The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 522: City of Taming Beasts

Mu Zixian explained, "Yes, it will be held in the city. This is why the Northern Continent is so big, but Yaoguang City was chosen to host the continental competition. Because Yaoguang City is famous for animal taming, and the animal taming family is relatively It is also a famous city for buying and selling spirit beasts, so there is a spirit beast trading place in the city. This place is very large, and there is also a large colosseum inside. Now the entire trading place is owned by the city owner of Yaoguang City in accordance with the rules of the Northern Continent. It was converted into a competition venue at the Lord’s request.”

Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched, which meant that the place that used to be a place for fighting beasts was now a place for fighting people.

 Why does it feel weird?

However, she was very interested in selling spiritual beasts. She had not paid attention to the information about Yaoguang City before, so she realized that Yaoguang City was actually a city for taming beasts.

“Spiritual beasts are sold here?”

"Well, the most famous one is the Ximen family, the strongest beast-taming family in the entire continent. Almost all high-level spiritual beasts are tamed by their Ximen family." Mu Zixian has been here for a few days and has already given Yaoguang City to Ask clearly.

 Simon family?

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. It couldn't be the Ximen family they met when they first came out of the snowfield, right?

 She clearly remembered that **** of the Ximen family, that woman's arrogant tone and appearance. She really hated this surname in her two lifetimes.

 For a slave to be so arrogant, it shows what the master of the Ximen family is like.

"Because of the competition, many people came to Yaoguang City, and their business is much better than before. Those who hold spiritual beasts in their arms on the street, almost all the spiritual beasts are sold here." Mu Zixian continued. .

Yan Xiangluo has long discovered that there are many people walking on the street holding spiritual beasts in their arms. Most of them are women, and feelings are sold here.

“What levels of spiritual beasts are there?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Mu Zixian said, "There are low-level, mid-level, and high-level ones. The higher the level, the more expensive it is. There are more low-level and mid-level ones. The high-level spiritual beasts need to be looked at and selected separately, and they must be confirmed before I can take you there." Look. The ones displayed in the store are all low-end. As for the super ones, they are not easy to find and are not easy to tame. If they are available, they are usually auctioned and the highest bidder gets them. They are not affordable for ordinary people. of."

As they were talking, they happened to pass by a spirit beast shop with the word Ximen on the plaque. It should be the shop where the Ximen family sells spirit beasts.

Passing through the door, Yan Xiangluo saw many spiritual beasts in cages inside.

It is true that they are all low-level, with only one or two intermediate ones. These two should be placed here to support the show. Obviously, high-level spiritual beasts will not be sold in front of the shop.

Mu Zixian said, "Low-level spirit beasts are very good-looking, and they are usually sold by women from big families to keep as pets to relieve their boredom. Intermediate and high-level spirit beasts are contracted for use in combat, and the price is very expensive. If you can advance If you become a battle pet, you will make a profit. After all, having a powerful battle pet is a great help in battle. "

Yan Xiangluo thought of her spiritual pet Yun Tuan. It said that it was a divine beast. Until now, she had not figured out whether it was a divine beast or what kind of divine beast it was.

She has been in the higher continent for such a long time. Yun Tuan has been practicing on the space stone milk all day long, but she has not seen any improvement in it. It still looks like a spiritual pet.

 It is much cuter than these spiritual pets.

Mu Zixian observed for a while and saw that Yan Xiangluo was very concerned about spiritual beasts. Could it be that he wanted to buy one as a pet?

 But doesn’t she have a spiritual pet? She is very cute, big as a palm, and as white as snow. She is much prettier than those spiritual pets.

Maybe she wanted to change the type. After thinking about it, she asked, "Miss Yu, do you want a special spiritual pet?"

Yan Xiangluo immediately shook her head and glanced at Yun Tuan, who immediately came out to show her presence when she was discussing spiritual pets with Mu Zixian, and rubbed his soft body with a smile, "I have Yun Tuan, I don't need other spiritual pets. "Yun Tuan's tense body suddenly softened, and his voice sounded in Yan Xiangluo's consciousness, "Well, it's fine if the master has me, and I can be a spiritual pet, and I can also be a battle pet in the future."

Yan Xiangluo twitched the corner of her mouth, "You are such a pet with such a small body. She never thought that that day would come, but she still catered to him, "Yes, Yun Tuan is so powerful."

While communicating with the clouds, a thin vine that covered the sky like a hairpin slipped to her ear, "There is still me."

Yan Xiangluo was helpless, and they were still fighting for favor. You said that one of you, a divine beast and a divine plant, are not from the same race at all. Why are you fighting for favor?

 But he still wanted to pamper his own spiritual pet, and immediately coaxed, "With you two, I don't need other spiritual pets."

 In my heart, I said sorry to Bai Tuanzi Wushuang in the space and Black Tuanzi who was still absorbing the power in the space.

 You two are not spiritual pets, you are spiritual beings.

Mu Zixian glanced at the cloud of spiritual pets that suddenly appeared in Yan Xiangluo's arms, and then looked at the spiritual pets held in the arms of pedestrians on the road. Even he felt that those spiritual pets were simply incomparable to the clouds. They were just a kind of It felt like, although he had never seen how powerful Yun Tuan was, he somehow felt that Yun Tuan was different from those spiritual pets.

 Therefore, he believed that Yan Xiangluo was sincere when he said that he did not need other spiritual pets.

"The venues have been changed into competition venues. What will happen to the trading of spiritual beasts and fighting beasts in the future?" Yan Xiangluo asked.

Mu Zixian said, "Although it has been changed into a venue, we can still sell spiritual beasts and fighting beasts in the future, which is more suitable than before."

Yan Xiangluo understood, that is to say, he took this opportunity to renovate the place where spiritual beasts are bought and sold.

"It's a pity that we can't see fighting beasts anymore." Yan Xiangluo is very interested in fighting beasts. She has never seen what it's like to fight with spiritual beasts.

Mu Zixian smiled and said, "Don't feel sorry for me, girl. This competition will be very enjoyable for you."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up, "Does the competition allow battle pets to fight together?"

“Combat pets are also part of the strength, so naturally they are allowed.” Mu Zixian said naturally.

 “Then do you have any battle pets?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

As far as she knew, Ji Jiuzhong only had one spiritual pet and no other battle pets. She didn’t know if Mu Zixian and the others had any battle pets.

 “None of us have battle pets.” Mu Zixian said.

 There was no disappointment or worry in his tone.

Yan Xiangluo asked curiously, "Didn't you suffer a lot during the competition?"

Mu Zixian understood what Yu Xiangluo meant and explained, "Although they have battle pets to help, they won't use them unless they have to. Even if they use them, they seem to have an extra assistant, but if the spiritual pet is used Execution will do a lot of damage to them, and they may not be able to participate in the next competition. Therefore, it is a good thing to have a battle pet. Besides, the strength of those who can enter the top 100 is above the holy level, unless they are fighting. The pet must be at the highest level, otherwise it will not be a deterrent to the opponent.”

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