The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 725: Being plotted again

But since spirits and demons were divided into two realms, demon cultivators have gathered together, and their territory is not as large as the spirit world. Therefore, the demonic aura is very strong where they live. Those who are new to spiritual cultivation will be affected by the demonic aura. If they inhale the demonic aura, the consequences will be serious. It’s unimaginable.

Unless your spiritual cultivation reaches the **** level, you can move around in the demon world and be strong enough to resist the invasion of demonic energy.

Ge Tianjun looked at Yu Xiangluo and didn't see any discomfort in her. He didn't even notice that she was using her spiritual power to resist the evil spirit.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "It's okay."

Maybe it’s because the magic bead was contracted by her, and the demonic energy has no effect on her. On the contrary, even if she absorbs some demonic energy into her body, it will be directly absorbed by the magic bead.

Ji Zimo looked at Yan Xiangluo in surprise. How could she not be affected by the evil spirit? Is there such a spiritual practice?

If he hadn't seen her absorb spiritual energy and practice with his own eyes, he would have suspected that she was a demon cultivator.

Ge Tianjun was also surprised, "It seems that I underestimated Xiangluo and thought I wanted to give you a layer of protection."

Yan Xiangluo smiled lightly, "I have many abilities."

Ge Tianjun was not disgusted by the arrogant tone. On the contrary, it was in line with his feelings. Mo Xiu's mood is to do whatever he wants. Yuan Xiangluo's character is very similar to Mo Xiu's mood.

 “Let’s go and see your palace.” Ge Tianjun led the way.

 I didn’t meet many people along the way, but everyone I met greeted Ge Tianjun respectfully. I was not surprised at all when I saw the spiritual cultivator of Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo thought to himself: It seems that his sworn brother has put the Demon Palace in order after he came back. It is obvious that the entire Demon Palace is now in his hands, and the people here are all loyal to him.

The place where they appeared was the harem of the Demon Palace. Ge Tianjun introduced the Demon Palace to her all the way, and then pointed to the palace in front and said, "That is my bedroom. Xiangluo's bedroom is not far away."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at where Ge Tianjun was pointing. Ge Tianjun was the Demon King, and the palace he lived in was naturally the most luxurious in the entire palace.

 But when she saw her bedroom, it was not much smaller than Ge Tianjun's, and it looked equally luxurious on the outside.

 Walking into the bedroom, the interior was even more luxurious. Yan Xiangluo suspected that Ge Tianjun had put all the luxurious furnishings he could get in her bedroom.

"I don't live here all the time. Why do you bother me so much?" Yuan Xiangluo turned to Ge Tianjun and said.

“My sister wants to live in the best place even if she stays for one day.” Ge Tianjun smiled.

The cold devil's smile made the corners of Ji Zimo's mouth twitch. Why did he feel that Ge Tianjun didn't look like the devil at that moment.

If it weren't for the black royal robe, he would definitely be someone's gentle young master.

“Brother, don’t I have a sister-in-law?” Yan Xiangluo asked doubtfully.

They came directly to the harem of the Demon Palace. Logically speaking, the Demon King's harem is here. Why didn't they see a female mistress, not even the waiters saw a woman?

Ge Tianjun laughed and said, "What kind of wife are you looking for? Where there are many women, there will be more trouble. Besides, what kind of woman does Xiangluo think is worthy of your brother?"

Yan Xiangluo was speechless, "Brother, we have to keep a low profile, otherwise it will be difficult to find a wife."  "Hahaha, my sister is right, your brother is already in his thirties, why haven't he found a wife yet? It turns out That's the reason." Ge Tianjun said teasingly.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. You are a demon king. If you want a wife, you will get a lot of people if you wave. This is definitely not the reason why you don’t have a wife. She just said it casually, and he can really get rid of it.

“Brother, sit down and let me take a look at your body.”

Since she is here, Yan Xiangluo naturally wants to see how her adopted brother is doing. She no longer had to worry about Ge Tianjun not having a wife, it was not something she should worry about.

Many talented monks have been alone all their lives. Those monks practice the path of ruthlessness, so they automatically cut off the love between their children.

Besides, she really couldn’t help her sworn brother find a wife. If Ge Tianjun wanted to marry a wife, he had to find a woman from the demon world, otherwise the two powers of demons wouldn’t be able to make a couple.

Although Ge Tianjun felt that there was nothing wrong with his body, he did not refuse Yan Xiangluo's kindness.

He sat down at the table and put his wrist on the table, "Xiangluo's medical skills are indeed very strong. Three years ago, he not only cured my injuries, repaired my Dantian, saved my Yuan Ying, but also restored my body. All my hidden injuries were cured, and after I came back, I found that practicing was much easier than before, and advancing in the past three years was just like playing.”

This is also the main reason why after he returned to the Demon Palace, he was able to quickly take control of the Demon Palace, eliminate dissidents, and firmly control the Demon World in his hands. If he is strong, he will have the right to speak with his fists.

Yan Xiangluo is quite confident in her medical skills, "I just said the benefits will come later."

Ge Tianjun said with a smile on his face, "Well, my sister is great."

Ji Zimo was shocked. How old was Yu Xiangluo three years ago? She must be thirteen years old, and her medical skills are so powerful. She can actually heal a damaged Dantian and a dying Nascent Soul?

 Suddenly, Ji Zimo felt that it was too low-key for Yan Xiangluo to have the reputation of being a miracle doctor just now.

Yan Xiangluo felt Ge Tianjun's pulse. The more she felt, the darker her face became. Seeing that Ge Tianjun was confused, he was in good health. Why did his sister look like this? Didn't she look like she was fine?

Is there something wrong with my body again, or is someone plotting against me again without knowing it? Ge Tianjun did not bother Yu Xiangluo to check her pulse, but the expression on his face darkened.

After a while, Yan Xiangluo let go of his hand and said, "Brother, you have been tricked again."

  After finishing his words, he added, "It seems like you know nothing about it."

Ji Zimo was stunned. Ge Tianjun looked like he was in good health. What seemed to be a problem?

"I really don't know anything. I don't feel any discomfort in my body, and there is no problem in practicing." Ge Tianjun said truthfully.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "Brother, you have been poisoned again. This poison has no smell, and the effect is not obvious at first. It will not show symptoms until it accumulates to a certain level and explodes. But by then it will be too late to detoxify. There is nothing I can do."

Ge Tianjun’s face was extremely gloomy, “What kind of poison?”

“Brother, have you ever heard of the Magic Cherry Fruit?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

She had never seen this Magic Cherry Fruit before, but she had seen pictures and its effects in Shuyilu. When she first checked Ge Tianjun's pulse, she had not thought it was a Magic Cherry Fruit. Based on the symptoms, she searched for poisons with such effects in her mind. Think of the Magic Cherry Fruit.

 “Phantom Cherry Fruit?” Ge Tianjun’s expression suddenly changed. ,

Even though he didn’t know that he was poisoned by the Magic Cherry Fruit, he really knew about the Magic Cherry Fruit because he had seen a person when he was a child. He was poisoned by the Magic Cherry Fruit and his Nascent Soul was destroyed. His cultivation was ruined and he became a waste.

“Yes, I’m pretty sure it’s the Magic Cherry Fruit.” Yan Xiangluo said with certainty.

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