The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 503: Want her life

  If you are still living in the past after reincarnation, what is the meaning of rebirth?

 Repeat the sorrow and failure of the previous life?

Yan Xiangluo has always been a very sensible person. Although she is young and has little experience, it does not mean that she is stupid. The soul is divided into two lives, and neither life is easy.

 In another life, she had grown up watching the intrigues in her family since she was a child. These things could not deceive her. In this life, she grew up in Tianshun Imperial City. Although she did not live in the Yu family, she was involved in the royal family and the big family, and her parents were both geniuses. How could she be a little white flower.

After thinking about it, Yan Xiangluo left the house without hesitation.

As soon as she walked out of the door, she saw the man still standing outside the courtyard door, and he looked at her. Yan Xiangluo calmly retracted her gaze and looked up at the sky.

The sky here is so blue that there is not even a single white cloud. The sky is so clean that it’s like time has stopped.

 It’s like time has stood still?

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes suddenly shrank, and she withdrew her gaze to look at the spacious open space. Yes, except for the man following her, there was nothing normal here.

 Excluding the men, everything here seems to be still. This golden palace seemed to her like a gorgeous prison.

Thinking again that her body was still unconscious on the nine-layered lotus in the cave, a light flashed in Yan Xiangluo's mind, and she suddenly woke up.

This is not real, everything is fake.

Just when she was thinking about it, everything in front of her eyes began to blur, and she quickly looked at the man at the door.

 The figure of the man actually still exists so really. After everything became illusory, the aura on his body changed, and the expression on his face lost the respect it had before.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the man warily.

The palace became more and more blurry. Just when the palace completely disappeared, Yan Xiangluo floated in the sky again, and the man slowly walked towards her.

Yan Xiangluo frowned. She was somewhat repelled by his approach.

 The man seemed to be aware of her thoughts and stopped five or six steps away from her.

"You didn't go into the practice room." The man said. Although it was a question, he used an affirmative tone.

 The most important thing is that he did not mention the Heavenly Master when he spoke this time, and the respect in his tone was gone. Yan Xiangluo could also hear a bit of anger and unwillingness.

 It was as if his carefully designed trap turned out to be in vain.

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes and said, "I just don't want to go in."

 I thought to myself: There is indeed something wrong with that practice room.

The man laughed loudly, and then the laughter got louder and louder. After a while, he stopped, looked at Yan Xiangluo and said, "Although you have not recovered the memory of your previous life, you are still as confident as you were in the previous life."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She didn’t know what she was like in her previous life before she recovered her memory, but she knew what she was like in this life.

This man is definitely not any of her senior brothers, and she doesn't know who he was in her previous life, but judging from his expression, he shouldn't be someone she gets along well with.

In Yan Xiangluo's heart, people who don't get along with each other are enemies, so she won't be polite to such people.

If you bully her because she is a divine soul, you can't do anything to her? Has he forgotten how to call himself, Heavenly Master!

Although she has not learned the power of soul control inherited from the Long family, she is still a person who can control souls. And the power of controlling the soul does not require a real body, her soul can override it.

Yan Xiangluo raised her hand, and a stream of soul power rushed towards the man.

The man originally wanted to say something, but when he sensed a domineering force coming towards him, he was suddenly frightened and dodged to avoid Yan Xiangluo's attack.

“Your soul control talent is actually stronger in this life?”

After hearing his words, Yan Xiangluo felt a little confident. Although he had not yet become a Heavenly Master in this life, his ability to control souls surprised him so much. Presumably, if he became a Heavenly Master in this life, he would be stronger than the previous one. .

"This is strong. I'm just trying to see if I can use my soul to control my soul." Yan Xiangluo didn't want to really fight with him. If her soul was injured, it would be a big deal.

The man looked at her with complicated eyes, "Originally, if you went into the training room, I could consider giving you a way to survive, but you didn't go in. Not only did you not go in, but I also discovered that your soul control talent is stronger. You said, I Is there any reason to let you go?"

Yan Xiang's heart sank. It turned out that he wanted his own life. It seemed that this battle was unavoidable. Only the power of soul control could be used to fight with others. What was the possibility of winning?

She began to make calculations in her mind, but she didn't notice at all that she was no longer like before. When encountering a life-threatening situation, she thought about how to escape in advance, but faced the difficulties head on.

“Then you have to have that ability.” Yan Xiangluo said she would never admit defeat.

 The man sneered, "Luoluo, you are still so cute."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She was so cute, but she was obviously arrogant. What about her eyes, she had never been associated with cuteness.

Now she suspected that neither the man in front of her nor the cute words in her senior brothers' words seemed to mean the same thing as what she understood.

However, the man called out her name, letting her understand that she was also called Luoluo in her previous life, but she didn't know if the full name was the same.

"If you think this is cute, then let it make you feel more cute." Yan Xiangluo didn't want to passively accept attacks. She only had soul power, so she could only take the initiative to occupy a favorable situation.

Yan Xiangluo didn't use her strongest soul-controlling power just now, but this time she showed no mercy and used her strongest attack.

 The power of soul control originally attacks the soul, so even if it can hurt the opponent, it is not the opponent's body that is hurt.

Yan Xiangluo is now not sure whether the opponent is a spirit or a real body, so after this attack, she will know. If it is a spirit, she really has no chance of winning. If it is a real body, then she still has hope to give it a try.

 The man saw that she attacked directly without hesitation, knowing that she was really not afraid of him, and he clearly sensed that her soul power was much stronger than the attack just now.

He has no soul power, and his soul power cannot compete with it at all. Therefore, he can only dodge her attack, then use his spiritual power to scatter her soul, and then completely destroy her soul, so that she will be completely destroyed. 's disappeared.

 The body left in the cave is just an empty shell, and what they worry about will never happen again.

Hence, he was not prepared to show mercy.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared, dodged Yan Xiangluo's attack, and appeared behind Yan Xiangluo. At the same time, he spread his hands above his head, and powerful spiritual power rushed toward Yan Xiangluo's soul.

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