The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 718: Someone is checking me

Although Ji Jiuzhong wanted to hold Luoluo's hand and walk together, his father-in-law was watching from the side and he did not dare to be presumptuous and walked in front of him in a polite manner.

Everyone who comes to the Ji family's residence is directly in front of the imperial city, which is also outside the south gate of the original Jiuyuan Imperial City.

There was no one behind the palace. The father and daughter followed Ji Jiuzhong and walked out of a secret passage. In front of them was a vast mountain.

Looking back, we can see that not far away is the Royal Palace and a ravine, which was the original moat.

Yan Xiangluo said in surprise, "Why did Jiuyuan Imperial City choose to build the city here?"

Although the location of the imperial city usually chooses a backing, it would never choose such a large backing. There are too many variables in the vast mountains, and the possibility of being exploited by interested people is too high. It is too dangerous to build the imperial city here.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "The strong spiritual energy is one thing, and the most important thing is Feng Shui."

The corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched, "The Ji family has been wiped out, but this Feng Shui is still good."

Ji Jiuzhong’s mouth twitched after hearing her unkind words, “If it weren’t for the Feng Shui here, the Ji family would have been truly exterminated.”

Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong in confusion, "How do you say that?"

 “The Ji family’s destiny should have perished as early as the generation of the Ji family’s ancestors.”

With one sentence, Yan Xiangluo understood, and why the ancestors of the Ji family made a deal with Ji Jiuzhong who didn't know that life.

And why 30,000 years ago, the Human Emperor was so calm and led his people to death.

Although the main purpose is to save the mainland, there is also the helplessness that everything is destined, which also shows that the Ji family's vitality also exists in the crisis of genocide.

Now it seems that even if no one can return to the higher continent again, the bloodline of the Ji family will continue in various lower continents.

Yu Chengye was also shocked. What a big situation this is.

Yan Xiangluo curiously used the power of the Heavenly Master to see what was so magical about the Feng Shui here.

It was only then that I realized that the mountain behind it was really a geomantic treasure, and it indeed played a role in bringing luck and solidifying it.

At this time, after they came out of the barrier, the huge crystal ball of Jiuzhongtian finally started to move. The eyes of the man in white robes who had been using the power of the Heavenly Master to investigate the situation lit up, and he immediately increased the power of the Heavenly Master.

Finally, a scene appeared on the crystal ball, a scene of a man and a woman, a man wearing a white robe embroidered with dark patterns, and a woman wearing a bright red dress. Both of them had peerless looks and otherworldly temperaments.

It would be a surprise if Ji Jiuzhong and Yanxiang fell in, because these two people are them.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo shuddered instinctively. Ji Jiuzhong had been paying attention to her, and immediately noticed something was wrong with her, and immediately asked, "Luo Luo, what's wrong?"

Yan Xiangluo looked at the sky, "Someone used the power of the Heavenly Master to investigate me."

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes, and Chengye said in a bad tone, "Is it Long Moqing?"

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, "It shouldn't be him. He doesn't have such a strong Heavenly Master power to detect me when he can't find me. This power gives me a feeling of palpitations, indicating that the other person is far superior to my Heavenly Master." Master's strength. If my Heavenly Master's talent and mental strength were not very strong, I would never have discovered it."

Yu Chengye and Ji Jiuzhong were stunned, and said in unison, "Can you sense the other party's purpose?"

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, "I don't know, the other party's strength is far above mine. The only thing I can predict is that the other party used a very powerful magical weapon to find me. It seems to be very far away from me."

Ji Jiuzhong paused, looked at Yu Chengye, and asked suspiciously, "Could it be someone from Yun Shangtian?" Yu Xiangluo said, "It's possible, but people from Yun Shangtian should be targeting you, why should they? Check me out? Do you feel it?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I don't feel it. If that's what Luoluo said, I'm not a heavenly master. It's normal that I can't feel it."

Yan Xiangluo retracted her gaze towards the sky, "It doesn't matter if the clouds are in the sky, we have to face them anyway."

What she was worried about was if it wasn't Yun Shangtian, then where did this person come from and why was he checking her out? She wondered if it was related to the divine bead.

But she had never used the power of the divine bead at all. How did the other party detect that the divine bead was on her body from a distance?

This is true. Ji Jiuzhong also glanced at the sky. It seemed that it was urgent to improve his strength.

"Don't worry about me. The other party's purpose is not to smuggle goods for luck. Although my current strength is not as strong as the other party's, I have strong mental power. No matter how strong the other party is, they can't change my luck. Let's handle the current things first. there is always a solution to a problem."

Both Xun Cheng and Ji Jiuzhong have an idea, that is, her mentality is so good, which also shows that her mood is not ordinary.

Ji Jiuzhong was curious as to how Yuan Xiangluo could achieve such a state of mind. Yuan Chengye felt sorry for what kind of suffering his daughter had experienced in another life that they didn't know about, so that she could reach her current state of mind.

 He felt that his daughter would probably report the good news but not the bad news, and did not say anything too difficult.

"Where do we start setting up the formation?" Yan Xiangluo no longer paid attention to the other party, because she could no longer sense the other party, and it was useless to dwell on it.

At this time, after seeing the two figures, the man saw another line of words, Nine Yuan Continent.

 The crystal ball returned to calm.

He stood with his hands behind his hands. Although the power of the divine bead was not used, it did not mean that he could not find the person who owned the divine bead. There was only one divine bead. How could he share it with others? His previous predictions in front of those people could not be Not all of his abilities.

Now he finally detected the aura of the divine bead, which was on that woman's body.

 However, the divine bead has already been claimed as its owner, so it is not possible to **** it away. He can only let the other party give it to him willingly.

The corners of the man's mouth raised slightly, and he whispered, "It doesn't matter how powerful you are, the divine beads are still going to fall into my hands."

 Apparently he looks confident.

 He raised his hand and made a hand gesture, and a clone appeared in front of him, "Go to Jiuyuan Continent and bring that woman's soul back. Don't hurt her body."

Hearing the words, the clone disappeared in front of his eyes and appeared in Jiuyuan Continent in an instant.

It's just that he can predict the two people, but what their names are, they have to find them personally in Jiuyuan Continent.

However, what surprised him was that these two people were so easy to find.

 Just because the entire continent is paying attention to their every move at this time, and you can hear news about them wherever you go.

At first he didn't know that the two people he was talking about were the two people he was looking for. Later, he took out the portraits to check and found out that they were Ji Jiuzhong's fiancée Yan Xiangluo, who was attracting the attention of the entire continent.

He was a little surprised that Yan Xiangluo was only sixteen years old and already had the reputation of a miracle doctor. Her medical skills were not ordinary.

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