The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 681: How to place

 Chapter 681 How to Place

What's more, they still have an unknown mission to save the continent. Without the strength, everything is out of the question.

Ji Jiuzhong waved to Mu Zixian, and Mu Zixian walked over. Ji Jiuzhong pointed at the map and asked, "This is the scope of the inner city. How do you think it is appropriate to place the Black Feather Guards and the others?"

Mu Zixian knew that these black feather guards would become people who would serve his master openly when Ji Jiuzhong said that he would turn from light to dark.

He looked at the map carefully, pondered for a while and asked: "Does the master want to divide all the inner city territory, or keep part of it?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Leave some of it."

He likes to leave some leeway in doing things. He doesn't know how long he will stay in Jiuyuan Continent yet, but no matter how long he stays, he must make arrangements for these people. Even if they leave here in the future, they can survive well in Jiuyuan Continent.

He will not treat his own people badly.

Mu Zixian frowned, "I think if you want to keep some of it, it's better to keep it all."

Ji Jiuzhong smiled when he heard this. Yan Xiangluo's long eyelashes flickered, and she somewhat understood Ji Jiuzhong's intention. He was testing Mu Zixian's decision-making ability.

When they discussed it before, Ji Jiuzhong said what the inner city would be used for, but he didn't say it would be for the Black Feather Guard family. It turned out to be a test of Mu Zixian.

“Okay, let’s do as you say.” Ji Jiuzhong gave the map to Mu Zixian.

Mu Zixian's mouth twitched. He would be a fool if he didn't know his master's intention now. It was obvious that his master had already made a decision.

He felt that since the inner city was so big, it was impossible to divide the territory evenly if a part of it was left. The distance between their family's residence and the palace was the distance between them and their master in the eyes of Black Feather Guards.

 It is better not to allow them to live in the inner city and open up territory for them outside. There is no difference between distance and distance.

Ji Jiuchong, the site in the inner city, is reserved for other purposes.

Ji Jiuchong stood up and walked out of the palace with Yan Xiangluo.

Mu Zixian glanced at the place where Ji Zimo was standing just now, and immediately walked behind Yan Xiangluo and whispered, "Mistress, can you also open your eyes to me?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong. After all, he belonged to Ji Jiuzhong and needed his consent.

Ji Jiuzhen nodded, and Yan Xiangluo raised her hand and tapped Mu Zixian's eyebrows. Mu Zixian felt a wave of heat pouring into his eyebrows, and then he saw Ji Zimo walking aside.

Hurry and salute to show that he can see him.

Ji Zimo also nodded and said nothing.

Mu Zixian looked at Ji Zimo. Is he the ancestor of the Ji family? That ancestor? Can he actually stay in his soul body for more than 30,000 years?

Soon they left the palace. Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Black Feather Guard and said, "Jiuyuan City is divided into an inner city and an outer city. The inner city is where you are standing now, and the outer city is where they are standing."

Ji Jiuzhong pointed to the people outside who couldn't get in. However, thirty to thirty thousand years have passed, and there are no traces of the outer city at all.

Black Feather Guards didn't move, not knowing what Ji Jiuzhong meant.

"Black Feather Guards no longer need to hide in the dark. Each of your families will be given a piece of land outside. You can build your family residence there. Guizixian will tell you that you don't have to worry about safety issues. Jiuyuan Not everyone can enter the city, whether it is the outer city or the inner city. As for your responsibilities, Zixian will also tell you."

Ji Jiuzhong's words were like a huge stone being thrown into the water, and the Black Feather Guards were all shocked. They never thought that Black Feather Guard could exist upright?

 After they all looked at each other, surprise burst out in their eyes. Who would want to hide in the dark if they could live on the bright side?

It would be good to live in the outer city, at least the land is big. Their family has a lot of people, but the land is not big enough to live there.

 “Yes.” A uniform voice sounded.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the people outside and took out the Human Emperor Token again, input his spiritual power and shouted, "Open."

The final ban on Jiuyuan City has also been lifted.

The Human Emperor ordered a ray of light to shoot out and fall on the edge of the barrier. Along the boundary of the barrier, after a trembling and sound of an earth dragon turning over, a city wall rose from the ground. Those standing outside who were close to the barrier, He almost pressed against the city wall and felt like his body was falling.

Everyone exclaimed and stood up in the air and retreated. Then they saw a circle of extremely high city walls, with a tall and towering city gate tower in the middle. On the gate tower were three characters "Nine Yuan City" with three dragons and phoenixes dancing in them.

 Obviously, this is the gate of the inner city of Jiuyuan City 30,000 years ago.

The city wall extending out from the surrounding area is also very high, and there is a deep and wide ravine outside the city wall. This should be the former moat, but now there is not a drop of water in it.

There are nine stone arch bridges facing the city gate. The bridge in the middle is much wider than the other four bridges, and there is a complicated pattern carved in the middle.

After everyone was amazed, they rushed over and wanted to enter the city through the city gate. But when they were flying in the air to the nine bridges, they seemed to hit something, and they fell out one by one screaming. Obviously, the barrier was still there. Looking at the force with which they fell, they knew that the barrier's counterattack was still strong. powerful.

Everyone looked at the Ji family residence surrounded by city walls in astonishment and couldn't believe it.

 Could it be that the power left by the Ji family is so strong that 30,000 years have passed and it can still protect the city from being invaded?

 Many of them are strong men above the **** level, and even many are at the level of gods. They are not aware of how powerful this barrier is.

Yan Xiangluo could clearly see what the people inside and outside were doing, and she was also curious, "Why is this city wall still there?"

I only saw ruins before, and the ruins were all cleaned up by Ji Jiuzhong. Why did the city wall suddenly appear? But after the city wall was built, I felt that the palace was very safe.

"The city wall, the imperial palace and Ji Garden are all integrated. They are all refined and made by my own hands." Although there is no memory of that life, Ji Jiuzhong knew the origin of some objects as soon as they appeared. .

Yan Xiangluo opened her mouth and said clearly, "No wonder you are so talented in weapon refining. It turned out that you were a very powerful weapon refiner in the past."

Ji Jiuzhong touched his nose and said, "I don't think this was a difficult thing for me before."

Although these words were not modest, he had such a feeling and knew that these things were really nothing to him in the past.

Yan Xiangluo didn't feel that he was immodest at all, but nodded in agreement, "I think so too."

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, why is his Luoluo so cute?

Ji Zimo was speechless watching the interaction between the two of them complimenting each other. Even if you are really talented, why don't you keep a low profile and not be so arrogant?

 (End of this chapter)

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