The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 437: Look at the excitement

He just didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo was going to retreat. She had only been in the Higher Continent for a long time. Why was she going to retreat?

  No wonder he has achieved such success at such a young age. He is not slacking off at all. I feel that he has made full use of his time.

 And he handled things just right.

Diagnosing two patients before retreating not only delayed her retreat, but also spread the word about her superb medical skills.

Yan Xiangluo received two patients, both of whom had extraordinary status. Everyone knew that Yan Xiangluo's purpose was to use these people to become famous for their medical skills, including taking the initiative to go to the city lord's mansion to treat him.

Mu Xiuyang was furious in his heart but his expression was gentle and natural, "Since Master Yu is so busy, I will ask my father to arrange for someone to help protect the safety of the mansion."

When he came, his father told him not to embarrass Xiang Luo. As long as he could ensure the safety of the Lord of the Southern Continent, there was no harm in taking a step back.

Even if Yan Xiangluo doesn't agree with him arranging people to guard the mansion, he can secretly arrange people to protect him. Although the Lord of the Southern Continent is above the **** level, no one who stands at that level has many enemies and opponents.

 Besides, there are not many people who covet the position of Lord of the Continent, but it is not impossible. After all, if you want to be the Lord of the Continent, you must not only be strong yourself, but also have strong family support.

 There are not many families that meet this condition.

 At the moment, this arrangement is the best. Allowing them to arrange manpower to guard outside the house is already the biggest concession that Yan Xiangluo has made.

How did they know that this idea came from Mu Zixian? Yan Xiangluo had never thought about stepping down for them. Mainly because she believed that Mu Zixian would handle things well, so she only told Mu Zixian her true thoughts, and he would naturally handle the rest smoothly.

After seeing Mu Xiuyang off, Mu Zixian asked Chen Moran to tell him that there would be someone guarding outside the mansion tomorrow and ignore him. They were from the city lord's mansion.

 Chen Moran has been able to face any unexpected events with a calm mind these days. Now, he can calmly accept any strange things the two young ancestors do.

A busy day passed. In the evening, Yan Xiangluo finally finished refining all the recipes for the eighth-grade elixir. There were already many elixir bottles piled up in Pangu space. Although the pile was a bit messy, she had a picture on each bottle. The names and levels of the elixirs are all marked. I will organize the elixirs carefully when I have time.

 After dinner, Ji Jiuzhong issued an order that no matter what happens tonight, everyone must stay in the room and not come out.

Although Chen Moran and the others didn't know what happened, their master gave him the order and they just had to do it.

Everyone went back to rest, and Ji Jiuzhong said to Yan Xiangluo, "If Luoluo doesn't like the noise, just go inside. I'll tell you when it's over."

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, "I have finished refining all the eighth-grade elixirs. I don't plan to do anything else tonight. I just want to listen to the excitement."

Seeing her say this, Ji Jiuzhong nodded and said, "Then rest first. They won't take action too early. When they do, I will accompany Luoluo to watch the fun."

Yu Xiangluo knew that no one in the house could sleep peacefully tonight.

After washing and bathing, Yan Xiangluo went to bed early. As Ji Jiuzhong said, the other party will not come too early, and the time chosen is indeed the most suitable to do it. After midnight, people are the deepest sleepers. when.

Yan Xiangluo was awakened by a muffled sound. This was the defensive counterattack array deployed by Ji Jiuzhong outside the courtyard wall. The opponent was probably trying to enter the courtyard wall. Unexpectedly, the defensive ability of the tactics was high. Forget it, the counterattack is so strong. As soon as she got up from the bed, Ji Jiuzhong came, stood outside the door and asked, "Luoluo, come out and I will show you the excitement."

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo walked out of the house. Ji Jiuzhong held her in his arms and flew up into the air, landing on the roof of the room where she lived.

Then the two stood side by side on the roof and looked in the direction of the sound. From here, they could see the scene outside the courtyard wall, but they could not see the inside.

Yan Xiangluo watched with interest.

Even if they were just testing him, the counterattack force made him unable to prevent himself from being attacked, and he hit the wall of their neighbor's house one by one.

Suddenly, a large part of the neighbor's courtyard wall collapsed. The people who were awakened rushed over to investigate. When they saw the man in black outside the courtyard wall, they turned around and ran back without thinking, pretending they had seen nothing.

They knew very well that the other party was not targeting them. It was just a courtyard wall and there was no need to risk their lives because of it. They should go back to the house and stay there. After the other party's affairs were finished, they could repair the courtyard wall tomorrow. They would have to accept the compensation. .

The ten people were very satisfied with each other's knowledge. They looked at each other with their exposed eyes and understood each other's meaning.

They take turns attacking in one place. Their purpose is to enter the house and arrest people. They only need to break open a place.

After the decision was made, the ten people began to attack a courtyard wall in turn. The first person carefully used the five points of force and was prepared in advance to avoid the person who attacked. However, what no one expected was that the counterattack came back. The power is like having eyes, accurately bombarding the person who uses the power attack.

Moreover, the strength of the counterattack doubled. Even if it was my own strength, it would become 100% strength after doubling. I couldn't bear it.

With a muffled sound, the man was thrown out by the force of the counterattack. In an instant, the other nine people watched his figure fly into the night sky, and then hit a certain place they didn't know, and disappeared. sound.

The nine people looked at each other and immediately chased the figure in the direction it flew away. They saw the figure flying backwards over a mansion and landing motionless on the street.

 Looking closer, I found that he was bleeding from all his orifices and had no breath.

The nine people gasped. Why was the counterattack force of the formation on the courtyard wall so strong? They clearly saw that their companion only used 50% of his strength and actually shocked him to death. This means that the counterattack force was at least doubled. .

 They handled the bodies of their companions with fear in their hearts, and then figured out what to do.

The master ordered that the person be captured before Yan Xiangluo became famous. During the day, they looked for opportunities, but Yan Xiangluo did not leave the house at all, and there was no chance to do anything outside. Moreover, the Lord of the Southern Continent would take him with him tomorrow. The beloved woman comes to see a doctor, and they only have this chance tonight. If they can't complete the task and go back, they will die, and if they continue to complete the task, they will die. They originally came with the confidence of completing the task easily, but now they have come to die. ?

Yan Xiangluo watched them look at their mansion hesitantly, and asked in a low voice, "They won't back down, right?"

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and said, "No, they will die if they go back. There is still hope of living."

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