The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 469: Never mess with

 Chapter 469 Never mess with

Fang Xi'er has always been obedient to him, making him forget that she is also a noble girl from a wealthy family, and she is also proud.

But he is not worried about Fang Xi'er. After more than ten years of getting along, he still knows Fang Xi'er's character very well. She will not do anything to him because of her betrayal of feelings, but he is worried about the Fang family, who is an extremely defensive person. family.

This was also the happiest thing that happened to him after he found out Fang Xi'er's identity, but the Fang family didn't accept him. Even though he tried all his means and Fang Xi'er threatened to sever ties, he still didn't accept it.

For more than ten years, the Fang family had really ignored them, making him really think that the Fang family had given up on Fang Xi'er, which was why he made his current decision. He didn't expect that the old man actually took the Fang family's precious Frisbee. Gave it to Fang Xier.

 It doesn’t matter what happens here or there, Fang Xi’er is obviously the most important person in the Fang family.

Now he understands that the Fang family is testing his feelings for Fang Xi'er in this way. Unfortunately, he didn't persist to the end. He blames himself for not understanding this. There is no use regretting it now.

 Since he couldn't borrow the strength of Shang Jia, there was nothing wrong with him finding someone to borrow strength from. He didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

Those people from big families who can easily obtain cultivation resources will not understand how difficult it is for poor people like them to pursue cultivation.

Originally, he didn't want to give up on Fang Xi'er. He really liked Fang Xi'er and thought that the relationship between them would make her willing to stay by his side without any status. But now it seems that there is no possibility for them anymore.

 What he is worried about now is whether the Fang family will take action against him?

What I am more worried about is the woman named Yun. What is her background? Why didn't he know that there was such a powerful Yun family?

 It was unknown enemies that made him most uneasy.

 Fortunately, the other party did not have any intention of killing him, and it seemed that he did not want to enmity with him. He felt that the matter had not reached the worst point yet.

The signal was sent, and a moment later, a group of people appeared in the small courtyard. They were stunned when they saw the situation of Zhang Zilu and the others.

 “Take us back.” Zhang Zilu also felt embarrassed.

Chasing a woman to the point where he is so embarrassed that he is completely embarrassed. Fortunately, he is one of his own and outsiders don't know.

But he didn’t know how Yan Xiangluo would let him go so easily.

He thought that the immobility was only temporary, so he returned to the city lord's palace and called for doctors and alchemists, but no one could find out what happened to them, let alone help them recover.

In the end, he had no choice but to wait, but on the wedding day, he still couldn't move. While the guards who followed him could move, he was the only one who couldn't move.

What didn't he understand at this time? What did Yan Xiangluo mean by the big gift she gave him? How could a groom who couldn't move go to welcome the bride?

This is easy to solve, just get a substitute. The wedding was finally fooled. Although he missed the wedding night, he still managed to coax the bride with his clever mouth.

 The next day he was finally able to move, thinking about making up for the wedding night and coaxing his wife. After all, he still needed the support of his in-laws.

 But what made him collapse was that his body didn't respond at all and he couldn't get married at all.

 It would be okay if it was only temporary, but if it continues like this, all his plans will be in vain. That woman will not be able to tolerate her husband.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo and the others were driving leisurely on the road to the Northern Continent.

 Because of the incident in Changchuan City, they did not stay in any city in the past few days. Except for resting at night, they were always on their way, hoping to get to the Northern Continent as soon as possible to avoid trouble.

Three days have passed. Yesterday was the wedding day of the city lord of Changchuan City. Mu Zixian has been waiting for news from those who stayed in Changchuan City. After receiving the news, Mu Zixian became even more confused.

 Seeing that Yan Xiangluo was not practicing, he curiously went over to lift the curtain of the car and asked, "Miss Yu, what did you do to Zhang Zilu?"

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows and asked, "What news have you received?"

Mu Zixian said, "Zhang Zilu who went to pick up the bride on the wedding day is a lie. I heard that the bride went back to her parents' home crying for some reason."

Yan Xiangluo hooked her lips and said, "I just gave them some medicine to make them unable to move. I accidentally gave Zhang Zilu a little more. It has some not-so-good side effects, but it doesn't affect their life or cultivation."

Mu Zixian's lips twitched, and he immediately understood that since this side effect did not affect life or cultivation, it could make the bride go back to her parents' home crying in grievance. He knew this effect without having to explain it explicitly.

I'm afraid she didn't offend Zhang Zilu too much accidentally, but she did it on purpose. As expected, women can't be provoked, especially women who can use poison.

She despised the treacherous Zhang Zilu, so she gave him a drug that would kill off his descendants. No, to be precise, she gave him an inhumane drug. For a man, this was even more cruel than destroying his cultivation.

He quickly put down the curtain and carefully examined whether he had done something wrong. He thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure it out. Finally, he patted his heart with relief. Fortunately, he would not be drugged.

 When the master comes out, he must remind the master that he must pay attention to his words and deeds, and must not make the girl unhappy. The name of this little poisonous king is not just bragging, he is really ruthless.

 Don't say that he didn't find out when Yan Xiangluo administered the medicine, even Zhang Zilu didn't find out either.

 It seems that it will be impossible for my master to hug him from now on.

She was so ruthless when Zhang Zilu, who was like a passerby, betrayed his feelings. If his master betrayed her, he wouldn't even dare to think about the consequences.

Thinking about it this way, he felt a little pity for his master.

  No, I have thought wrongly. With a person like Miss Yu, if the master still wants to hug him, they will despise him.

Qi Hao rolled his big eyes several times. He could clearly see Mu Zixian's expression. It was fear, but the master had just punished the bad guy. Why was he so scared?

 The child didn't understand what happened to Zhang Zilu. There were a row of question marks on his head. If he didn't understand, just ask.

“Master, what’s wrong with that bad guy?” Qi Hao asked curiously.

Ruan Xiangluo stared at him for a moment, how should she answer this matter? Mu Zixian outside held back his smile. This Qi Hao is really a treasure, and Miss Yu was very tolerant of him. If someone else asked this question, what would happen? Definitely the same as Zhang Zilu.

Yan Xiangluo coughed lightly and said, "You are still young and don't understand what I said. You will understand when you grow up."

Qi Hao was even more confused. What does this have to do with his childhood?

 But since the master said this, he couldn't ask any more questions. He touched his stomach and said, "Master, I'm hungry."

Yan Xiangluo immediately asked Mu Zixian, "How far is it to the next city?"

Mu Zixian glanced at the front and said, "It's a quarter of an hour's journey."

 (End of this chapter)

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