The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 661: Wait for the opportunity

Now that he can't even compare to an unknown spiritual beast, Bai Hu is extremely depressed.

“The ancestral hall has arrived.” After walking for a while, Yan Xiangluo finally saw the ancestral hall.

Compared to Tayunyuan, it is much more low-key. There is only one extremely beautifully built house that is not small in size. The house is taller than the other houses. It does not even have a courtyard wall, but the front door is very spacious.

If it weren't for the word "ancestral hall" written on the door, Yan Xiangluo wouldn't even know this was an ancestral hall.

This arrangement should be to facilitate people to come to the ancestral hall to worship or to do anything here.

The door was open. Yuan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong came to the door. Yuan Xiangluo did not go in rashly. After all, Qingyun Pavilion needed her blood to open and they would not let her in. I am afraid that the Ji family's ancestral hall would not Let her in.

Ji Jiuzhong also stood in front of the door. He looked inside first. There were no tablets for worship in the ancestral hall. There was only a genealogy of the Ji family hanging on the wall behind the desk. It fell down from the top. It was a large page with densely packed leaves on it. The name represents the members of the Ji family who once existed.

"It's the family tree of the Ji family." Yan Xiangluo looked at it, and she found Ji Zimo's name at the bottom. His seniority was considered high at the time, because there were two generations of branches below him.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Luo Luo is waiting for me outside."

Yan Xiangluo was not curious this time. After all, she could see everything inside at a glance, and it didn't matter if she couldn't get in or not.

"Okay, go in, I'll wait for you here." Yan Xiangluo stood to the side of the door.

Ji Jiuzhong let go of her hand and walked in. Bai Hu followed him to the door but did not go in. He looked up at Yan Xiangluo and wondered whether he should get closer to please her.

Yan Xiangluo saw the white tiger, which was not as high as the threshold, squatted down, held its mouth with one finger, and raised its head.

 “Little guy, you are really flexible and flexible.”

The white tiger was speechless. His ability to bend and stretch was developed by the two of them. It had resisted in the past, but ended badly. It's not really stupid. It has learned to recognize the current situation and become a hero through the tragic consequences.

When Yun Tuan saw her master touching the white tiger, she became jealous again. He jumped off her shoulder, fell into her hand holding the white tiger's chin, and kicked the white tiger away again.

The white tiger that fell on its back looked up at the blue sky. It was better to just look at it for a while than to be kicked away again and again.

 Finally, it no longer needs to consider whether it needs to please the mistress. It finally understands that it cannot get close to the mistress as long as this unknown white dumpling is around.

Yan Xiangluo saw Bai Hu motionless after being kicked out by Yun Tuan. She thought Yun Tuan had kicked Bai Hu badly, so she quickly chased after Bai Hu and picked up Bai Hu to see if he was injured.

Even though it is a white tiger, it is still a waste. Ah, no, it was taken away by Ji Jiuzhong. Now it is a poor little white tiger that has not recovered its strength.

The white tiger, who was about to just stare at the sky, was picked up again. When he saw the mistress's beautiful, watery eyes, he also sensed the crisis and quickly looked toward the clouds.

I saw the clouds raising their short legs and running towards it.

But the white tiger was held in Yan Xiangluo's hand, and it couldn't hide away. Just when it resigned to its fate and kicked it, it couldn't be killed anyway, it suddenly changed its direction and avoided Yun. group attack.

Seeing that Yun Tuan was about to kick the white tiger again, Yan Xiangluo avoided it with the white tiger, and then said to Yun Tuan, "It is the spiritual pet of the ninth level. You must live in peace, just like you and Wuji, and no internal fighting is allowed."

The white tiger was so moved that the hostess finally stood up for it. Yun Tuan was sad, and looked at Yan Xiangluo with aggrieved eyes like black beans. Yan Xiangluo ignored it, put the white tiger on the ground, and put Yun Tuan on the ground as well, "You guys should learn how to get along."

Even though the cloud is my spiritual pet, I can't get used to it. It's okay to compete for favor, but you can't use your power to bully others. No, you can use your power to bully a tiger.

She could see that Bai Hu just didn't dare to resist because of Ji Jiuzhong's dislike. He didn't have any strength at all, and Yun Tuan was still pushing further.

Then let them solve it on their own. They will get along with each other in the future anyway.

Yan Xiangluo got up and returned to the door of the ancestral hall. He saw Ji Jiuzhong writing something on the Ji family tree with a pen. When he looked carefully, it turned out to be his name.

Seeing Ji Jiuzhong write his own name under the branch in the middle, it became clear to Ruan Xiang that the Ji family of Tianqian Continent should be of this lineage. The royal genealogy of Tianqian Continent has the names of their ancestors.

After Ji Jiuzhong wrote his name, a brocade box one meter long and half meter wide suddenly appeared on the table. It was a dark red wooden lacquer box. There were no patterns on the box, and it was so smooth that it seemed to illuminate people.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the brocade box curiously. Is this the magic weapon of the Ji family? What's inside? Judging from the size of the box, the contents are quite small.

Ji Jiuzhong put away his pen and reached out to open the box, but the box couldn't be opened.

Yan Xiangluo leaned against the door frame and reminded him, "Do you need blood to confirm your bloodline?"

Ji Jiuchong raised his phoenix eyes, stretched out his index finger and forced a drop of blood to fall on the brocade box, but the drop of blood rolled around on the brocade box and could not be absorbed.

 It seems that this method will not work.

  Bloodline recognition is not required, so why can’t the box be opened?

Ji Jiuzhong looked up at the family tree, raised his hand to melt the drop of blood, and put the brocade box away. Since he couldn't open it, he should put it away first.

 He turned around, bowed to the genealogy, and then walked out.

After Ji Jiuzhong came out, he explained, "I feel a little familiar with this box. The inability to open it should be related to my failure to recover the memory of my previous life. The things inside should be things from my previous life, so don't worry, let's wait for the opportunity. ”

Yan Xiangluo nodded, and then asked, "Won't I delay your use?"

He didn't even go to the main hall of Ji Garden, but came to the Ji family's land first. He brought out a white tiger from Qingyun Pavilion and an unopenable box from the ancestral hall. Would it affect his ability to go to the main hall of Ji Garden?

"No, I won't need it for the time being." Ji Jiu took Yan Xiangluo's hand again and walked back.

I saw two white dumplings, one big and one small, facing each other.

Yan Xiangluo naturally saw it, "Don't pay attention to them. You must learn to get along with them. If you can't keep up, just let them stay here. I think this place is quite suitable for cultivation."

The two froze at the same time when they heard Yan Xiangluo's words, and then they both put away their hostility towards each other, and followed each other obediently.

Bai Hu was still a little afraid of Ji Jiuzhong, so he only dared to follow him. Yun Tuan was not afraid of Yu Xiang falling, and jumped directly onto her shoulders and lay down.

 When Yan Xiangluo couldn't see its expression, he gave Bai Hu a provocative look.

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