The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 599: destroy weapons

“Ji Jiuzhong, you have refined the sword.” Changhong Demigod was a little embarrassed, but his tone was also commanding.

Just now he didn't trust others, he didn't trust them, he forced them to release the long sword, and now he wants them to continue refining the long sword. He himself felt that he was going too far.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't care about his attitude at all. He shook the stick and let the top of the long stick open.

"You can't stand my flames. Put the sword back into the stick and I'll refine it." Ji Jiuzhong did it on purpose. If you asked me to release it, you can put it back for me now with your own hands.

Yan Xiangluo raised the corners of her lips. She still preferred the sinister Ji Jiuzhong.

Changhong Demigod's face darkened, but he also knew that Ji Jiuzhong was right. His flame couldn't get close to him even after he tried it just now. As soon as you get close to him, you feel like you can be turned into ashes in an instant, and you feel like you are destroying the world.

He never thought that Ji Jiuchong's flames could be controlled at will, and he could naturally avoid people he didn't want to burn.

There was no other way. Demigod Chang Hong had no choice but to compromise. Together with Demigod Wei Lan, they put the long sword into Ji Jiuzhong's long stick. When Ji Jiuzhong closed the mouth of the stick, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

If this evil weapon slips out of their hands, they will be the sinners of the entire continent.

Ji Jiuzhong released the flame again. This time he didn't have to be wary of Ximen Hongyu's attack and could refining the long sword with confidence and boldness.

Fifteen minutes later, the sound disappeared. Ji Jiuzhong knew that Luoluo had taken the soul body away, so he happily refined the long sword this time.

 Open the stick, and a long jade block falls out.

"This is something that has been refined. It should be the material that was originally used to refine this sword. It was handed over to the two demigods." Ji Jiuzhong said.

 Ximen Hongyu, who was restrained by the spiritual power of the demigod Wei Lan, looked at the jade strip that fell out with a clang and was completely in despair.

His weapon was really gone this time, and he looked at Ji Jiuzhong with a sinister look. It was all because of him. If it weren't for his own weapon, it would not have been destroyed.

 Don't let yourself catch the opportunity, otherwise, Ji Jiu's rebirth will definitely be worse than death.

Changhong Demigod put away the long piece of jade and said, "I'll go back and tell the palace master."

The implication is that he keeps this thing and returns it to the palace owner for disposal.

Demigod Wei Lan didn't care. They had all been refined into their original form, and he wasn't interested either.

 Demigod Wei Lan has no objections, and others have no objections either. The masters of the continents would not dare to steal things from Demigod Wei Lan. Therefore, the matter of Ximen Hongyu’s weapons was settled in this way.

Wei Lan looked at Ji Jiuzhong and Ximen Hongyu and said, "What should we do with them?"

Changhong Demigod understood what Demigod Wei Lan was asking, which was how to deal with Ximen Hongyu, and how to calculate the promotion ranking?

 Ximen Hongyu can no longer participate in the competition. He made the contract even though he knew it was an evil weapon and used it to hurt people secretly. He has lost the qualification to participate in the competition.

But Demigod Wei Lan doesn't know how to make a decision. Even if he wants to make a decision, it doesn't count. The palace master said before coming here that according to Chang Hong, he is just an assistant.

Then he will provide complete assistance.

Changhong Demigod glanced at the two men and said, "Ximen Hongyu violated the mainland rules and punished him to go to Wu Chunya to think for three years. Ji Jiuzhong discovered the evil weapon and solved the evil weapon. He was directly promoted to the top five and continued to participate in the competition."

 This is the result that everyone has guessed, but when I actually heard it, I still felt grateful for Ji Jiuzhong's good luck.

They all agreed that if he hadn't discovered the secret of Ximen Hongyu's weapon, he really wouldn't have been able to win against Ximen Hongyu.

 Ximen Hongyu closed his eyes when he heard Chang Hong's demigod pronouncement. He knew that he would be disqualified from this competition from the moment the weapon was discovered. Wuchunya, okay, it might be an opportunity to stay there for three years.

 He was disqualified from the competition. If he returned to the Ximen family, he would definitely be punished. Being branded as a slave was a light thing. He did not want to be like his father, who was clearly a slave to the head of the Ximen family for the rest of his life even though his surname was Ximen.

He did not consider at all the impact of what he did on his father and siblings, and how harmful it would be to them.

Although he would suffer from just thinking about going to Wu Chun Ya, it would be a kind of protection for him. I don’t even think about what my parents and relatives will do.

 Ximen Hongyu was taken away by Chang Hong’s demigods without any excuse or resistance and was sent to Wu Chun Ya.

Ji Jiuzhong was promoted directly.

Liu Yu's hands clenched into fists. At this moment, he understood that Ji Jiuzhong's success in reaching this point was not due to luck.

When he first arrived, he was able to escape from the twilight continent with Yan Xiangluo, and his cultivation reached such a high level within a few months. It was not just because of good luck and the opportunities he encountered, but because of him. People themselves are very strong in mind and strength.

Everyone in this continental competition underestimated him, including himself.

 No one could see Ximen Hongyu’s weapon. How did Ji Jiuzhong see it?

Ji Jiuzhong is not the only person who has fought against Ximen Hongyu. How come Ji Jiuzhong discovered it when no one who fought him before noticed it?

 What secrets does Ji Jiuchong have?

 Could he be a heavenly master?

Liu Yu's eyes shrank, and for the first time he was afraid of Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuzhong’s cultivation talent is so strong. He also showed his skills in formations before. Now we know that he is still a weapon refiner. If he is still a heavenly master, is he still a human?

How can anyone cultivate so many things to such a high level at the same time?

Not only Liu Yu has such an idea, but also the demigod Chang Hong.

Although he came back with the mission of finding a genius this time, if the talent of this person surpassed his own, he would not be willing to take him back.

He is now a popular person in front of the palace lord. If someone like Ji Jiuzhong goes to Yunshang Palace, will he still have status in front of the palace lord?

I'm afraid that the position of palace master in the future will belong to Ji Jiuzhong.

Just when Ji Jiuzhong got off the ring and went to where the four of them were, he was stopped by the demigod Changhong, "Ji Jiuzhong, are you a heavenly master?"

Everyone, including Demigod Wei Lan, looked at Ji Jiuzhong and wondered in their hearts, if Ji Jiuzhong was a heavenly master, Demigod Changhong might not be able to tolerate him. Should he use the power of the Wei family to protect him? Can the Wei family agree? Woolen cloth?

Ji Jiuzhong stopped and turned to look at the demigod Changhong, "No."

Changhong Demigod frowned, "Then how did you find out that Ximen Hongyu's weapon has a soul body on it?"

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes turned cold. Changhong Demigod wanted everyone to be afraid of him, and then get rid of him with the help of others.

 He raised the corners of his lips mockingly. Since he dared to participate in the continental competition, he was prepared to be envied and jealous.

 It’s just a demigod, how can it be possible to control him?

 It is important to get first place now. We cannot directly offend the demigod Chang Hong, but we will not tolerate him plotting against us.

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