The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 467: Do you want to make a sworn vow?

Yan Xiangluo said secretly in her heart: Girl, you are right, you are really blind when you look at such a man.

But it’s not too late now, it just depends on whether you can get rid of him.

 “This is how you look at our relationship for so many years?” The Lord of Changchuan City’s face was so dark that water dripped from his face.

Fang Xi'er snorted coldly, "I'm just being merciful. If you don't want to hear anything more disgusting, just get out of here."

With her peripheral vision, she glanced at the three people standing at the door watching the excitement, and she was secretly worried. It was okay for her to leave on her own, but these three people were implicated by her, and she couldn't just leave like this.

I have promised not to cause trouble to them before, but why are these three people so clueless? Even if they are like this, they still don’t find a chance to escape quickly. They are still watching with relish. Is it because they are too slow to die?

"Xi'er, you are so kind and don't want to implicate others, right?" The lord of Changchuan City looked at Yuan Xiangluo and the others with unclear eyes.

Yan Xiangluo cursed in her heart, this man is really a dog, he can't explain that he actually used the girl's weakness to force her.

 She wanted to know what Fang Xi'er would do.

 What Fang Xi'er was most worried about happened, "Can you be more despicable?"

Yan Xiangluo echoed in her heart, yes, girl, you are right, he is indeed despicable, and it looks like he can be even more despicable.

"As long as I can keep you, what does it matter if I'm mean?" The lord of Changchuan City no longer had the hypocrisy in his eyes, only cruelty and ruthlessness.

Fang Xi'er took a deep breath, obviously knowing that anything she said to him would be in vain.

Turning to Ruan Xiangluo, he said, "Miss Yun, I'm sorry, I still caused trouble for you, but don't worry, they want to kill you, unless they step on my body. If I can't save you even if I die, then they will If you owe it, you’ll pay it back in the next life.”

The face of the Lord of Changchuan City suddenly became more gloomy, "Xi'er, are you so cruel that you would rather die than stay with me?"

Miss Xi'er sneered, "Don't talk to me in such a tone. I'm so sick that I want to vomit."

The lord of Changchuan City was choked and had nothing to say. He could only say harshly, "You forced me to do this."

 Obviously, he didn't want to let her go, even if she threatened to die.

Yan Xiangluo smiled after listening to the conversation between the two, "You have a strong temper. With your words, I don't regret keeping you. However, it is not worth dying for such a man. Since I dare to keep you, Of course there are ways to save your life, don’t worry about us, just do what you want.”

Fang Xi'er was stunned. She didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo would say that. She was a little doubtful, but seeing her confident look, she knew in her heart that she must have underestimated her.

"Are you sure?" Although he knew that Yan Xiangluo should have some means to protect himself, Fang Xi'er asked again.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I'm sure, the person in front of me is not the only one who wants my life. You see, I'm not alive and well."

Fang Xi'er was amused by Yan Xiangluo's words, "I like this personality. If you don't mind my age, how about we become sisters?"

Only then did Yan Xiangluo think that although Fang Xi'er looked young, high-level mainlanders advanced quickly in cultivation. As long as their talents were not too bad, it was very common for monks to live for eighteen hundred years. Therefore, many people who were hundreds of years old It is normal for people to look like they are in their twenties, and it is also normal for people to marry and have children only when they are hundreds of years old.

 Is Fang Xi'er very old?

Although she was confused, Yan Xiangluo's appreciation of a person had nothing to do with the other person's age. She just admired and agreed with Xi'er's behavior of kicking the scumbag without hesitation, and she must have a good heart if she never breaks her promise to strangers like them. However, If you become sworn sisters, you still have to think about it.

She can't make a sworn sworn relationship just because of a casual relationship. In her heart, becoming sworn sisters means sharing life and death together, so she won't make the decision easily. And I also have a adopted brother from the demon clan. When I think of my adopted brother, I feel a little ashamed. I have been here for several months and I have not yet gone to see my adopted brother.

 After he became famous this time, his sworn brother should know that he was here. Would he be angry?

Sigh, let’s find a suitable opportunity to go to the Demon Clan to meet my sworn brother.

Although his thoughts ran a little far, there was not much time. It was just a moment, which in Fang Xi'er's eyes was just a moment of hesitation.

“In my understanding, being sworn sisters means sharing life and death together. If we really have this fate in the future, it’s not impossible.”

Yan Xiangluo politely refused, but also explained the reason, indicating that she did not look down on Fang Xi'er, but because she valued the relationship after the sworn relationship and would not make a decision easily.

Fang Xi'er heard this and a bright smile broke out on her face, "She is indeed the girl I like. I like the way she handles things. I will wait for the day when my fate comes."

The corner of Mu Zixian's mouth twitched at the side. Could you please take a look at what's going on now? Didn't you see that the face of the Lord of Changchuan City has turned as dark as a crow? You are still discussing the matter of becoming the master. Is it time.

 “You can go to the underworld to worship.” The lord of Changchuan City lost his patience.

Fang Xier ignored him and said to Yan Xiangluo, "Who leaves first?"

Yan Xiangluo smiled, "Together."

 Fang Xi'er's eyes suddenly lit up, "Okay."

The lord of Changchuan City was very angry this time. These two people ignored him completely. Did they treat him and others as decorations?

Even if Fang Xi'er is a weapon refiner, it doesn't matter. Her strength is not as strong as her father and brother. With his current strength and the strength of the people he brought, it is impossible for her to escape.

He raised his hand and said, "Keep Fang Xi'er alive and kill the others."

 The people behind him got the order and immediately ran towards the four of them.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the lord of Changchuan City mockingly. She had prepared the worst when she decided to keep Fang Xi'er. Now, in her territory, she is still so bold. How confident this person is.

 Is it because his cultivation level is higher than theirs?

Indeed, it is a big level higher. Yan Xiangluo is now the fourth level of the emperor level. At her age, it is not ordinary. After all, in the advanced continent, most people with the emperor level cultivation level are over thirty years old. There are only a few people who can reach the emperor level at the age of twenty, and they are all geniuses without exception.

However, Zhang Zilu of Changchuan City is a fifth-level saint-level cultivation level.

 Therefore, it makes sense for people to look down on their cultivation. But he forgot that a person's strength is not only the level of cultivation, there are also endless methods in this continent.

The thing that Yan Xiangluo lacks most is the means.

When Zhang Zilu asked someone to come over, Fang Xier thought, and a dark disk-like object appeared in her hand.

Yan Xiangluo didn't understand what it was, but she saw Zhang Zilu's expression change.

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