The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 454: Experience changes

 The two men divided their forces into two groups, one went to call for help, and the other went to explain the matter to Chen Moran.

 Soon the two came back with the people.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the dark crowd of people standing in the yard and twitched her lips. Jin Yutang had already led so many people in, so why were there so many people there.

These people were usually hiding somewhere. She didn't realize that there were so many people in the mansion. Even if they were standing next to each other, they still took up a lot of space. They were definitely not in the mansion.

 “Everyone is here?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Mu Zixian said, "It's all ready."

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo activated the defensive formation in the yard, and then put the spiritual power of the Xuanjie Xuanwen given to her by Ji Jiuzhong into the formation. Suddenly, the whole yard became extremely quiet. Only then did she know that not only was the isolation No sound can be heard from the outside or inside. As long as they don't disarm the formation, people inside can't get out and people outside can't get in.

She knew very well how strong the defensive formation Ji Jiuzhong had deployed was, and it could resist the attacks of the lower gods. However, with the addition of the Xuanjie Xuanwen, it was more than enough to resist the attacks of the upper gods. This should be what Ji Jiuzhong could arrange at the moment. The strongest isolation effect.

 With their current opponent's cultivation level, it is enough.

After everything was arranged, Yan Xiangluo said to Changfeng, Mu Zixian and all the secret guards, "Don't resist, I will send you in."

  Everyone relaxed their consciousness, and as soon as the thought of Yuanxiang fell, everyone disappeared.

There must be movement among so many people. The two elders of Qinglun Mountain noticed the movement and mobilized their spiritual consciousness to investigate. They found that there was a strong isolation formation outside a courtyard. Even their god-level spiritual consciousness could not detect it. Go in.

Thinking of the two people saying they were going to retreat tonight, knowing that this was the main courtyard, they should have activated the defensive formation. There were so many spiritual energy fluctuations just now, and their people should have gone in to protect the law.

The two of them were shocked. How many trump cards did they have? This defensive formation could actually resist the spiritual detection of people with god-level cultivation. How could it be more and more scary the more they thought about it.

Immediately they went to check on Wei Changyu and saw that he was still practicing cross-legged cultivation to nourish his soul, so they consciously withdrew their consciousness and stopped paying attention to what was going on in his mansion.

As long as Wei Changyu is fine, it will be fine. They have all lived a long time. They know that curiosity can kill people, and they should not meddle easily. It is easy to lose their lives. If they want to live longer, sometimes they have to Pretend to be deaf and blind.

Only Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were left in the yard. Yan Xiangluo looked at him and asked, "Go in now?"

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "Go in, Luoluo Anxin is practicing, don't pay attention to them, they can leave the small courtyard after they come out, and then guard the safety of the mansion in the dark."

Ji Jiuchong is worried that Yan Xiangluo will use it too much and the training effect will not be good. His people are all entering for the first time. Even if they have extraordinary perseverance, the training time will not be longer than the time they go in for the second or third time, and they will definitely come out before them.

This is why he arranged for Jin Yutang to go in first. He is the leader of the hidden guards and works calmly. When they are away, Jin Yutang does not have to worry about the safety of the mansion.

Yan Xiangluo nodded after hearing this. This was her most formal experience in the higher continent. She had to break through her limits and unleash infinite possibilities in order to gain the strongest experience.

Taking a deep breath, he led Ji Jiuzhong into the palace. Although the two of them came in together and through the same door, they couldn't see each other after entering. The experience here is for individuals, so no matter how many people come in, they cannot see each other.

Yan Xiangluo was not in a hurry to practice it. After all, it was a space magic weapon that she had contracted with herself. Unlike others, she could control when the training started.

Others are different. They start practicing as soon as they enter, and they won’t even give you a moment to breathe.

Yan Xiangluo first checked the hidden guards of Ji Jiuzhong who were practicing in the palace. She didn't need to look at those who had just come in. She mainly looked at those who came in two days in advance.

She was surprised to find that a large number of those people were practicing on the second floor of the palace.

It turns out that palace experience is not only limited to the first floor, but can also enter other floors. Some conditions must have been touched.

She knew the structure of the palace very well, but it was different when she came in to experience it than when she came in without any experience before. She knew this.

 The first floor of the palace is a library. The reason why it is called a library is that she has never seen such a large place to store books. It can only be described as a library. There are books of all types, including various types of cultivation methods, as well as books on alchemy, weapon refining, mysterious patterns, formations, animal training, etc. Judging from the texture and color of the books, those books are all old. . They should all be ancient books, and each one is a rare treasure.

 The second floor was the weapons warehouse. Various weapons that she had never seen before were suspended in it. She couldn't even count how many there were. She had a long caltrop spear, a gentleman's sword, and a flying lotus. She didn't want to ask for any other weapons, and she didn't even look at them at that time.

 The third level is even more powerful. There is a training place set up inside, but it is only suitable for people with sect-level cultivation. At that time, she sensed that there were six more floors in the palace, but she could not find out what was in the other six floors. Now she thought it was a place for higher-level training.

When she came in for the first time, it was the training ground starting from the third floor, but now they start the training directly from the first floor. In other words, the layout of palace magic weapons can be changed because of their different uses. .

If you come in for training, the library and weapons depot of the palace will be hidden, and the entire ninth floor is a place for training.

If you want to find a book, you will directly appear in the library. The display is also on the first level. The display for finding weapons is on the second level. The senior brother has refined such a powerful space weapon, but I still looked down on it back then?

Did your eyes grow on the top of your head at that time?

It was at this time that Yan Xiangluo had the urgent desire to restore her past life memories. There were too many doubts in her heart, and they were getting more and more. If they were not solved, they would hinder her practice.

With an idea, she went to the library. Sure enough, it was now shown that she was on the first floor of the palace. She walked to the second floor, which was also the weapons warehouse.

Going to the third floor again, sure enough, the place where she came in just now to practice was also displayed on the first floor.

 Only she, the owner of the palace, can travel to various places as she pleases. Others can only let her stay where they are.

Just like now, they can only use the experience function of the palace and cannot go to the library and weapons depot.

Thinking of the weapons in the arsenal, Yan Xiangluo thought that after Ji Jiuzhong's people had finished practicing, she would give them a chance to go in and choose a weapon they wanted.

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