The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 738: Kill two birds with one stone

What Yan Xiangluo perceived just now was correct. The other party wanted to extract her soul. Could it be that the other party had found her own reincarnation because of her identity in the previous life, so what was she trying to do with her soul?

Yan Xiangluo was suddenly not sure why the other party was here.

  But one thing she was sure of was that the other party was going to extract her soul.

Now that her level of Heavenly Master is not as high as others, it is difficult to resist. Looking at the man outside the space, Yan Xiangluo made a decisive decision not to go out yet. Anyway, it would take a month for Ji Jiuzhong and her father to come out, and her mother and An An were still there. You can practice in the palace space magic weapon, so go in and practice yourself.

 What should I do if it’s just Ji Zimo?

"Ancestor Zi Mo, that person is outside. I am not my opponent. I am not planning to go out. I just use this time to practice in that space magic weapon. Does Ancestor Zi Mo want to go back to Ji's residence or stay in my space and wait for me? Let’s go back together after training?”

Yan Xiangluo pointed to the magic weapon in the palace space in the distance.

Ji Zimo glanced at the palace space magic weapon she pointed at. He sensed it as soon as he entered. It was a very powerful space magic weapon, and it turned out to be used for training.

Although he wanted to stroll around in Yan Xiangluo's space, he thought that neither of them were there in the Ji family's residence. His existence was to protect the Ji family's residence and clan area, so he said, "Go back, I'm not here, the Ji family There will be loopholes in the station’s barrier.”

He was very satisfied to be able to follow her around and even go to the Demon Palace, which he never had the chance to go to while alive. He could not let any accidents happen to the Ji family's residence because of his selfish desires.

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows, could this happen again?

 She nodded and said, "Then I will send Ancestor Zimo out."

As long as she releases the soul power that binds Ji Zimo to her and sends him out of space, he will be immediately sent to the Ji family's residence.

Mu Zixian, Changfeng, and Yutang can all see Ji Zimo, so if anything happens, Zimo Ancestor can make a decision for them.

Yan Xiangluo raised her hand to take back the soul power that restrained Ji Zimo, and then sent Ji Zimo out with a thought.

The moment he went out, Ji Zimo saw the man in white robe, but in just a moment, his body was instinctively sucked away by the suction force of Ji's residence.

The man in white robe noticed the appearance of a soul body, but when he used his soul power to open his eyes, Ji Zimo had disappeared, so he saw nothing.

He used his soul power to explore the surroundings in confusion. His perception was not wrong. A very strong soul body had appeared just now. Although it was only for a moment, why did it disappear so quickly? Could Jiuyuan Continent have such strength? A powerful soul exists?


Yan Xiangluo saw the reaction of the man outside and knew that he was aware of Ji Zimo's existence. However, because Ji Zimo was the key to the existence of Ji's residence, he would be sent back to Ji immediately if he lost the restraint of his soul power. Home.

She also killed two birds with one stone by doing this. First, she let Ji Zimo go back and look at the Ji family, and second, she wanted to see how strong the other party's soul power was.

Sure enough, the other party noticed Ji Zimo as soon as he appeared.

You must know that Ji Zimo's soul power is very strong. After all, he has been able to exist in the soul body for more than 30,000 years, and he carries so many blessings from the gods of the ancestors of the Ji family, which is not ordinary.

If the Celestial Master is not strong enough, it is actually impossible to discover him.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the man one last time and didn't think much about it. Anyway, when she went to see her adopted brother, she wanted to go into the palace space magic weapon to practice.

The timing is just right now. Just wait outside. She won't believe it. The other party can wait outside for a month.

Thinking of this, Yan Xiangluo glanced at the palace space magic weapon standing not far away, and first looked at which floor his mother and brother were on. Looking at it, she realized that her family's talents were not generally strong. Needless to say, her mother had already reached the third level in just two days. This speed was not unusually fast. Even An An is about to enter the third level.

His younger brother's talent is indeed evident, but it is much better than when he first entered.

Yan Xiangluo understood that his younger brother should have been born in a high-level continent. Therefore, the physiques of people who were born and raised in a low-level continent are different from those of them. To put it bluntly, it is a matter of continental level restrictions.

Yan Xiangluo smiled, this is good, the cultivation level will be improved faster than them, and the younger brother will become stronger soon.

She had an idea and went in directly.

When she came in this time, she still started practicing from the first floor. However, the floors she had experienced before were not difficult to practice. In less than half a day, she passed the fourth floor she experienced last time.

 This is the third time she has come in. This time, her target is the ninth floor.

As soon as she entered the fifth floor, she suddenly felt a strong pressure, and the level of the spiritual beast also increased. Looking at the oncoming ferocious beast, with a thought, the long caltrop gun appeared in her hand, and it started to dance. Wherever the rhombus spear hit, the ferocious beast was immediately split into two halves.

However, as soon as this ferocious beast died, two ferocious beasts appeared in the same place. Yuan Xiangluo was speechless. Is this the fifth level?

 For a quarter of an hour, she was in an indescribable state of embarrassment, but she still stood where she was without moving a step forward.

 If this continues, when will she be able to pass the fifth level?

He thought to himself: No wonder Ji Jiuzhong's strength improved so much after completing the ninth level. The difficulty of each level doubled. You can imagine how difficult the ninth level is.

Yan Xiangluo put aside distracting thoughts and continued to fight.

After she killed ten ferocious beasts at once, she finally moved forward. Yan Xiangluo understood that although each level tests your strength, it also tests your state of mind.

 Strength and state of mind must match, otherwise how can one advance to so many levels.

Yan Xiangluo is currently at the fifth level of the Emperor level. Her requirements are not high. After leaving the ninth level, she only needs to reach the Holy level. The Holy level is also the beginning of her third level of Pangu Flower.

Thinking of this, Yan Xiangluo became even more motivated.

Now she not only has Ji Jiuchong, but also her father, mother, younger brother, and adopted brother. She must pass the third level of Pangu Flower Blooming. She wants to see how her cultivation level will advance after passing the third level of this ancient skill. How fast.

This was also the main reason why she chose to practice Pangu Flower Blossom in the first place. She wanted to become a strong person, a strong person that no one could bully. This was a wish she had when she was a few years old, just because at that time she wanted to bully their family of three. The family members were trampled under their feet.

Later, after the soul from another world returned, she no longer watched the concubine's training, and her goal became to visit the Nine Heavens. This goal has not changed now.

 The passage to the Nine Heavens can be opened if it can be sealed. She must go to the Nine Heavens.

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