The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 443: suppression effect

  Why not talk about strength? The reason is very simple. The strength among the various sects in the inner continent is almost evenly matched. It is difficult to distinguish between them. It is impossible to rank them at all. Even if the rankings are ranked this year, they may change next year.

 This is also the reason why Mu Zixian chose the head of Qinglun Mountain as the second patient. Because of its specialness, the sect is recognized by the entire continent.

Yan Xiangluo knew what Ji Jiuchong was worried about and said with a smile, "I am still very confident in my medical skills, and you also know that I have many methods and rely on more than just medical skills. No matter who the other party is in my eyes He is just a patient, he only treats illnesses and does not care about anything else.”

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "That's good. I'm here. Luoluo can just treat the patients with peace of mind. Leave the rest to me."

 “Yes.” Yan Xiangluo responded happily.

The two talked for a while, and then Chen Moran came to report that the Lord of the Southern Continent had arranged for someone to deliver medicinal materials.

Ji Jiuzhong asked the person who delivered the medicinal materials to come in. Yan Xiangluo checked that the medicinal materials were correct and then left.

“Come and get the elixir tomorrow morning. You can leave now.”

 The man who came to deliver the medicine twitched his lips and sent him off unceremoniously. This Master Yu is really special.

Thinking that someone with such a high status as his master was sent off rudely, it was no big deal that a subordinate like him was sent off so rudely.

But he is a master of medical skills. Although his cultivation is not as good as him, he is still respectable enough. What's more, the life of his wife, Mrs. Ling'er, is still in his hands. Therefore, he has a lot of activity in his heart without showing any signs on his face. He gives the gift with proper etiquette. Then he turned around and left.

Yan Xiangluo got up and returned to her yard with the medicinal materials, and asked Chen Jinwen to call Qi Hao and let him watch her refining the elixir.

Although Qi Hao may not be able to understand it now, he will know the order and some techniques of making alchemy by heart over time, which will be of great help to him when he actually starts making alchemy in the future.

Qi Hao would naturally cherish this opportunity and stand aside out of the way, staring intently at Yan Xiangluo's movements, pondering her techniques and her strength in controlling the heat.

 After a batch of pills came out, Qi Hao's big eyes suddenly widened. Oh my god, the master actually refined six pills in one batch. This was the first time he had seen such a high rate of elixirs.

 What he didn't know was that this was the result of Yan Xiangluo suppressing the level of the elixir.

Yan Xiangluo is used to refining an elixir and integrating all the essence into the elixir, so the elixir is of high grade and effective.

 She can now refine a god-level elixir. If it is a perfect quality elixir, it should be a single elixir. The level of the elixir has been suppressed, so what to do with the excess high-quality medicinal properties? It has been divided into multiple low-level elixirs.

The reason why six pills were refined this time was because it was made for Mrs. Ling'er's body. It was the first time that this kind of pill was refined, so six pills were made. If we are familiar with each other, there should be more. Come out with one.

An hour later, Yan Xiangluo refined all four types of elixirs. The level of each elixir was controlled at the sixth level, and the finished elixirs were all six.

 Put the elixirs separately, put one into a medicine bottle, label it with the number one, and go down in order. This is for those who come and go for elixirs tomorrow morning. She labeled the other five elixirs with their respective functions and put them away separately. She could just keep these for herself.

After putting away the elixir, Yan Xiangluo began to examine Qi Hao's effect on reading her essays in the past two days. She was indeed a smart child and could answer all the parts fluently after reading them.

I took the opportunity to ask Yan Xiangluo for advice when I couldn't understand clearly.

Yan Xiangluo explained to him patiently, and she didn’t let Qi Hao go back until lunch.

There is no other way. After treating the last patient tomorrow, she will prepare to go in with Ji Jiuzhong to practice. Each time she enters the palace to practice, the time is longer, and the results are better and better each time. Therefore, although she will come out before Ji Jiuzhong this time, she is not sure of the specific time, so she will seize all the time to guide her little apprentice. .

This situation may be the norm.

Ji Jiuchong came over to have lunch with her.

Now, Mu Zixian in the mansion has bought more than a dozen slaves. They are not sin slaves. Sin slaves cannot be bought just because they want to buy them. They have to be divided into time. There is a time limit for sin slaves to leave the place of service. Ruan Xiangluo When He Ji Jiuzhong was buying people, he happened to catch up with a batch.

The slaves Mu Zixian bought were not sin slaves, they were just sold as slaves. In fact, most of the slaves in the Yaxing shop were sold by their masters. Although such slaves are cheap, they are all too carefree and uneasy. Work hard, otherwise the owner wouldn't sell it.

Mu Zixian's eyes were so vicious that even the people in Yaxing were surprised. Why did the people he jumped out to be the kind of people who had just been sold as slaves?

There are more people in the house, and the errands have been redistributed. Feng Jiayan is now responsible for the master's food. The kitchen is still under her control, but she only needs to do the food for Yu Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong. Among the newly bought slaves The kitchen and waiters have been arranged for the two people's daily life. Although there are still not many people, it is much more convenient and orderly than before.

After lunch, Yan Xiangluo continued to make alchemy, Ji Jiuzhong went to the study room in front, and Mu Zixian and Changfeng followed them in.

“Master, Liu Yu has gone into the secret realm of old age.” Mu Zixian said.

 At present, their own news network has not been established, but it is difficult to keep the whereabouts of people like Liu Yu secret, not to mention such a major event as entering the secret realm of twilight, which has been spread to the Southern Continent today.

Ji Jiuzhong was relieved when he heard this. He could go in and experience it with confidence. There was a time limit for entering the secret realms of the twelve continents. It was two months, which meant that he would not be able to get out before the time was up. He could rest assured during these two months. With the experience, there is no need to worry about Liu Yu's actions.

 After all, the news that he chopped off Liu Yu's outstretched hand should not have spread back yet. Liu Yu would not know that everyone had broken off before entering the secret realm, and there would be no other arrangements.

When he comes out, there will be a continental competition, and he won't have the time or energy to deal with them. In two months, no one can bully him, not even Luoluo's cultivation level. By then, his father-in-law and mother-in-law should also be here. , if he wants to take down Luoluo again, he will have to think carefully about it.

 He cannot bear the consequences.

"Arrange some people to stay and protect Luoluo, and wait until a group of people come out before letting them in. After we go in to practice, let Chen Moran pay attention to whether there are people named Yun Fusheng and Long Yimeng coming. When they come, they must stay. Just He told Luo Luo to retreat and asked them to wait in the house. I will ask Luo Luo to give him a token tomorrow, and those who come will believe it when they see it. "

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