The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 465: don't cause trouble

After the guards passed by, the woman came out and turned into the alley again, and disappeared.

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows, are these guards looking for this woman?

This was just a small incident, and Yan Xiangluo didn't care. She came here to watch the wedding of the lord of Changchuan City, and she wasn't here to meddle in other people's business.

“Girl, let’s go to where we live.” Mu Zixian’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

Yan Xiangluo turned around and looked over. Almost all the plates on the table were empty. The two people's fighting ability was still good. Although they ordered food cooked by Ling Chef, the quantity was quite large. She only ate a little bit. .

 This is good, better than wasting it.

 “Let’s go.” Ruan Xiangluo stood up, and Qi Hao and Mu Zixian followed immediately.

After Mu Zixian went downstairs to pay for the meal, the three of them went to the backyard, got on the carriage and headed towards the small courtyard that Mu Zixian rented.

Mu Zixian did not rent this small courtyard arbitrarily. It is not far from the main street. The carriages and horses of the lord of Changchuan City's wedding must pass through the main street, so it is very convenient to come out and watch.

And it’s not far from the City Lord’s Mansion. If possible, they are going to have a wedding banquet at the City Lord’s Mansion.

After entering the small courtyard, Mu Zixian pointed out the room where Suan Xiangluo lived, and then he and Qi Hao went to park the carriage.

Yan Xiangluo walked towards the house where she lived. Before she entered, she narrowed her eyes and saw that there was someone inside.

Yan Xiangluo stood outside without moving, letting go of her consciousness, and clearly felt that the breath of the people in the room had changed.

 “Come out.” Yan Xiangluo’s voice was light.

The breath of the person inside the room paused, and then the door opened and a person walked out.

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes, is it her?

The person who came out of the house was the woman wearing a pink skirt and a black hat that she saw in the restaurant.

 At this time, she was still wearing a bamboo hat and her appearance could not be seen clearly. By such a coincidence, she actually hid in the yard they rented.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. It was such a coincidence.

 “Why is the girl here?”

The woman did not answer her question, but said angrily, "Isn't this yard not sold yet? Who are you and why are you here?"

Yan Xiangluo felt relieved when she heard the woman's tone. She was obviously a person who had been pampered and grown up.

"This yard has indeed not been sold yet. We are tenants. We rented it for three days and came to Changchuan City to watch the wedding of the city lord."

Yan Xiangluo explained clearly. The woman said with some annoyance and annoyance, "What's so good about that hypocrite's wedding?"

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows, and the tone of her voice indicated that this girl knew the lord of Changchuan City, and there seemed to be a story behind her. I just don’t know what the relationship is between her and the Lord of Changchuan City. Could it be that she is a little green plum that cannot be loved?

At this time, Yan Xiangluo checked all the plots in the novels she had read on the woman in front of her, but she still didn't know which one it was.

It seems that the guard team was indeed sent by the lord of Changchuan City. He did not dare to look for people in a big way, but only sent a team of guards, indicating that the relationship between the two people should not be known to the public.

Yan Xiangluo walked over and said, "Girl, if you have no place to go, you can stay here, but I can only be the host for three days."

The implication is that I am also a tenant and can only be the owner for these three days. As for after three days, it will not be her decision.

Although he knew that keeping her would be troublesome, I am afraid that the lord of Changchuan City already knows that she is here. If he drives her away, if something happens, the lord of Changchuan City may be angry, so he still stays. Bar.

 The woman paused for a moment and then said, "Thank you very much, miss. I wonder what your surname is?"

"Juan." Yuan Xiangluo walked into the main room and sat down on the main seat. She glanced at the room with her peripheral vision. The room was very clean. Mu Zixian had obviously found someone to clean it up. The woman walked in after her, thought for a moment and sat down under her, "Thank you so much, Miss Yun."

She thought that what Xiangluo was talking about was the cloud of clouds, so she naturally called her Miss Yun.

“Can I ask the girl her name?” Yan Xiangluo looked at the woman and asked.

Even though I asked this question, I knew in my heart that she didn’t even dare to show her face, and I’m afraid she wouldn’t be able to say her name. She was just asking politely.

As expected, the woman said in an arrogant tone, "I don't know if it's good for you."

Yan Xiangluo looked like she knew it would be like this, and she didn't want to say more, "I will live in the room on the right, and the girl will live in the room on the left."

 Originally, the room on the left, Mu Zixian, was for Qi Hao. Now Qi Hao and Mu Zixian can only stay for one night, and there is no time to clean up other rooms.

 “Thank you.”

Yan Xiangluo glanced at her and said, "There's no need to thank you. We're just here to watch the ceremony. Just don't cause trouble for us, girl."

This is Yan Xiangluo's sincere words. It doesn't matter whether she thanks her or not. What's important is that she doesn't cause them any unnecessary trouble.

 They came just to watch the fun, not to get into trouble.

The woman said arrogantly, "Don't worry, I'm not an ungrateful person. I will find a chance to leave tonight. I'm just staying for a while."

 At this time, Mu Zixian and Qi Hao came back.

“Master, those two spirit horses are really good at eating…”

Before Qi Hao finished speaking, he saw a woman wearing a pink skirt and a black bamboo hat sitting in the room, and he immediately choked back what he said.

Mu Zixian was also stunned. He explained how he sensed two auras in the room. He didn't feel like he was his master, and why he was a woman who didn't dare to show her face.

"Girl, who is this?" Mu Zixian carefully removed Yan Xiangluo's last name and called her girl directly.

Yan Xiangluo shrugged, "I don't know her either. She's staying here for a while and will leave at any time. Let Xiaohao stay with you tonight."

Mu Zixian wanted to say something else, but since Yan Xiangluo had made up his mind, he did not refute. Anyway, it would be better for him to be more vigilant, and let the people guarding him in secret be more vigilant as well.

After Mu Zixian responded, he pulled Qi Hao, who was still confused, out, and closed the door thoughtfully.

Yu Xiangluo stood up and said, "I've been traveling all day, so I won't sit with the girl anymore. It's up to you."

 This is not my home anyway, and you won't be able to stay long. Someone will probably come to arrest her soon. She'd better go to bed.

The woman watched Yan Xiangluo get up and go back to the room. She stared at the closed door and wondered what she was thinking. After a while, she also got up and went to the room opposite the door.

But she didn't sleep. She sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated, her mind paying attention to the outside of the small courtyard, looking for an opportunity to leave.

Yan Xiangluo returned to the room and did not practice. She lay on the bed and really fell asleep. Of course, she called Yun Tuan out to take charge of the warning.

The cloud was nestled on her pillow and around her neck. It was so small that you couldn't even notice it, so Yan Xiangluo really fell asleep with peace of mind.

 At midnight, the voice of a cloud sounded in her consciousness, "Master, someone is coming."

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