The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 733: Your brother has a mine

 When they knew the news, they were all desperate and had no hope of ever going to the Nine Heavens in their lifetime.

She, a girl of only sixteen years old, actually boasted that she wanted to go to the Nine Heavens. Who gave her the confidence?

 Does she have a way to go to Jiuzhongtian?

 While thinking, they received Ge Tianjun's warning look, and the few people left immediately.

Ge Tianjun looked at the simple but sturdy kitchen and said, "Brother, let someone refine a kitchen for you."

Since the girl has such a large storage space, he will make a beautiful, strong and practical kitchen for her. How can a beautiful girl like him use such a simple kitchen.

Yan Xiangluo did not look back, "Brother, no need, my master found someone to refine it for me. Although it is a little simpler, it is meaningful, and it has full functions and is very useful."

She wanted a new kitchen, and Ji Jiuzhong could refine it for her. She really didn’t need Ge Tianjun to refine it for her. Ge Tianjun himself was not a weapon refiner. Although the Demon King had a royal weapon refiner, it still had to go through the hands of others. , it is not as convenient as Ji Jiuzhong to refine.

Hearing this, Ge Tianjun said, "Your master, the master from the lower continent?"

Yan Xiangluo has only been here a few months, and I haven’t heard of her recognizing her master here, except Sima Qingyun, the master of calligraphy and clothing.

“Yes, my master came here before me.” Yan Xiangluo explained.

Ge Tianjun was a little surprised. He didn't believe anyone who said it was not easy for people from the lower continent to come to the higher continent.

 Look, how many people have come to her continent. This is what he knows, there should be others who don't know.

“Brother, do you mind eating in the kitchen?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ge Tianjun glanced at the tables and chairs in the kitchen. They were very clean. He nodded and said, "I don't mind."

"Then let's eat here, or else we have to go to the palace." Yuan Xiangluo didn't want to go to the palace.

 “Okay.” Ge Tianjun responded and walked into the kitchen.

The kitchen is not big, but it is also very spacious. In addition to the stove for cooking and the table for cutting vegetables, there is just a table and four chairs here.

Yu Xiang neatly placed all the dishes on the table. There were ten dishes, the same as last night, but the portions were not too big, otherwise you wouldn't be able to eat them.

Ge Tianjun knew from the smell of the food that she was an excellent cook, much better than his royal chef. After taking a bite, he was shocked.

“Xiangluo’s cooking skills are so high.”

“What I learned during alchemy is that it is not difficult for an alchemist to maintain the original taste of the ingredients and lock the spiritual energy.” Yu Xiangluo said with a smile.

Ge Tianjun doesn't think so, "There are many high-level alchemists in the world, but you are the first one who is good at cooking."

Yan Xiangluo did not argue on this matter. In fact, she felt that it was because no alchemist spent his experience studying cooking skills. After all, compared to alchemists and spiritual chefs, alchemists have more face to speak out.

 Actually, if the alchemist is a woman, her cooking skills are actually pretty good, but because she doesn’t study them in depth, she is only better than others, and cannot be said to be an expert cook.

The two of them chatted and ate. After eating, Ge Tianjun found that not only was he full, but there were no impurities left after eating food in his body.

"My sister is so amazing!" Ge Tianjun's words are not exaggerated at all. The food cooked by the royal chef in his magic palace will always have some impurities left behind. This is the main reason why he is unwilling to eat food. .

Whether a monk is practicing magic or spiritual cultivation, it is inevitable to take some elixirs. The elixirs themselves will have some erysipelas left in the body. If too many impurities from food are left in the body, it will greatly hinder the practice. of. But if the food you eat has no impurities at all, who will bear the urge to eat it?

 After all, the path of cultivation is already very difficult, so who would be willing to say no if you can have some fun.

“I’m just greedy and a bit naughty, so I’ve learned all my cooking skills.” Yan Xiangluo was right.

Yan Xiang neatly washed the dishes and put away the dishes, then left the kitchen with Ge Tianjun and put the kitchen away.

 “Brother, I’m going back.”

Ge Tianjun said, "Since you're here, why don't you stay a few more days? Is it because of those old guys?"

Yan Xiangluo quickly shook her head and said, "It's not because of them. I still have a lot of things to do when I go back. I just want to come see my brother and come back when I have time."

Ge Tianjun didn't ask her why she was so anxious. He handed her a space ring and said, "It's filled with white crystal stones. If it's not enough, tell me. Your brother has a mine."

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes suddenly lit up. As for white crystal, there are only a few mineral veins in the entire continent, and there are even fewer large mineral veins. She remembered reading in historical records that the largest white crystal mineral vein was indeed in the Demon World.

"Okay, I won't be polite to you." Yan Xiangluo put away the space ring unceremoniously.

Ge Tianjun makes a big deal every time, but she likes it all. She is so tacky, she only likes treasures and property.

"Your Majesty, Qu He's daughter-in-law is making a fuss and wants to seek justice from the King." The guard outside the door came over and reported.

 Ge Tianjun raised his eyebrows, "When did I need to handle these matters?"

The guard said helplessly, "Qu He's daughter-in-law said that she will not go back even if she doesn't see the king."

"What grievance does she want to avenge?" Ge Tianjun really didn't want to get involved in these trivial matters, but Qu He was one of his captains of guards and a person he trusted. Her daughter-in-law wants to see her in this way, so this matter must be something that others can solve.

"The woman who successfully transformed into a demon today is the one Qu He likes. After she successfully transformed into a demon today, Qu He took her home. His wife was unwilling and went crazy. The two of them fought from the house to the gate of the palace. , the whole royal city was alarmed by this incident, and the people watching the excitement blocked the road." The guard reported truthfully.

Ge Tianjun rubbed his temples. At that time, he knew that the woman in the Demon Refining Pond was sent in by Qu He, so he knew that something was wrong. Now that she is fine, Qu He was asking for trouble.

How can he take care of this matter?

As a king, he must be too lenient to interfere in the family affairs of his subordinates.

Yan Xiangluo was also a little curious after hearing this, but this was a matter in the demon world and she would not get involved. She said to Ge Tianjun, "Brother, go and do your work. I will go back soon."

Ge Tianjun said, "That's fine. Come back when you have time. If you need anything, tell me and I will have it delivered to you."

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo agreed happily.

Ge Tianjun sent her away first, and then walked to the imperial study room, asking Qu He to take his wife and the woman there.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know, and she missed the opportunity to know the news about Qin Suyue.

 Qu He was the man from the demon world who took Qin Suyue away. At this time, Qin Suyue looked not very good. She followed Qu He and had to endure the curses from his wife.

How did she, Qin Suyue, get to this point?

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