The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 713: Too many opponents

 This is his son Long Kun, who is five years old this year.

Long Moqing endured his headache and sat down on the chair. He tried his best to keep his expression normal, but his face could not be concealed. "Kun'er, go and call your mother."

Long Kun glanced at his father, said yes and ran away quickly, and soon he came holding the hand of a beautiful woman.

 “Mom, hurry up, dad looks very bad.”

Following Long Kun's voice, a beautiful woman walked in, followed by a little girl who was also five years old.

“Dad, what’s wrong with you?” The little girl ran to Long Kun and lay on his knees, raising her head and asking worriedly.

Long Moqing endured his headache and said to Long Kun, "Kun'er, take your sister out. Dad has something to tell your mother."

Although Long Kun was also worried, he still obediently took his sister out.

"Husband, what's wrong?" The beautiful woman walked up to Long Moqing and asked gently.

"I encountered some problems in my practice. I have to retreat for seven days. My wife will help me activate the formation." Long Moqing didn't want to say a word more, but it was not enough not to say it.

The woman's eyes were full of worry, but she also noticed that something was wrong with Long Moqing. Without any nonsense, she immediately helped him and walked to the retreat room.

After Long Moqing entered the retreat room, he said to his wife, "Madam, arrange for someone to check the mainland to see if there are two people, Long Moran and Ju Chengye, from the lower mainland."

He then added, "All people with the surname Long and Yu from the lower continents must be investigated."

"Husband, in recent months, a miracle doctor named Yu has appeared in the mainland. He is from a lower continent. It is said that he is only sixteen years old and has advanced medical skills. In the past few days, a descendant of the Ji family has returned. He is said to be named Ji Jiuzhong. The miracle doctor named Yu is his fiancée."

Long Moqing paused and asked immediately, "Ji Jiuchong?"

 “Yes, it’s Ji Jiuchong.”

 “What’s his fiancée’s name?” Long Moqing narrowed his eyes.

He had never met Ji Jiuzhong, but he knew that this person was born to a woman outside the Emperor of the Tianshun Empire. After the emperor died, he was assigned to a fief by the new emperor.

 “The fragrance falls.”

Long Moqing narrowed his eyes, Xiangluo, sixteen years old, isn't this name and age the name of Long Moran's good-for-nothing daughter?

She actually came to the Higher Continent, but I had clearly checked her body back then and found that she was simply a useless person in cultivation? His destiny was also very bumpy. How could he come to the higher continent at the age of sixteen?

"Go check on this Xiangluo. Long Moran and Yu Chengye are her parents. Check if her parents are here too. By the way, also if she has a younger brother." Long Moqing was in the retreat room after he finished speaking. Sitting down cross-legged, no matter how shocked he was, he would have to wait for seven days. If he continued to endure it now, he would definitely become useless.

His wife was very confused. It was normal for her husband to know that Yan Xiangluo had parents. No one jumped out of a rock. But how did he know that Yan Xiangluo had a younger brother?

In recent years, my husband has kept quiet about foreign affairs.

Although she was confused, she also saw that her husband was in a bad state, so she didn’t ask any more questions. She raised her hand to help him close the door of the retreat room, and then activated the protective formation.

Looking at the closed door of the retreat room, she turned around and went out. She wanted to check up on this concubine, Long Moran. As soon as she heard the name, she knew that she was from the same family as her husband.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo had sent An An and her mother's destiny back to their own destiny. When the destiny came back, she also used her soul power to cleanse their destiny.

The fortunes of so many people in Long Moqing's fortunes will inevitably be contaminated by other people's fortunes. If he is sent back to his brother and mother's fortunes like this, it will not be a good thing for his brother and mother's fortunes. You can tell by looking at Long Moqing's state. He may have some way to suppress it, but his brother and mother can't.

 After sending the luck path into their luck path, she also carefully carved a luck-protecting mysterious pattern on the outside of their luck path.

It's not that she is petty, but she knows very well that Long Moqing will not give up. Even if he is unwilling, he will come back with revenge and will never let her brother and mother go.

 What’s more, my younger brother’s destiny is very special.

After Yan Xiangluo took back all his younger brother's destiny, he realized why Long Moqing had to slowly absorb his younger brother's destiny to maintain his own. It was because his younger brother's destiny was really special.

Yan Xiangluo lamented that their family's luck seemed to be a little special.

"Okay." Yan Xiangluo took back her soul power and said to her brother and mother.

Juan Anluo opened her eyes and said in surprise, "I thought it hadn't started yet, so why did it end?"

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "Your sister is going to regain your and your mother's luck. If it takes a long time, can you still regain it? The key to success is speed."

Juan Anluo blinked, "That makes sense."

Then he felt his body. He didn't feel anything, but he felt that his body was much more relaxed.

“Sister, when my luck comes back, it will never be stolen again, right?”

Yuxiang tapped the tip of his nose and said, "No, anyone who dares to touch my brother's luck will know immediately and will fight back immediately. Don't worry."

Juan An Luoxing’s eyes were so bright, “My sister is so amazing!”

Long Moran looked at the two siblings and smiled. Although her daughter had not yet untied her soul-controlling power, she still felt that she was different from before.

 The most obvious thing is that the souls are very light.

Yan Xiangluo raised her hands to untie her mother, "Mom, you and An An should start practicing immediately. It's not sure whether mother can advance further, but An An will definitely advance, and it won't be a small advancement. Let dad give you instructions. We will set up a protective formation tomorrow, so we can rest assured."

Although she was in the Ji family's palace and there was no one else, Yan Xiangluo was used to being cautious, and she was really worried if nothing was done.

Yu Chengye has been watching from the sidelines. He didn't expect his daughter to win her luck so quickly.

 It also said a quarter of an hour. There is no quarter of an hour here, half a quarter of an hour is not used.

Yan Xiangluo took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, "I saw that person's face. I'll draw it and let my parents see if it's Long Mo Qing."

Although the guess is that it is Long Moqing, Yan Xiangluo still wants to be sure.

Since they have recaptured Yun Dao, Long Moqing must have known that they were coming to the higher continent. The Celestial Masters from the lower continent do not have this ability.

She has plotted against him now, but it is impossible to defeat Long Mo Qing. After he recovers, he will definitely attack them. There are too many opponents, so you can't be careful.

 Long Moqing and Jue Chengye looked at each other, this was a solution.

The couple walked to the table and looked at the portrait of their daughter. Juan Anluo also got down from the chair and came to the table. He wanted to see what the person who had stolen his luck and replaced his mother's luck would look like.

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