The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 483: To Xianyun Sect (6)

Mu Changling glanced at the disciple who was secretly watching them in the dark, and said to the two of them, "Go back first, and let's talk slowly."

Master and apprentice Yan Xiangluo and Qi Hao nodded in unison. They looked more like sisters than master and apprentice.

 The two of them followed Mu Changling and Deng Changze and walked to Xianyun Sect together.

The further they walked, the more doubtful Ruan Xiangluo became. Although she had imagined that Xianyun Sect was as small as possible, she never expected it to be so simple!

She secretly glanced at the master and saw him looking at her. She gave him a look, and Deng Changze motioned for her to go in before talking.

Yan Xiangluo could only walk to Xianyun Sect with full of questions.

 It’s not surprising that she was confused, except that the mountain gate looked like that. It was made of stone and looked like a sect.

The further you go inside, the shabbier it gets. The roads are dirt roads and the houses are bamboo buildings made of bamboo. Although they are very strong, it does not change the fact that Xianyun Sect is very shabby.

Looking at the generous greeting gift given to Qi Hao by the ancestors, why is the sect so shabby? No wonder more than three thousand years have passed, and the Xianyun Sect is still unknown on the mainland.

 It would be strange for such a sect to have disciples.

 No, there are quite a few people who can sense the darkness, and the sect seems to have no shortage of disciples.

 After walking for a while, there were more bamboo buildings, but they were not all together, just like independent existences.

Walking further inside, you can see many disciples wearing religious uniforms on the road. Everyone respectfully greeted Mu Changling and Deng Changze. Seeing Mu Changling's surprised and admiring eyes, it was difficult for Yuan Xiangluo to ignore them.

There are indeed many disciples. How does Xianyun Sect recruit disciples like this? Why is there so many disciples, but Xianyun Sect is not famous at all on the mainland, and no one even knows that such a sect exists?

After going around a mountain col, I saw a courtyard made of bamboo. The courtyard was not small, and the bamboo buildings inside were all two-story. However, the courtyard gate and fence were too perfunctory, with a few sparse bamboo branches on the door. , a person with a figure like her can easily get in, and the fence is also sparse. The door and fence are just the same, and I don’t know what to do with them.

 Tell anyone who sees me that I am a fence?

Mu Changling raised his hand, and a burst of spiritual power opened the bamboo door, and four people walked in.

 A disciple came out, bowed respectfully and immediately went to make tea.

There was no smell of other people in the courtyard. It seemed that this disciple was just serving his ancestor Mu Changling.

 This place is quite clean.

"Xiao Luo'er, your master lives in the bamboo building on the left. You and Xiaohao should live in the bamboo building on the right. Mingli has cleaned everything." Mu Changling said.

Yu Xiangluo and Qi Hao said in unison, "Yes, ancestor."

Mu Changling said to the two of them, "Don't be formal. I don't have many rules here. You can just be casual."

Yu Xiangluo could see that although the ancestors here did not have so many rules, the disciples of the sect followed many rules along the way.

Even the disciple who served the ancestors had good rules. Mingli should be his name.

Yuan Xiangluo was okay, but Qi Hao was really a little cautious and didn't know what to do.

Yan Xiangluo whispered, "Just don't forget the rules. There's no need to be so formal."

Qi Hao relaxed a little after listening to his master's words. Mu Changling clearly saw the interaction between the master and the disciple, and he agreed with the way Yan Xiangluo taught his disciples. It was right not to be accustomed to mistakes. This is the time for the development of a child's character at such an old age. If If you are too spoiled, your temperament will not be good.

"sit down."

Mu Changling sat down at the bamboo table in the yard, pointed to the bamboo chair opposite and said to Ruan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo saw her master sitting down beside her ancestor, so she sat down opposite her ancestor. Qi Hao did not sit down, but stood beside Yuan Xiangluo.

Mu Changling was a little more satisfied when he saw this, and said to Mingli when he brought him tea, "Mingli, this is your uncle and his apprentice Qi Hao."

Ming Li immediately gave Concubine Xiang Luo a gift.

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect that her seniority here would be so high. Mingli seemed to be older than her. However, she was also a senior member of the Immortal Cloud Sect in Tianma Continent, so she had already adapted to it.

Mu Changling said again, "Mingli, take Xiaohao for a walk around the sect and let him get to know the sect."

 This is to drive Qi Hao away.

Qi Hao looked at Yan Xiangluo, who nodded and said, "Go, learn about the sect, come back and talk to the master."

 Qi Hao immediately followed Mingli and left obediently.

The two of them walked out of the bamboo gate. Only then did Yan Xiangluo notice a slight fluctuation in the barrier. It turned out that there was a barrier around the courtyard, and only the bamboo door could allow people to enter and exit.

Mu Changling took a sip of tea and said, "Xiao Luo'er must be wondering why our ancestors made the Xianyun Sect so shabby, right?"

Yanxiang Luoshi nodded sincerely, "There is a huge gap compared with the Xianyun Sect in Tianma Continent."

Mu Changling stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Xiao Luo'er, do you know why I didn't build the Xianyun Sect here like I built the Xianyun Sect on the Tianzhan Continent?"

Yan Xiang shook her head sincerely. If she didn't have enough financial resources, she wouldn't believe it. After all, the meeting gifts given by her ancestors to Qi Hao were all in gift rings.

 Besides, the ancestor is an alchemist or a weapon refiner. If anyone asks for money, the ancestor will not take the money away.

“When Xiaohao comes back and talks to you about the Xianyun Sect, you will know the reason.” Mu Changling did not directly answer Yan Xiangluo’s doubts, but gave it away.

Yan Xiangluo’s pretty brows furrowed, then nodded and said, “Okay.”

“I heard that your master said that the alchemy furnace I dug out under Xianyun Peak when the Xianyun Sect was founded was contracted by you?” Mu Changling asked again.

Yan Xiangluo nodded. This was something that the entire Xianyun Sect knew, and she was not surprised if the master told the ancestors.

 “Can you show it to your ancestors?” Mu Changling asked again.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo thought about it, the stone nest appeared in her hand, because she often used it to make elixirs, and now the stone nest smelled of herbs when it came out.

Mu Changling looked at the alchemy furnace that could no longer see its original appearance. At this time, the alchemy furnace was as clear as jasper. It was completely different from when he chopped it out with his sword, except for its size.

He did not take it over to look at it, but said with emotion, "At that time, I chose Xianyun Peak as the main peak. I chopped it down with my sword. I wanted to chop out a flat place to build a pavilion, but I didn't want to chop out a pill furnace. Although I looked at it It's inconspicuous, but I sensed that it had spiritual consciousness. I wanted to make a contract with it, but I couldn't, so I knew it was not an ordinary spiritual object. It should be a spiritual object that could choose its own owner, so I placed it in the sect. . All the direct disciples can try to make a contract, and whoever can make the contract belongs to him."

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