The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 650: Sapphire Token

 Chapter 650 Sapphire Token

Ji Jiuzhong took out a sapphire token. When Ji Zimo saw the token, he immediately saluted Ji Jiuzhong solemnly, "Zi Mo has met the Human Emperor."

Yan Xiangluo was extremely surprised. Ji Zimo was also a member of the Ji family. Although a person from 30,000 years ago was now in a soul body, he could still be considered an ancestor of the Ji family. Not only did Ji Jiuzhong call him by his first name, Ji Zimo also called him by his first name. What's the reason for giving him such a solemn gift?

 Human Emperor?

No one on the mainland now knows that the mainland has a name, let alone that the spiritual world of the mainland was once ruled by a human emperor. What's the point of calling Ji Jiuzhong the human emperor?

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the token in Ji Jiuzhong's hand. The sapphire glowed with a cold light. Facing the outside, there was a carving of a soaring phoenix with auspicious clouds below. The soaring phoenix surrounded the word "phoenix". , just looking at this word makes me feel quite stressed.

 Her mental power and consciousness are so powerful and she feels that this sapphire token must not be carved from pure sapphire.

She was a little curious about what was on the back of the token?

“Let’s go to the tribe’s territory later.” Ji Jiuzhong said to Ji Zimo.

Ji Zimo was stunned for a moment and then said immediately, "Yes."

Ji Jiuzhong put away the token, took out another similar sapphire token, and handed it to the person in his arms, "This one is Luoluo."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the token. This token was engraved with a soaring phoenix, and the flying phoenix surrounded the word "phoenix".

Hingren’s eyes narrowed. She naturally understood what the token represented, but she hadn’t married him yet. Was it too early to give her the token?

Although Ji Jiuchong is the only one in the Ji family now, it does not mean that he will not become stronger again in the future, but it is not easy to rule the spiritual world again.

However, even if Ji Jiuzhong is not from the Ji family here, he cannot be the human emperor, nor is he an ordinary person.

Ji Jiuchong gave it to him, and it would be pretentious for her to refuse, so she naturally took it.

Ji Jiuzhong immediately laughed. Luoluo happily accepted the token representing his wife's identity, which meant that she was not opposed to marrying him. How could he be unhappy.

Yan Xiangluo turned over her token and saw that the back was bare. Why was there nothing?

 Such a beautiful token, doesn’t it only have a pattern on one side?

Ji Jiuzhong lowered his head and said in a gentle tone, "After you shed blood to identify the owner, a pattern will appear on the back."

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyes and glanced at him, "Do you recognize your master?"

Ji Jiudian nodded, took out his token again, turned it over and showed it to her. Yan Xiangluo looked over, narrowed her eyes, and looked at Ji Jiuzhong again.

 “Why is this pattern?”

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I'm also surprised."

Behind the token is the evergreen tree of the Nine Heavens. How do they know that? Because the pattern behind it is the painting they got in Xiangyang City. It is exactly the same, without any difference, except that one is painted and the other is. When carved, the pattern behind the token is more three-dimensional.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the token in her hand. She wanted to know what the pattern on the back of her piece was.

Immediately took out a silver needle and pricked the tip of her index finger, and dropped a drop of blood on it. The token flashed with light, and Yan Xiangluo noticed the connection between her consciousness and the token.

Then she quickly turned it over and saw that there was indeed a pattern behind the token. It was also a painting, but it was a strange place.

But it can be seen that it should be related to the pattern behind Ji Jiuzhong's token, because it is also the same man and woman in the painting, but the scene is different, holding hands and flying forward in the air. They have never seen the picture behind it. of.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless, "Your ancestors came from Jiuchongtian, right?" Ji Jiuzhong raised his head and looked at Ji Zimo, "Really?"

Ji Zimo shook his head, "I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

“Do you know the meaning of the painting on the back?” Ji Jiuzhong asked again.

Ji Zimo shook his head, "I don't know. This token was left by the first Human Emperor. It was refined by the Emperor himself when he got married. He and his wife were together. After they fell into nothingness, this token was It has become a token of the emperor and queen of the Ji family, representing the identity of the emperor and queen, and has been passed down from generation to generation. "

He also just knew that the painting above was actually related to Jiuzhongtian. Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo didn't say anything in detail and he didn't ask.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. In her opinion, in the world of imperial power, shouldn't a dragon and a phoenix represent the identity of the emperor and empress? Why are the emperor and empress' tokens engraved with phoenix and phoenix?

 Besides, the mainland doesn’t recognize any emperor or empress now, so this token can only be used as a family heirloom for their children.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other. Ji Jiuzhong said calmly, "We will know one day. Let's go to the Ji family first."

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo said a little worriedly, "I'm afraid I can't go, right?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Luoluo can come here, why can't he go to the Ji family's clan?"

Yan Xiangluo said in a daze, "I came here because Master Shuyi sent me here. I don't have the ability to come in myself."

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned, "Master Shuyi left his spiritual consciousness so powerful?"

Although Master Shuyi was a figure after the fall of the Ji family, he was famous for his medical skills and alchemy skills on the mainland. He really didn't expect that Master Shuyi's consciousness would still be so powerful after ten thousand years.

You must know that the Ji family is not a place where powerful people can come in. Even people who have survived the calamity cannot come in. Otherwise, they would not have existed until now, waiting for him to come.

 Master Shuyi has the highest level of cultivation, which is the peak of transcending tribulations. How did he do it?

Yan Xiangluo shrugged and said matter-of-factly, "I saw Master Shuyi taking a picture with his spiritual consciousness. Finally, he asked me where I was going and wanted to send me away, otherwise the people from Divine Doctor Mountain could dismantle me, so I said If I want to come to the Ji family land, I know that only the Ji family blood can come here, so I meant outside the Ji family land, but I didn’t expect him to send me in directly. "

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Ji Zimo. Ji Zimo knew what he meant without saying anything. Ji Zimo could only explain, "It's not that the person you said has strong spiritual consciousness, but that she practiced Ji Yin and was Anyone recognized by the Ji family can naturally come in."

Yan Xiangluo suddenly realized. No wonder Ji Zimo never asked her how she came in. It turned out that when he saw her, he sensed the mysterious aura on her body and knew the reason why he could come in.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "In that case, the Ji family should be able to go to Luoluo."

Ji Zimo shook his head and said, "Not sure. You can only find out if you go there."

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo both looked at him, wondering if the land of the Ji family was more mysterious than here?

Ji Zimo waved his hands and said, "I really don't know. The reason why I say this is because no woman from the Ji family has ever entered, not even the girls from the Ji family, let alone the daughter-in-law."

 (End of this chapter)

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