The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 547: Catch and bring it to me

Yan Xiangluo's tone became a few degrees colder, "Young Master, please think carefully. People who know medical skills are very good at poisoning. My whole body is full of poison. No one in this world can cure the poison I inflict." , Sir, do you want to try it?”

Liu Yu paused, knowing that Yan Xiangluo was not joking. No one saw how she poisoned her yesterday. Bai Jiaojiao's face was just scratched by the palm-sized spiritual pet squatting on her shoulder, and her face was ruined. , no doctor or alchemist can cure it.

He was still a little worried about Yan Xiangluo's poison. He was going to participate in the competition, and there couldn't be any surprises before that.

Liu Yu retracted his hand and still looked as gentle as a jade master, "I am Liu Yu, the young master of mainland China in his late years. I would like to invite the miracle doctor to have a meal. Can the miracle doctor give me some face?"

  He didn't believe it if he directly revealed his identity. If he searched for her all over the continent, she would not know his purpose.

"No." Yan Xiangluo replied quickly and neatly.

Although Qi Hao on the side was speechless, he could see that the master hated the man in front of him, and he also felt that although this man smiled gently, the aura on his body made him dislike it.

"Master, I want to eat that." Qi Hao tugged on Yan Xiangluo's sleeve and pointed to a shop in front of him to buy food.

Yan Xiangluo naturally understood what Qi Hao meant. She glanced at Qi Hao and said in an old mother's tone, "Okay, it smells really good."

Qi Hao curled his crescent eyes and said, "Well, I'm so hungry."

Yu Xiangluo ignored Liu Yu and walked towards the shop with Qi Hao.

Liu Yu did not stop anyone. Although he liked beauty, he was not a brainless person. He was able to sit firmly in the position of the young master of mainland China in his late years, not because of his lust, but because of his super talent. and bright minds.

 He knows when to do something. Before the big game, he can't do anything. My eyes narrowed, but I still had to be prepared.

I was thinking to myself, this little girl has high medical skills and is also good at poisoning. She is really loved and feared at the same time.

How to do it?

Yan Xiangluo felt relieved when she saw that Liu Yu didn't bother her anymore. She would not be fooled by Liu Yu's appearance. Liu Yu's status today was not because he was a lustful person. He should be very smart and know better what he wanted and when he could do it.

 This is also the main reason why she dared to go shopping blatantly even though she knew Liu Yu would come to participate in the competition.

Furthermore, she is not a helpless person. Although her cultivation level is not as high as that of Liu Yu, she has many methods.

Liu Yu’s methods are bound to be endless, but who made her an alchemist and a mysterious pattern master? She also has the title of Little Poison King in Tianqian Continent.

 No matter how hard she tried, Liu Yu couldn't do anything to her.

Although it was Qi Hao's excuse, he had to admit that the various snacks made in this shop were indeed delicious.

 There are not only ordinary delicacies, but also some spiritual food made from spiritual ingredients. Of course, such food is extremely expensive and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, it is rarely made, and some even need to be made fresh.

  After all, the spiritual energy begins to be consumed once the spiritual energy food is made. If there is no special storage method, the spiritual energy will dissipate within an hour, and the food will be no different from ordinary food.

Qi Hao’s current cultivation level has not yet reached the level where he does not need to eat. When he reaches the king level, he will have a menstrual cleansing and marrow removal. After that, he should try not to eat ordinary food.

However, before reaching the King level, it is naturally better to not eat ordinary food. Qi Hao was lucky enough to meet his master, Yan Xiangluo. After becoming his master, he almost never ate food with ordinary ingredients.

However, Yan Xiangluo didn't restrain him today and let him eat whatever he liked.     Eat the food you like and your happiness will be doubled. How could she stop her little apprentice from finding happiness in you.

 In her other life, she couldn't eat a lot of food due to physical reasons, but she would eat some secretly when she couldn't help it. The joy she felt was indescribable.

  After buying a lot of snacks for Qi Hao, the master and the apprentice came out of the shop. Yan Xiangluo didn't feel Liu Yu's breath and knew that he had left.

But her heart did not relax. She sensed Liu Yu's obsession with her. Even if he would not take action before the competition, he would arrange for someone to monitor her. Once the competition was over, Liu Yu would definitely take action.

 She couldn't guess yet how he would do it. However, she didn't want to give Liu Yu this chance.

Yuan Xiangluo didn't see it, Qin Suyue hid in a shop door and looked at her with evil eyes.

Although the two have never officially met, they know each other.

Yan Xiangluo met Qin Suyue when she was in the Tianshun Empire. After all, Qin Suyue was the only woman who could enter and leave the regent's palace at will.

Yan Xiangluo, Ji Jiuchong’s nominal fiancée, Qin Suyue naturally visited her. Although her appearance was indeed beautiful, her cultivation was too weak, so she did not take her seriously at that time.

Later, after Yan Xiangluo became a member of the Xianyun Sect, Ji Jiuzhong came into contact with her again. Qin Suyue took action after sensing the threat, but she didn't expect to be backlashed.

To say that Qin Suyue hates, Xiang Xiang is worthy of the first person.

She saw it when Liu Yu stopped Yan Xiangluo, but Liu Yu did not take him away by force. Qin Suyue instinctively felt the sense of crisis again.

She overheard that Liu Yu seemed to want to marry Xiangluo openly.

This is not possible. She is not trying so hard to let Yan Xiangluo reach the sky in one step. She will never allow Yan Xiangluo to step on her head.

Looking at the backs of Yan Xiangluo and Qi Hao, Qin Suyue said to the man following her, "Did you see the little boy next to you? Catch him and bring him to me, and you will pay back what you owe me."

The man glanced at Qi Hao and said, "It's not easy to catch him. His master is a miracle doctor."

The implication is that he will offend the miraculous doctor, let alone him. There are almost no people in the world who want to offend the miraculous doctor, of course, except for those who have enmity with the miraculous doctor.

Qin Suyue curled her lips and said, "Even if she is a miracle doctor, her cultivation level is much worse than yours. Besides, do you have to arrest people when their master is around? You won't use your brain. My request is this One, it’s up to you.”

There was a flash of displeasure in the man's eyes, but thinking of the favor he owed Qin Suyue, he bit his lower lip and said, "Okay."

After saying this, he walked forward and followed Yan Xiangluo and the others quietly.

Qin Suyue caught up with him and reminded him in a low voice, "I want to see someone before the competition."

 “I know.” The man responded.

Humbling on his lips, the man was extremely fed up with Qin Suyue, but it was she who helped him when he was cornered. This favor must be repaid.

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