The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 479: To Xianyun Sect (2)

  She had just guessed before, but when she actually saw this road, she was sure that the Xianyun Sect was probably founded by the founder of the sect who refined the Changling Spear.

 After all, after this ancestor of the Xianyun Sect, no one except her and her master could ascend to the higher continent.

Although she didn’t know what the reason for this ancestor was, and he had not been able to promote the sect for such a long time, but for her master to stay in the Xianyun Sect, something must have happened that touched her master.

 Now that I am getting closer to Xianyun Sect, I will soon know the answer.

Now that the resistance of this road has no effect on her experience, she walks leisurely behind her little apprentice, watching his hurried figure walking faster and faster, but she wants to know what his talent is. How long will it take to reach the mountain gate?

Qi Hao didn’t feel that this road had much training effect on him at first. Although as the steps got higher and higher, the resistance became stronger and stronger, he didn’t feel that it had any big impact on him.

But after walking for a quarter of an hour, he clearly felt that the resistance was so strong that it was difficult for him to lift his legs. He instinctively used his spiritual power to resist. It was indeed better, but the speed was still obviously slowed down, and his spiritual power was consumed. Very quickly.

Looking back at the master who was following leisurely behind him, Qi Hao bit his lower lip and continued walking up.

This is the master's place. He can't embarrass the master and make the master feel that the master has taken him as a disciple with poor talent.

Yan Xiangluo followed behind and could clearly see the young apprentice's expression, but she did not interfere. She would not interfere no matter how he walked along the way or at what speed. After all, this was the beginning of Qi Hao's cultivation. The first real experience.

Qi Hao's speed is getting slower and slower, and his footsteps are getting heavier and heavier. The sweat on his forehead and wet hair all prove that he is exhausted both spiritually and physically.

 But he still didn't stop and continued to persist.

Yan Xiangluo was very satisfied. This perseverance was quite good. He was not reminded that he needed to stop practicing, recover his cultivation, and then continue climbing the mountain.

Finally Qi Hao couldn't hold on any longer and fell down on the steps. The knock was quite severe. Although Yan Xiangluo felt distressed, she still did not interfere with him.

Qi Hao lay motionless on the steps. After a while, Qi Hao reluctantly got up and sat on the steps.

He glanced at his master who was standing below and looking at him. Before, he thought that the mountain was not too high. Even if he didn't use spiritual power, it would only take him two hours to climb it. But now it seems that he can't climb it today. Going up there will take a lot of time to recover your spiritual power.

Qi Hao sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and began to practice to restore his spiritual power.

Yu Xiangluo smiled, boy, I finally know what to do.

 When he realized this, his state of mind also changed a lot. Although it only took a moment to go from impetuous to calm, this change would accompany him throughout his life.

Although this road is uglier than the one in the Xianyun Sect in Tianqian Continent, its strength is indeed several times that of that road.

Yan Xiangluo walked to Qi Hao and sat down next to him, looking down the mountain. At this time, they had climbed less than one-tenth of the way. From this height, they could already see the scenery in the distance below the mountain.

The Xianyun Sect chose its site very carefully. There is a large town about thirty or forty miles ahead. If the Xianyun Sect develops one day, the town will soon become prosperous and it will also bring a lot of benefits to the Xianyun Sect. Great convenience.

Time passed little by little. Qi Hao quit practicing and looked at the master who was accompanying him, then turned around and continued climbing the steps. He understood that since the master said that this was the first level of the sect's examination, he should have experienced it by himself. Those disciples who came to participate in the sect's examination could not even see the master, and there was a master there to accompany them.

The best decision for him is that Master does not participate or interfere at all.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Qi Hao, who was continuing to climb the mountain, and her eyes flickered. The current step was much more resistant than the steps of the Xianyun Sect that she had climbed on the Tianqian Continent. According to the young apprentice's speed, she would be able to climb the mountain tomorrow night at the earliest. In this case, she was not in a hurry to see her master.

While walking, she absorbed the spiritual energy and practiced. When Qi Hao stopped, she studied the elixir recipe and did not compete with him for the spiritual energy.

In this way, the master and the apprentice walked up the mountain in tacit agreement.

At this time, there were two people standing in front of the simple mountain gate of Xianyun Sect. One of them was Deng Changze, Yan Xiangluo's master. The other person had white hair and white beard and was wearing a snow-white robe. He looked like an old man, but his eyes were... Staring down the mountain with great energy.

“Nagaze, is it really your little apprentice here?”

Deng Changze was speechless. This ancestor was completely different from the person he knew in Tianqian Continent. He repeatedly said that it was indeed his apprentice Xiao Luo'er who came, and he asked again and again.

"Really, not only is my little apprentice here, but she also brought her little apprentice." When Deng Changze went to find his apprentice, he didn't know that Ruan Xiangluo had taken him in. Or did he know that he had one after he came back and received the news? A little disciple.

In his eyes, the little apprentice is still a child. Although she is extremely talented, he never thought that she would accept a disciple so early and become a master so unexpectedly. He also doesn't know how talented this disciple is.

No, as soon as he noticed the aura of the young apprentice, he immediately came to wait in front of the mountain gate. Unexpectedly, Xiao Luo'er was so calm and actually let his apprentice take the path of evaluating disciples.

 This is good, he can just see how talented this kid is.

“Why don’t we go down to greet her?” Mu Changling said, stroking his snow-white beard.

"Ancestor, Xiao Luo'er wants to accompany his young apprentice on the sect's first training path. With her young apprentice's current speed, it will be tomorrow night at the earliest. Let's go back and wait!" Deng Changze was helpless.

 Why does it feel like my ancestor is more anxious than his master?

 “Well, old man, I have been waiting for thousands of years to finally wait for my descendants to get the Changling Spear. Can you not be anxious?” Mu Changling rolled his eyes at Deng Changze, as if you want to go back, I will wait here.

Deng Changze sighed and said, "Ancestor, Xiao Luo'er admires you very much. I have always wondered if I could see you when I come to the Higher Continent. You have to maintain your image."

Mu Changling stroked his beard for a moment, then rolled his eyes at Deng Changze, "I'm an old guy who has lived for more than three thousand years. Don't try to fool me or trick me into going back. There's no way."

Deng Changze was speechless. Was he fooling him? Was he really worried that his young apprentice would be disappointed if he looked like this?

Thinking of how his young apprentice looked when he first got the Changling Spear, he sighed deeply, "Then wait, ancestor. I'll go back and prepare the residence for master and apprentice Xiao Luo'er."

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