The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 526: Frustrated City Lord (1)

Mu Zixian immediately followed the guards and went out to invite people.

After all, he is the lord of a city. If the two masters don't go to pick them up in person, it will be unreasonable for him not to go. He still has this bit of foresight. He can do it well without Ji Jiuzhong's orders, otherwise he will not be the most capable person around Ji Jiuzhong. one of the assistants.

Even so, when Bai Wuqian saw that the person who came to pick him up was not Yan Xiangluo himself, he was still in a bad mood.

However, he was quite sure that the person his daughter had offended was indeed the miracle doctor Yu Xiangluo.

This made him a little frustrated. No matter what he did, he was still the city lord of Yaoguang City. Before he came, he had checked the information of the people living here. The person who rented the yard was Ji Jiuzhong, the fiancé of the miracle doctor Xiangluo. Participating in the continental competition.

Yuan Xiangluo is not afraid at all that he will do something to Ji Jiuzhong and affect his performance in the continental competition?

After all, this is her own territory, and the Lord of the Northern Continent will also come. She is a member of the Lord of the Northern Continent. Does she really think that a doctor with a reputation as a miracle doctor can be so arrogant that even the Lord of the Continent is not afraid?

Thinking that the Lord of the Southern Continent would come to seek medical treatment, Bai Wuqian felt that it was the Lord of the Southern Continent who was accustomed to Ruan Xiangluo.

A teenage girl, no matter how powerful her medical skills are, her cultivation level is not very high. As the lord of the continent, how can she be so humble? If you don't take this opportunity to hold people in your hands, you will develop their temper.

If you miss this opportunity, it will be impossible to control Yan Xiangluo when she becomes stronger.

But when he thought that he now came to seek medical treatment for the sake of his daughter’s face, he understood why the Lord of the Southern Continent had condescended to him.

I’m afraid I’m also feeling aggrieved.

But he really didn’t want to be disrespectful. What happened to his daughter happened on the street. Now I’m afraid everyone who came to participate in the continental competition knows about it. If he was caught by Yan Xiangluo like this, he would be embarrassed throughout the entire higher continent.

Thinking to herself, Yan Xiangluo is more sensible. After all, Ji Jiuzhong wants to participate in the competition well, so it is not wise to offend him.

 He felt that there was no way Yan Xiangluo could restrain his arrogance. He came with such complicated thoughts.

But unexpectedly, Yan Xiangluo didn't give him any face at all.

Bai Wuqian didn't know that Mu Zixian came on his own and was not ordered by Yan Xiangluo at all.

 After all, it was Mu Zixian who welcomed the Lord of the Southern Continent to seek medical treatment and was waiting for her in the main hall. Now she has gone to the main hall to wait first, which is already giving him face.

Bai Wuqian knew that this house belonged to a wealthy family in Yaoguang City. Because the focus of his business had changed, the house here was in a good location and he was reluctant to sell it, so he kept renting it out.

Those who can afford to rent such a big house are naturally not short of money. After all, he has never heard that the high-level alchemist is short of money. What's more, Yan Xiangluo is a miracle doctor. The miracle doctor will not be short of crystal coins, but also crystal stones, spiritual stones and treasures.

The more he thought about Bai Wukian, the more panicked he felt. In comparison, his daughter was spoiled by him a little too much. Concubine Xiangluo is several years younger than her own daughter.

With his thoughts flying, he came to the main hall. Bai Wuqian looked in through the door and saw the two people sitting inside.

The woman in the bright red dress must be Ruan Xiangluo. The man in red robe who picked her up was the one who followed Ruan Xiangluo to bully her daughter. Sitting next to Ruan Xiangluo, he was wearing a snow-white brocade robe embroidered with silver dark patterns. The man should be Ji Jiuchong, the fiancé of the miracle doctor Yan Xiangluo.

The surname is Ji. If he hadn't come from a lower-class continent, he would have thought that Ji Jiuchong was a descendant of the Ji family.

 After all, this kind of tolerance is not something that ordinary families can cultivate. Ji Jiuzhong was originally born in the royal family in this life, and served as regent for several years. In addition, he recovered some memories of his previous life, and his temperament changed a lot.

  Before, there was nobility in the bones, coupled with the domineering aura of a superior, now these auras are mixed with some inexplicable evil auras.

Even after Bai Wuqian and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other, their hearts trembled.

In the past, he just heard about how talented and outstanding the two of them were, but he didn't take it seriously. He thought that the rumors had already spread, and even a beauty pill could make the appearance more beautiful. Therefore, among the monks, the most indispensable thing was Handsome men and beautiful women.

 However, after seeing the two of them with his own eyes today, Bai Wuqian realized that the rumors were not at all true and did not even describe half of their true appearance.

At this time, he realized that the beauty of the city is a kind of state of appearance, and the creation of heaven and earth is a kind of state of lovers.

 These two words are vividly expressed by Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong.

At this moment, Bai Wuqian suddenly understood that his daughter was probably jealous that Yuan Xiangluo was so good-looking.

He sighed secretly in his heart. His daughter's appearance was good in itself. After all, her mother was very beautiful, and his appearance was also excellent.

 But it was incomparable to others. With his daughter's usual arrogant temper, he could imagine the scene at that time.

Just to mess up my daughter's face, I'm afraid the miraculous doctor would have been merciful.

This is still the result of Ji Jiuzhong's absence at the time. If this man had been there, it was not certain whether his daughter would be able to go back alive.

Although he understood in his heart, when he thought of his daughter's miserable face, he still felt heartbroken. He wished he could make Yan Xiangluo's face look like that to relieve his hatred.

But now he can't show his hatred. The doctors and alchemists in the mansion can't cure his daughter's face. If Yan Xiangluo doesn't heal her daughter, her daughter's face will be really ruined.

 Let alone a girl, even a man wouldn’t be able to accept that look on his face.

"City Lord Bai, please come in." Mu Zixian made an invitation gesture and urged Bai Wukan, who was stunned at the door, to go in.

Bai Wuqian was angry when he came out of home and was entangled after entering this house. Now he has completely calmed down when he saw Yan Xiangluo himself.

Both Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong are not simple people, otherwise they would not be able to go from the Dusui Continent to the Southern Continent and reach such a high level of cultivation in a short period of time.

Although Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation level is already at the eighth level of the Holy Level, Bai Wukian's cultivation level has been at the peak of the ninth level of the Holy Level decades ago. Unfortunately, he is not talented enough and has never broken through to the divine level.

 But it is still very easy to see through Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation.

 His heart was beating faster and faster.

Even Yan Xiangluo is at the fifth level of Emperor level cultivation. Both of them are people with great luck. Otherwise, how could they have broken through to such a cultivation level within a few months.

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