lord, it sounded like the sound of nature. This meant that his son could be treated immediately. He was looking forward to using these ordinary mysterious patterns to summon his son's soul. Take the soul away.

Just these mysterious patterns are naturally not enough. These are just things that Yan Xiangluo uses to hide his soul-controlling power.

But it’s not useless at all. Mu Chengzhi is not that easy to deceive. How could he be such an ignorant person to reach such a high position now?

Hence, the posture must be sufficient to make them believe that even if they are not a mysterious pattern master, they can still use a few mysterious patterns to get his son's soul back.

“Can we start now?” Mu Chengzhi asked.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Lift the person to the ground. You can bring a mattress, but you can't cover him with a quilt."

Even if Mu Chengzhi doesn't believe what Yan Xiangluo says now, he won't reject it. After all, it's the last minute. If Yan Xiangluo is not sure that she will lose her life, he is still willing to believe that she does have this ability.

Therefore, as soon as she finished speaking, she looked at the old man sitting on the bed, and the two of them worked together to lift Mu Xiuyang on the bed to the ground, leaving the mattress under him, and he took off the quilt covering him.

Although he wanted to ask what exactly he was going to do, he held back because it had already started, and he would know it right away.

“Is there anything else I need to prepare?” Mu Chengzhi asked.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "The two of you are enough. When I ask you to input spiritual power later, one of you will be responsible for activating the four mysterious patterns. Once activated, don't worry about anything. When the soul comes back, the body will have Some violent reactions, no matter what situation you see him in, don't take action, otherwise you will fail."

Mu Chengzhi hesitated for a moment and then said, "Okay, we all listen to Miss Yu."

Yan Xiangluo then walked over and placed the jade plaque engraved with mysterious patterns on the body of the young city lord Mu Xiuyang. It seemed to be placed randomly, but it was placed in an orderly manner.

Mu Chengzhi and the old man both saw that these jade tablets were connected with lines to form a diagram of the Universe and Bagua.

They were shocked that Yan Xiangluo actually knew the formation.

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