The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 596: really special

Chapter 596 is really special

This attack was Ximen Hongyu's strongest attack, and he wanted to defeat Ji Jiuzhong with this attack.

Those watching naturally saw that this blow was the one that decided who lost and who won, and they stared at the two of them without daring to breathe.

Ji Jiuchong’s eyes lit up, and the opportunity came.

He flew up and retreated very quickly. He seemed to be retreating because he was defeated by Ximen Hongyu's blow, but the long stick in his hand was raised, and his spiritual power was input, facing Ximen Hongyu's long sword. .

It seemed that he was trying to resist Ximen Hongyu's long sword, but just when Ximen Hongyu's long sword and the long stick were about to collide, the end of the long stick suddenly sunk in.

 When Ximen Hongyu found out, he could no longer hold back his strength, and the long sword was inserted into the long stick in an instant.

Ji Jiuzhong spun in mid-air, and Ximen Hongyu, holding the long sword, was forced to spin with him.

The spiritual power of his strongest blow was removed in this way. Not only that, the long sword inserted into the wooden stick in his hand was suddenly sucked in by a strong suction force. His hand was stuck on the outside of the wooden stick, and instantly The skin was broken and bleeding. When his hand hurt, he instinctively let go, and the long sword disappeared into Ji Jiuzhong's wooden stick.

When Ximen Hongyu reacted, it was too late. He couldn't even see the sword.

Just when the sword left Ximen Hongyu's hand, Yan Xiangluo discovered that the luck on Ximen Hongyu's head had changed, and the originally black light group turned into dark gray.

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes and realized that Ximen Hongyu’s fortune was actually related to his weapon. Could it be because of the soul body on his long sword?

 She continued to observe Ximen Hongyu’s fortune.

 Ximen Hongyu was shocked when he lost his weapon. He immediately used his spiritual consciousness to recall his weapon. After all, there was a contract. As long as he, the master, called, the weapon would immediately return to his spiritual consciousness.

However, the head of Ji Jiuzhong's wooden stick closed after the long sword entered, as if he had swallowed the long sword.

Ximen Hongyu desperately summoned his weapon back. Because of his spiritual summons, the long sword struggled desperately in Ji Jiuzhong's wooden stick, so that the long stick trembled more and more violently.

Everyone in the audience held their breath and were stunned by this sudden change. The appearance of the golden long stick surprised them. It didn't look like a weapon at all. They all felt that it was temporarily captured by Ji. Kokonoe took it out and used it as a weapon.

 But now it seems that this long golden stick is not just a weapon, it actually has a mechanism inside.

Many people present knew the origin of Ximen Hongyu’s weapon. It was a weapon contracted with spiritual consciousness. Under normal circumstances, if the owner calls the contracted weapon, the weapon will be immediately summoned back to the spiritual consciousness no matter where it is.

 But this long golden stick can actually trap Ximen Hongyu's weapon, what kind of thing is it?

Everyone was shocked. They didn't know whether Ji Jiuzhong could completely trap the long sword, let alone what Ji Jiuzhong planned to do with the long sword next.

Fang Xier was stunned for a moment and then said to Yan Xiangluo, "Your fiancé is really special."

 This is the second time she has expressed this emotion.

Yan Xiangluo’s lips twitched. She also felt that Ji Jiuchong was special.

“What do you think he will do with Ximen Hongyu’s weapons next?” Fang Xier asked curiously.

Yan Xiangluo said without thinking, "Destroy."

There is no need to think about it. Since Ji Jiuzhong discovered that there was something wrong with Ximen Hongyu's weapon, even if he couldn't figure out the reason, he would definitely destroy such an evil weapon as long as he had the chance. Ji Jiuzhong is actually a very just person at heart.

"Huh?" Fang Xi'er didn't react.

 Destroy? How could he destroy such a powerful weapon?

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the violently trembling stick with a cold look in his eyes. How could he let Ximen Hongyu's weapon escape when he finally waited for the opportunity?

A flame wrapped around his hand holding the long stick. He was a weapon refiner, and his flame was the flame of his own awakened fire power. However, his fire power was not an ordinary fire power. Even if Ximen Hong Yu's weapon already has spiritual consciousness, so it is not difficult to destroy it.

Yan Xiangluo frowned. Ji Jiuzhong actually wanted to refine Ximen Hongyu's weapon directly. Not to mention whether his flames could do it, it would not work just to destroy it like this.

 She had no objection at all to destroying Ximen Hongyu's weapons, but it was not okay for Ji Jiuzhong to bear unnecessary accusations.

If it was destroyed like this, I'm afraid Ji Jiuzhong couldn't explain what happened. The evidence was all gone, and it wasn't what Ximen Hongyu said.

When Ximen Hongyu saw Ji Jiuzhong trying to destroy his weapon, he immediately shouted, "Ji Jiuzhong, don't go too far."

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes and said, "You don't know that your weapon is an evil weapon, do you?"

Ji Jiuzhong's words made everyone look at Ximen Hongyu, including the referees on the referee's table. Ximen Hongyu's weapon was an evil weapon. Why didn't they see it?

At this time, people with high cultivation levels and knowledgeable people all understood what Ji Jiuzhong meant. Thinking about it, Ji Jiuzhong was constantly injured, but the strength Ximen Hongyu used clearly would not cause him such serious internal injuries.

 Is it because there is something weird about his weapon?

If his weapons were really evil, why didn’t anyone see it? If they couldn't see it, they could say they had low cultivation and little knowledge, but the two people from Yunshang Palace didn't see it either.

At this time, Demigod Chang Hong and Demigod Wei Lan were also stunned. They really didn't see the evil weapon, but since Ji Jiuzhong said this, he was not invincible and presumptuous.

 Ximen Hongyu’s heart suddenly sank when he heard Ji Jiuzhong’s words. Sure enough, he saw that there was something wrong with his weapon. No wonder he changed the weapon and used a strategy to trap his weapon.

  No, he must not be allowed to destroy his weapons, let alone let others see that there is something wrong with his weapons. As long as the weapons are returned to his hands, no one can find any problems if they inspect them.

  Ximen Hongyu knew very well that without this long sword, his strength would be greatly reduced. Even if he could defeat Ji Jiuzhong, he wouldn't be able to fight against the other four people who advanced.

The four people who have advanced have strong family support behind them. Even if he is injured, he cannot compare with them. They had high-grade healing elixirs prepared by their family, but he only had the Jimei elixirs he bought himself. The quantity was limited and not enough for others to fight for.

Although he is from the Ximen family, he is only a sideline, especially when he failed to help the young master enter the top 100 against the family master's wishes. He was in the limelight and the family would not care about him at all.

Therefore, he had no way of turning back when he participated in the continental competition this time. He was still confident of winning, but under the current situation, he really had no confidence.

 For the first time since childhood, he lost confidence.

Ximen Hongyu’s eyes were filled with gloom.

 (End of this chapter)

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