The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 524: Compare who is cruel

Chapter 524 Who is more ruthless?

Yu Xiangluo had been listening to the exchange of words between the two, and she didn't pay much attention at first. She could just leave such a matter to Mu Zixian, but when she knew Bai Jiaojiao's identity, she frowned.

They are now on their father's territory. Ji Jiuchong, Mu Zixian and the others still have to participate in the continental competition. Although the Lord of Yaoguang City is not a judge, this is their territory and it is easy to do something.

Now offending the daughter of the city lord of Yaoguang City is equivalent to offending the city lord of Yaoguang City. What should we do to prevent this incident from affecting Ji Jiuzhong's game?

At this moment, Bai Jiaojiao was furious because of Mu Zixian's words. She had never been so angry in her life.

Originally, she wanted to get the spiritual pet she liked, and then let someone teach them a lesson, so that the face of the woman in the red dress would be ruined beyond recovery.

She was so angry now that she didn't want to go to all the trouble. She reached out to grab the clouds in Yan Xiangluo's arms. At the same time, she ordered the people following her, "Catch them and put them in prison."

Thinking about going back and taking care of them slowly.

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes, it seemed that it was impossible to resolve this matter peacefully, so let's compare who is more ruthless.

"Yun Tuan, scratch her face." Yan Xiangluo touched Yu Tuan's little paw and gave Yu Tuan an order.

Moreover, Yan Xiangluo did not communicate with her spiritual consciousness, but said it blatantly.

Yun Tuan didn't want to endure it for a long time. After receiving the order from his master, he followed the hand that the daughter of the Lord of Yaoguang City stretched out to grab him. He scratched one side of her face with his small paws, and then returned to Yan Xiangluo's arms.

This all happened in an instant, almost as soon as Yan Xiangluo finished speaking, Yun Tuan finished the matter.

Even the onlookers didn't react when they saw Bai Jiaojiao let out a miserable scream before she even took back her outstretched hand.

His guards and maids were preparing to arrest Mu Zixian and Yu Xiangluo. When they heard the screams from their young lady, they immediately turned around and saw Bai Jiaojiao gesturing with her hands in front of her face but not daring to touch them. They also saw their young lady's **** face, with blood and flesh flying everywhere, and it was too horrible to look at. There were also dots of blood on her snow-white dress.

The right side of her face even got scratched under her eye, almost hitting her eyeball. This was the result of Yun Tuan's tolerance. If the owner hadn't ordered her to just scratch her face, it would have definitely dug out her eyeball.

 The guards and maids immediately panicked. The young lady had done this and failed to protect her master. Their fate would not be as simple as death.

One of them immediately shouted, "Catch them and bring them back to the city lord to deal with them."

Mu Zixian was ready to call the hidden guards to come out to fight. Even Qi Hao felt that a fight was about to start and clenched his fists. Even if he was not strong enough to bully his master, he couldn't watch.

But Yan Xiangluo was not worried at all. She rubbed the clouds and spoke indifferently, "Only I can heal her face. Are you sure you want to embarrass us?"

 All the guards and maids were stunned, not knowing whether to believe her or not. After all, they have never seen anyone's face hurt so badly. What if it is true?

Yan Xiangluo continued, "I have a very bad habit. I will never treat people who I don't like and people who don't like me."

The guards looked at Yan Xiangluo's dress and suddenly remembered the miracle doctor who had appeared in the past month or two. Wasn't she a teenage girl who liked to wear red dresses? Could it be that the person his young lady offended was actually the popular miracle doctor Yu Xiangluo?

One of them was smart and asked immediately, "Are you the miracle doctor?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and did not answer his question. She said to Mu Zixian, "Tell him our address. He will need it later." Mu Zixian frowned. He didn't agree with Yu Xiang at first. Luo told the other party their address, but he also knew that his father was the lord of Yaoguang City. It would only take a while to find out where they lived. The result would be the same whether he told him or not.

After thinking about it, he happily told them their address.

Yan Xiangluo put Yun Tuan on her shoulder and glanced at Bai Jiaojiao, who was still yelling, as if she didn't care about offending her at all, "I'm waiting for the Lord of Yaoguang City to come."

After saying this, he pulled Qi Hao forward and continued walking. Mu Zixian immediately followed. The guards and maids didn't know what to do. Bai Jiaojiao kept screaming in pain and worried about being disfigured, but she still cared about her. The fragrance falls on them.

 The crowd gathered around to watch the excitement will not look for trouble and will automatically make way for them. Everyone looked at Yan Xiangluo curiously, wondering if she was the miracle doctor Yan Xiangluo.

 If it was true, their eyes would be opened, they would actually see a miracle doctor, and some of them would be blown away when they go back.

Those guards and maids did not dare to stop Yan Xiangluo. Although Yan Xiangluo did not admit that she was the miracle doctor, what if she was. They had also heard rumors about the temperament of Miracle Doctor Yu. He was indeed very willful. Even the Lord of the Southern Continent would come to seek medical treatment in person. If he really offended someone to death, their young lady's face would really be ruined.

However, these guards were not stupid, and immediately asked the two of them to follow them to make sure they really lived in the place they said they were. The others took the screaming Bai Jiaojiao back to the city lord's mansion to report.

Mu Zixian noticed the two people following him and asked, "Miss Yu, do you want to deal with those two people?"

Although the cultivation of these guards is not low, they are not vegetarians, and they are not strong enough to use Xuanwen.

Their master is a very powerful Xuan Wen master. The most important thing they lack is Xuan Wen, and they have all kinds of Xuan Wen.

Yan Xiangluo said calmly, "No, let them follow. I'm not here to participate in the continental competition. I can't come here in vain. I can earn some spiritual stones and go back."

After hearing her words, Mu Zixian immediately understood. I am afraid that Yu Xiangluo not only let the clouds scratch the face of the daughter of the lord of Yaoguang City, but also did something else, so she dared to be so confident.

 After all, just scratching the face and taking a beauty pill can cure it.

Mu Zixian is now a little curious about what Yuan Xiangluo did to the face of the daughter of the lord of Yaoguang City?


 What poison was given?

I admire Xiangluo very much in my heart. This is a lesson for her daughter to make a fortune from her father. In such a comparison, Bai Jiaojiao's arrogance is not considered arrogant, but Yan Xiangluo's is real arrogance, low-key arrogance.

Yan Xiangluo didn't seem to be affected by this incident, her steps were still slow and steady, and she looked around as she walked. She came to the entrance of the alley that Mu Zixian pointed to and turned in.

At this time, they were upstairs in a restaurant. Liu Yu stood at the window and looked at the woman in red dress who was always calm downstairs, his eyes narrowed.

 (End of this chapter)

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