The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 434: It's touching

Yan Xiangluo smiled happily and said, "You should learn these first. Master will be in seclusion in a few days. You can write down any doubts you have, and he will answer your questions after he comes out of seclusion."

"Well, disciple, please remember the master's teachings." Qi Hao bowed to Yan Xiangluo in a proper manner.

 Qi Changhe has been sitting aside and watching the interaction between the master and the apprentice, and he was very moved. Yan Xiangluo really taught Xiao Hao attentively and pampered Xiao Hao like a child.

Their grandfather and grandson will never be able to repay their debt to Xiangluo in this lifetime.

In the evening, Ji Jiuzhong came to Yuan Xiangluo's courtyard and sent a message to her, telling her that he had come with someone.

When Yu Xiangluo came out, he saw a large group of people in the dark courtyard. He couldn't even count them at a glance. There were about a hundred people. This was only a part of them. How many people did he have?

 How did he find so many talented people in the lower continent?

She knew without asking that most of these people were not from the Chen family, the nine major families.

 She only knew these people from Jin Yutang.

“They all go in to practice?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuyang nodded, "I've told them the training method, just send them in Luoluo."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Don't resist, I will send you in for training."

 Everyone stood in an orderly manner and relaxed their spirits.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo had an idea, he sent everyone to the palace for training.

Ji Jiuzhong thought for a while and said, "Luoluo should put the palace in his consciousness."

 Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality. If someone is to advance to Luoluo but at a critical moment of experience, or she is advancing, the person will be automatically sent out by the palace and appear in the space. It is better to put it in the spiritual consciousness for safety. If the people who have experienced it are sent out by the palace, they will be sent directly outside Luoluo's body, and there is no room for people in the spiritual consciousness.

Yan Xiangluo was helpless. Since Ji Jiuzhong was so worried, she moved the palace from Pangu space to spiritual consciousness.

 This is indeed more secure and no accidents will happen.

“Are you relieved this time?” Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong amusedly.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and scratched her nose, "Don't laugh at me."

Yan Xiangluo immediately said, "I didn't laugh at you, because I was moved."

Ji Jiuzhong said dotingly, "Luoluo thought I couldn't tell."

Yan Xiangluo laughed out loud immediately. Ji Jiuzhong stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms, and said in a muffled voice, "What should I do? I don't seem to be worried about leaving Luo Luo there."

Yan Xiangluo's heart skipped a few beats. Although she had never experienced a relationship, she also knew that Ji Jiuzhong was in love with her and she couldn't seem to keep up with the progress of his relationship.

Every time he felt he cared about him a little more, he would take another big step to make himself feel that he didn't care about him enough.

The two of them hugged each other and looked at the starry sky. The world was so quiet as if they were the only ones left.

This feeling is very subtle, and both of them enjoy it.

 It was too late, Ji Jiuzhong reluctantly let go of the person in his arms.

"The patient scheduled for tomorrow is here. The patient is the most beloved woman of the Lord of the Southern Continent. She has been ill for more than ten years and the cause of the disease has not been found. She has been living on the Yangyuan Pill. The level of the Yangyuan Pill is getting higher and higher. Now only the God-level Yangyuan Pill has an effect, but its effect is not that great. It can be said that there is no medicine available." Ji Jiuzhong briefly explained the situation of the patients who will come tomorrow.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "That means tomorrow the Lord of the Southern Continent will personally bring people to seek medical treatment."

Ji Jiu nodded and said, "Yes, this is the candidate Mu Zixian carefully selected."

Since the purpose of treating patients is to gain fame, the higher the status of the patient, the stronger the persuasion. Mu Zixian was able to handle this aspect with ease, and the two patients he selected were of high status.

But I told him that he was confused, how could a person with such a high status and cultivation still suffer from incurable diseases?

First there was the young city lord of Xiangyang City, and then there was the woman who was the lord of the Southern Continent. The patients who came later were of higher status. Although Mu Zixian could imagine that after these two patients Yuan Xiangluo was cured, their reputations would surely resound throughout the entire high society. Mainland China, but I still wonder how these people got sick.

 Their master Ji Jiuzhong was brought here in the womb, what about these people? I was thinking about following along and learning from it.

Ji Jiuzhong understands the reason. It is precisely because of their high status and high cultivation that those who want to deal with them will use some unbreakable methods. Small fights are of no use to people with high cultivation.

Yan Xiangluo said with envy, "How did you train your people to be so capable?"

Ji Jiuzhong said dotingly, "Now they are yours too."

Yan Xiangluo nodded matter-of-factly, "Well, I got a big advantage."

Ji Jiuzhong couldn't get enough of how coquettish and naive she looked at this moment. She was completely different from when she was usually smart and cold.

 Actually, this is what she really looks like.

Who doesn’t want to live a happy and peaceful life without knowing the world, but not everyone has that luck. Fate forces you to grow up, and the price of growth must be something you don’t like. If someone is willing to pamper her at this time, she will naturally want to live a good life. Be true to yourself, even if it’s just for a moment.

"Why did you set up so many formations in the yard?" Yan Xiangluo asked.

The smile on Ji Jiuzhong's face disappeared and he glanced at the yard, "We'll find out tonight Luo Luo."

Yan Xiangluo’s eyes paused, “Liu Yu’s people are here?”

They didn't offend anyone when they came to the Higher Continent, but she was attracted by Liu Yu. Since someone wanted to take action against her, they knew who it was without even thinking about it.

Ji Jiudian nodded, "I noticed someone snooping around our yard this morning. Tomorrow the Lord of the Southern Continent will ask for help. They will definitely take action before you completely become famous in the mainland. Tonight is the last chance. They won't Will miss it.”

Even if they detect a formation around the courtyard, they will try to break in. They are all above the Saint level. As long as one person can come in, they are no match for him together.

Moreover, it will be difficult for them to take action after Luoluo becomes famous in the mainland. Therefore, Liu Yu will not give up this opportunity.

Ji Jiuzhong's lips curled up slightly. His cultivation level was not as high as theirs, but his formation skills were not low. It was impossible for them to break through forcefully. The only way to get in was to break the formation.

 He wanted to see how good their formation skills were. He was still very confident in his own formations.

He didn't tell Yan Xiangluo this because he didn't want her to worry too much.

“Don’t worry, the formation I have set up will not allow even a god-level person to break in.” Ji Jiuzhong said in a relaxed tone.

Yan Xiangluo himself is very proficient in formations. Although he has not seen it in person, he knows how powerful Ji Jiuzhongbu's formations are and does not doubt his words at all.

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