The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 445: Yu Ge's soul

Although he asked, he didn't expect that the effect of the medicine would show up so quickly.

At this moment, Mrs. Ling covered her heart and a large mouthful of black blood spurted out from her mouth. The attendant quickly turned aside, just in time to avoid it, otherwise it would have sprayed on him.

The Lord of the Southern Continent was shocked, "What happened to Ling'er?"

The attendant hurriedly said, "Master Yu specifically told me that it is a good thing to vomit black blood first. Don't stop it. Just vomit as much as you can."

The Lord of the Southern Continent also remembered what Yan Xiangluo said yesterday. It was normal to vomit black blood and it was detoxification.

 He felt relieved and quickly asked someone to prepare some water for mouthwash.

  After vomiting three mouthfuls of black blood, Mrs. Ling stopped feeling nauseated. Her chest was no longer stuffy, she felt much more comfortable, and her breath became smoother.

After rinsing her mouth, she smiled and said to the Lord of the Southern Continent, "My heart is no longer stuffy. I feel very comfortable."

 The Lord of the Southern Continent said with emotion, "Master Yu's medical skills and alchemy skills are very powerful."

“Indeed.” Mrs. Ling agreed.

Suddenly he held his stomach and said urgently, "Sir, get out quickly."

Seeing her look, the Lord of the Southern Continent immediately understood that this was to continue detoxification in another way. It was indeed inconvenient for them to be there, so they quickly followed the waiter out and asked two maids from the City Lord's Mansion to wait on her.

At this time, the attendant had the opportunity to report what he saw, "Your Majesty, the people from Qinglun Mountain have gone to Yu's Mansion."

The Lord of the Southern Continent was stunned, "Who is going?"

The attendant said, "Don't dare to get close. The people inside have very strong spiritual consciousness. They found me, so I left quickly."

The Lord of the Southern Continent thought about it and immediately said, "Call the Lord of Xiangyang City to come."

This is Xiangyang City, and it is his territory. He should be very clear about the affairs of the palace, otherwise he, the city lord, would not be able to sit firmly.

The lord of Xiangyang City has been paying attention to the movements on their side, just to come over immediately if something happens, so the lord of Xiangyang City came soon.

 The Lord of the Southern Continent asked directly, "Who is going to see a doctor in Yu's Mansion today?"

The lord of Xiangyang City immediately replied, "It is the treatment quota reserved by the head of Qinglun Mountain. The specific person who is being treated cannot be found. I don't know and there is no news."

 The implication is that he doesn’t know the information, which even the family doesn’t know. It’s normal that he doesn’t know. It’s not that he has no ability.

 The Lord of the Southern Continent frowned, "Is the leader of Qinglun Mountain here?"

"Here we come, news just came from the city gate. The leader of Qinglun Mountain has entered the city. With him, there are two elders of Qinglun Mountain and five disciples." The Lord of Xiangyang City immediately told the news he had just received. .

Hearing this, the Lord of the Southern Continent said, "Continue to arrange for people to check, and be sure to determine who is coming to see the doctor."

Every one of these people who came today is a very important person in Qinglun Mountain. It would be better if the disciple is sick, but if he is the leader of Qinglun Mountain, the matter will be serious.

Whoever has the ability to hurt the leader of Qinglun Mountain must be a person with the same level of spiritual cultivation as him.     The most important thing is that being able to come to Yufu for medical treatment shows that the injury is serious.

 But this is unlikely. Could it be an elder? The elders of Qinglun Mountain are all at a real level of cultivation. How could they be seriously injured?

Thinking again about the few disciples who had followed, the eyes of one of them, the Lord of the Southern Continent, changed, "Was Wei Changyu seriously injured last year?"

Wei Changyu is the youngest son of the leader of Qinglun Mountain and his favorite son. He remembers that Wei Changyu was seriously injured when he went into a secret realm for training last year.

The Lord of Xiangyang City nodded and said, "Wei Changyu fell into a coma after coming out of the secret training realm last year. He only woke up a year ago. It is said that he was fine after waking up. Is there any hidden disease that has not been cured?"

His son has been ill for three years after coming out of the secret realm. Wei Changyu may not have any accidents.

“Let someone keep an eye on them. As soon as they leave the concubine’s house, invite them to the mansion to gather together and say that they were invited by me.” The Lord of the Southern Continent immediately made a decision.

No matter who is sick, the head of Qinglun Mountain has arrived in his Southern Continent territory. Although this is not where he lives, Xiangyang City is also in the Southern Continent. Since he is here, he must see him. Such an opportunity is once in a lifetime. .

The mainland competition for hegemony is about to begin, and you can also explore the reality of Qinglun Mountain. After all, there are many strong people in this competition.

"Yes." The lord of Xiangyang City had originally arranged for someone to keep an eye on him, but now that the lord of the continent had given him the order, he dared to go ahead and do it.

At this time, Yuan Xiangluo from the palace came from her yard to treat the patients. Before entering the living room, she felt a familiar soul breath.

 This aura definitely does not come from their own family members. Whose soul aura is so familiar?

Yan Xiangluo’s memory is quite good. She shrank her eyes. How could it be possible?

 The soul breath she sensed was the breath of a dead person, that is, Yu Ge.

Yu Ge saw his soul with her own eyes. How could his soul appear in the higher continent?

With a thought, she walked into the living room and saw three older men sitting on the upper left side, and five younger men standing behind them.

 The familiar soul breath came from the man standing closest to the main seat.

 The man saw her coming in and immediately looked over. His eyes flashed and he immediately looked away. Although he looked away quickly, Yan Xiangluo could still see the hatred in his eyes.

She walked over calmly. When Ji Jiuzhong saw her coming, he stood up and walked over. The three older people also stood up.

“Luoluo, this is the head of Qinglun Mountain, and these two are the first elder and the second elder.” Ji Jiuzhong introduced her.

Yan Xiangluo greeted the three of them one by one. After the five of them sat down, Ji Jiuzhong continued to introduce, "The four of them are the direct disciples of the sect leader. This is the sect leader's youngest son, Wei Changyu."

At the same time, a message was sent to Yan Xiangluo, "Luoluo, Wei Changyu has an aura that I don't like. I get tired of seeing him. You should be more careful."

Ji Jiuzhong's intuition is very sensitive. Every time he feels this way, the other person is his enemy, which also allows him to avoid many dangers.

Yan Xiangluo was surprised by Ji Jiuzhong's sensitivity. She was very sensitive to aura because of the Long family's soul-controlling power. Ji Jiuzhong didn't have the soul-controlling power, so she could tell something was wrong with Wei Changyu just by intuition.

 She greeted the five people with a smile, and also sent a message to Ji Jiuzhong, "The soul of Yu Ge lives in his body."

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes paused for a moment, obviously he didn't expect it to be like this. No wonder he felt disgusted when he saw him. It turned out that he was Yu Ge. It seemed that after Yu Ge's death, he encountered an opportunity and came here instead. The higher continent comes alive through the bodies of others.

Just now Wei Changyu saw his instincts avoided his eyes. Although he changed his body, he had been with Ji Jiuzhong for so many years. Some habits could not be changed, and his fear of himself was deeply rooted in the bone marrow.

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