The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 740: special to her

Changfeng and Yutang rolled their eyes at Mu Zixian. The meaning was very clear, you think we are stupid.

Mu Zixian was speechless, "Okay, if you don't want to find a wife, just don't find one. Let me remind you that the master of the inner city must have made arrangements. If you want to marry a wife in the future, I'm afraid it may not be possible to build a mansion. There’s a place.”

As good brothers who grew up together, Mu Zixian said this.

  Anyway, he had always wanted to find a wife. Even if she couldn't be like his mistress, it would be better than being alone for the rest of his life.

Therefore, when his master asked them to choose a place to build a mansion in the inner city, he started to think about it. Now that he has chosen a place, he will start building the mansion after coming out of the Yunxia Secret Realm and reporting to his master.

Jin Yutang said, "I have bought all the clothes to keep out the cold."

Mu Zixian and Changfeng both looked at him. They wanted to go to the Yunxia Secret Realm to practice. However, the Yunxia Secret Realm was in the coldest place in the northern continent, and the time they went there happened to be the beginning of winter. They could not rely entirely on spiritual power to stay warm. That consumes too much spiritual power, so you need to prepare clothes to keep out the cold.

Jin Yutang arranged for the hidden guards to go out and buy it.

Mu Zixian asked, "Has the time to open the secret realm been announced?"

During this period, he and Changfeng were busy in Jiuyuan City. The only news outside was that Jin Yutang arranged for people to investigate.

“It’s just been released. It will be opened on time in ten days. We won’t wait until it’s out of date.” Jin Yutang said.

The three of them looked at each other and saw the light in each other's eyes. This is what they have experienced every time they have experienced since childhood, because they know very well that every experience is an opportunity for them to improve their cultivation and strengthen themselves.

"There is news." Jin Yutang raised his head and looked outside. This is the contact information of the hidden guards.

As soon as he finished speaking, he left the palace and left Jiuyuan City in their own unique way. After a while, Jin Yutang came back.

“It’s news about Long Moqing, what should we do?” Jin Yutang looked at Mu Zixian and asked.

They are going to Yunxia Secret Realm for training in ten days. Yan Xiangluo is going in for training again. They cannot meet at all, and the news must be known to her as soon as possible.

Mu Zixian said, "Put the news in the palace and tell Ancestor Zi Mo. My mistress will know it when she comes back."

 Jin Yutang knew that this was the only way to go.

He took the message and put it in the palace, and then went to Ji Garden to find Ji Zimo. They were all curious about why Ji Zimo liked to stay in Ji Garden. This was Jin Yutang's first time coming to Ji Garden. Jin Yutang understood that among the layers of stairs, the view of emotions was the best.

Ji Zimo saw Jin Yutang going out and coming in, and then looking for him again. He must have something to do, so he stood above him and waited for him to come up.

Jin Yutang did not look around. He came to Ji Zimo and told him that the news about Long Moqing was left in the palace, and asked him to inform her as soon as possible when Yan Xiangluo came back.

Ji Zimo nodded, "There is a large purple bamboo forest in the Yunxia Secret Realm. If you are destined to encounter it, don't miss it. You would rather not go there than go in."

Jin Yutang's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he immediately saluted and said, "Thank you, Ancestor Zimo, for your advice."

Ji Zimo glanced at Jin Yutang. They were all Ji Jiuzhong's most trusted people. They could be brought from lower continents. Their talents and loyalty should be good. He would also be happy to give them a heads up.

 After all, if they are strong, Ji Jiuzhong’s power will be strong. After Jin Yutang came back, he told Mu Zixian and Changfeng the news Ji Zimo told him.

Mu Zixian said, "After we enter, we will find out where the purple bamboo forest is, and then go directly."

The Yunxia Secret Realm experience only lasts for one month. Since Ji Zimo reminded them like this, that is to say, the Purple Bamboo Forest is the place with the best opportunities in the Yunxia Secret Realm. Since they know it, they will not waste time.

Jin Yutang nodded. He also wanted to inform the brothers who could enter. After all, there were only more than thirty people in the top one hundred, plus the quota of the master Ji Jiuzhong. They must not waste the people who entered. Such an opportunity.

Early the next morning, Mu Zixian informed that all boys from the Black Feather Guard family who are over the age of fifteen can sign up to join the Black Feather Guard. However, they must pass the competition and those who pass the exam can become the Black Feather Guard. Guard Jiuyuan City.

Once they heard that the Kuroba Guard was recruiting people, the Kuroba Guard family all asked their boys of sufficient age to sign up. Whether they could pass the selection would depend on their respective strengths.

 Jin Yutang and Changfeng are in charge of selecting the contestants, and Mu Zixian has to arrange the next tasks of training these children.

Ten days passed in a flash, and there were fewer and fewer people guarding outside Jiuyuan City.

Seeing that the Nine Yuan City is being built and becoming more and more stable, those Black Feather Guards are very strong. It is not like they can just go in and do whatever they want after breaking the formation. There will be no benefits, and there is no point in staying here anymore.

Therefore, when Mu Zixian and the others were about to leave, there were already very few people guarding outside Jiuyuan City. Most of them came to take a look out of curiosity. There were almost no people guarding here before.

 But those who came from Yunshangtian and Jiuzhongtian hid themselves in darkness.

When the Yunxia Secret Realm opened, they rushed there again to see if Ji Jiuzhong would go into the Yunxia Secret Realm to experience.

 For a while, Jiuyuan City became quiet.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo had just entered the eighth level of training. She felt like she had a breakthrough after coming out of the sixth level, but she had been suppressed by her. This time she had to go out from the ninth level to help her grow. There are not many opportunities left.

Ji Jiu is about to break through the gods. When he comes out, he must be above the **** level. After breaking through the saint level, she should have a training trough. She must improve her combat effectiveness to the strongest.

The stronger she is in leapfrog combat, the more secure her safety will be.

She knew very well that the way to practice the palace space magic weapon was different between herself as the owner and other people who came in.

Others come in to practice only their cultivation strength and state of mind, but she can practice anything she wants.

 For example, what she is experiencing now is soul power.

 This is what she discovered when she entered the seventh level. Sure enough, the magic weapon left to her by her senior brother was special to her, perhaps to help her improve her strength when she was weak.

 What she wants to improve most now is her soul power. After all, there is someone outside who wants to extract her soul.

Even though the soul has been tricked out of the body once, it does not mean that it can be tricked a second time. That time was already very dangerous. She knew very well that the opponent this time was much stronger than that person.

 Just the soul power of a clone made her so shocked, what if it was the person herself?

Yan Xiangluo didn’t dare to think too much, so she could only work hard to strengthen herself.

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