The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 481: To Xianyun Sect (4)

Chapter 481: Arriving at Xianyun Sect (4)

Yan Xiangluo looked at the darkening sky. After Qi Hao stopped practicing again to recover his spiritual energy, he took out some food and handed it to him.

 “Gather it yourself and eat it when you are hungry.”

Qi Hao only ate breakfast today and didn't eat lunch or dinner. His cultivation level has not reached the point where he can't be hungry without eating. He was really hungry. He immediately took the food given by his master, put some away, and then ate it with big mouthfuls. Eat up.

Everything he eats when he is hungry is delicious, not to mention that what Yan Xiangluo gives him is spiritual food with spiritual energy. Qi Hao feels that he has never eaten such delicious food. Obviously, he usually eats these things.

 At this time, he felt extremely happy in his heart. The master was just like his mother and was very good to him.

Yan Xiangluo also sat beside him and ate with him. They could barely sit down on the narrow steps, master and disciple.

Qi Hao felt very happy even though it was crowded.

From a distance, the master and the apprentice looked like a pair of siblings, sitting on the steps to rest when they were tired from walking.

Mu Changling was extremely envious when he saw it, and said with emotion, "I don't think the few disciples I had got along with them were as good as them. By the way, how old and what are the cultivation levels of my disciples?"

Deng Changze was stunned for a moment by Mu Changling's ancestor's thinking, and then he frowned and thought for a moment.

Mu Changling's disciples are like ancestors to them. After all, people in Tianqian Continent only have a lifespan of a hundred years.

All disciples of the Xianyun Sect have read the historical records of the Xianyun Sect that record their ancestors, but who cares how old each ancestor lived? The main concern is what level of cultivation they have reached and how famous they are.

 Fortunately, he has a good memory, and he never forgets almost all the books he has read, and he recounts the lives of several disciples of Mu Changling.

Mu Changling was very emotional after hearing this, "When I left, they were all young people in their twenties and thirties. Now think about it, they have left for more than three thousand years, but I, an old guy, am still alive."

Deng Changze was very emotional after hearing what he said. After coming to the Higher Continent, he also learned that the longevity of monks here is determined by their cultivation, except for accidental death of course.

But he didn't expect that his ancestor Mu Changling was still alive. He was more than 3,600 years old. You must know that the lifespan of those under the clan level is only a hundred years, and the lifespan will only increase after crossing the clan level, but the **** level The lifespan will not increase much below. Only after surpassing the **** level, the lifespan will increase by thousands.

 The levels of cultivation: Shi, Yuan, Ling, Wang, Zun, and Zong are only the first level of cultivation. Only after passing this level can you be considered to have some talent.

 One can only be considered a genius if he breaks through to the **** level.

The longevity of monks is also the same, there is a huge change at the sect level.

 After passing the Zong level, the life span can be increased by one hundred years, that is, people who have cultivated at the Zong level have a life span of two hundred years. The same applies to the subsequent Emperor, Saint and God levels. Every time you break through a major level, your lifespan will be increased by one hundred years.

In other words, after you break through to the **** level, you will have a lifespan of five hundred years. This is what ordinary people envy monks the most. Five hundred years is equivalent to five lives they have lived.

 But what monks yearn for most is cultivation above the **** level.

 Beyond the **** level, there are cultivation levels such as lower god, demigod, upper god, asking questions, transcending tribulations, and ascension.

It seems difficult to break through to the **** level, but every level above the **** level is more than ten times more difficult than breaking through to the **** level. You can imagine how difficult it is to break through. But the rewards are also more than doubled, such as longevity. Breaking through each level will increase your life span by one thousand years.

It can be seen that Mu Changling has lived for more than 3,000 years now. What level is he?

Let's put it this way, the people in the entire Higher Continent who have lived for more than three thousand years can be counted on one hand, which shows Mu Changling's status in the Higher Continent.

Of course, this number refers to the existence of powerful men who are more than 3,000 years old and are known to the entire continent. People like Mu Changling are in a sect that no one cares about or even knows about. The smallest sect cannot be smaller. It's impossible to be a strong person. He's the only one, but there won't be many.

“Tell me about Xiao Luo’er.” Although Mu Changling was born and raised as a lower-class mainlander, more than three thousand years have passed, and his memory of his hometown has become increasingly blurred.

Besides, three thousand years have passed, and the changes in Tianqian Continent will not be small. The people from his hometown finally came, and they were from the Xianyun Sect, which brought back many memories that he had forgotten in the long years.

Deng Changze briefly told Mu Changling about Yan Xiangluo's life experience, and also detailed the situation of the Xianyun Sect in Tianqian Continent.

The two of them talked like this and waited for Yan Xiangluo and Qi Hao to come up, and they waited until the evening of the next day.

The disciples of Xianyun Sect are very curious, who is the person who can make the ancestor come out and wait for two days?

Finally, in the afterglow of the evening, Qi Hao climbed up the last step. The resistance from the steps disappeared instantly, and a comfortable power spread throughout his body from his Dantian.

When the light of promotion fell, Qi Hao was very pleasantly surprised. He quickly sat down cross-legged and started to advance.

Yan Xiangluo, who came up next, was not surprised at all. She accompanied Qi Hao all the way up, and she was very aware of the role of experience in the entire step. Anyone who can go up will gain a lot. Promotion is only one of them. Wait for it later. The benefits will gradually appear during practice.

Yan Xiangluo didn't care about his apprentice's promotion, and his eyes fell on the two people standing in front of the mountain gate.

Among them, she recognized her master, but she had never seen the other old man with white hair and white beard, but she thought he looked familiar. When she thought about it carefully, her almond-shaped eyes suddenly burst into surprise, and she rushed over in an instant and stared closely at him. Looking at the old man.

“Are you the ancestor Mu Changling?”

Mu Changling's eyes followed Yan Xiangluo's words and burst out with a brightness that hadn't been seen for a long time.

 “The little girl is indeed smart.”

Yan Xiangluo quickly waved her hands and said, "Ancestor praised me. I saw your ancestor's portrait, so I can recognize your ancestor. Ancestor, it's great to see you."

When she first got the Changling Spear, Yan Xiangluo had a wish in her heart. When she came to the higher continent, if her ancestors were still there, she would definitely come to pay homage to her ancestors and thank them.

 But at that time, she didn't know how long the senior mainland monks lived. More than three thousand years had passed, and she didn't know if Mu Changling was still alive. Now that she saw him with her own eyes, how could she not be excited?

 Her long caltrop spear and alchemy furnace stone nest were both obtained because of her ancestors.

As soon as she finished speaking, her thoughts moved, and the Changling Spear appeared in her hand. Because Jin Huanghuang's Changling Spear was contracted with her, her cultivation level increased, and the Changling Spear also grew. Now it looks the same as when she first got it. Although it is the same, the breath has changed a lot.

 Seeing the Changling Spear again, Mu Changling's eyes became hot.

 (End of this chapter)

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