The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 742: fortune path

“Father-in-law knows what’s going on with Long Moqing’s fortune?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yu Chengye folded the letter and put it into the envelope. He had been with his wife for so many years, and he still knew a little about luck. He raised his eyes and looked at Ji Jiuzhong and said, "Have you ever heard of folding luck?"

"Lost luck? Never heard of it." Ji Jiuzhong thought for a while and there was no information about bad luck in his memory. To be honest, he got some information about Tianshi from the Long family, which was not much.

Jue Chengye said, "It's normal that I haven't heard of it. After all, such luck is so rare. I only heard about the existence of such luck when the elders of the Long family and the head of the Long family talked. I didn't care about it at the time. Now that I think about it, they were talking about it at that time. The bad luck should be related to Long Moqing. If it weren't for some signs in the information your people found, I would have forgotten that there is such a bad luck. "

“What kind of luck is there?” Ji Jiuzhong asked with a frown.

Yu Chengye said, "I don't know much about bad luck either. I just remembered something I accidentally overheard when I was trapped in Long's house, and I had some imagination about the information found by your people."

This is also due to his own photographic memory.

Ji Jiuzhong heard his father-in-law say something he had overheard.

"At that time, in order to get rid of the Long family, I secretly went out every night to find out what was special about the residence of the nine major families and how to leave. One day, I saw the elder of the Long family talking to the head of the family. In order not to be discovered, , I used the invisibility mysterious pattern and hid in the dark. I heard the elder said to the head of the Long family that there is no way to completely solve the bad luck. The head of the Long family said that the bad luck is like this, good luck is halved and bad luck is doubled. There is no way to completely solve me. We can only rely on a large number of crystal **** to suppress people with bad luck. The great elder didn't say anything later, and they left. At that time, I didn't know that people with good luck could do it. Even Long Moqing doesn’t know that our family’s hardships are all caused by this.”

Ji Jiuzhong immediately understood after hearing this, "It seems that Long Moqing's bad luck has not been completely solved even after arriving here."

Ju Chengye nodded and said, "It seems like this from the information. If it is true, he will not give up. After all, Luo Luo and An An's fortunes are unmatched by ordinary people. Before, because Luo Luo's soul was not intact, he did not see Luo Luo's fate." Luck comes, now that Luoluo is here, she must know that Luoluo's luck is not as bad as her brother's, and he will not give up. "

Ji Jiuzhong lowered his eyes and looked at the envelope, "Can he complete the luck exchange and extract the luck of others by himself?"

Yu Chengye shook his head, "I have to ask them, mother and daughter."

He is not a Celestial Master. Although he knows a little about it, he really doesn’t understand the Celestial Master’s strength. He really doesn’t know whether he can change his luck by himself. After all, he has never seen the Celestial Master who just changed his luck. division.

 “Come if he wants to come, we can just deal with him.” Ji Jiuzhong’s tone became a few degrees colder.

Since it was going to be delivered to his door, it was just right and it saved him the trouble of looking for him again.

Yu Chengye said, "He is an extremely cunning person and has excellent surface skills."

 Otherwise, my wife would not have known that his destiny had been taken away by him for so many years, and she would have thought that he was very kind and cares about the feelings of the same clan to visit them.

"He has a twin daughter, who is five years old this year. His wife is the second daughter of the Shen family in the southern continent. The Shen family was originally just a middle-class family, but an amethyst mine was discovered more than ten years ago. Although it is not very Big, but enough to promote the Shen family to a first-class family. The Amethyst Stone Heavenly Master seems to be of great help. Long Mo Qing married the Shen family's second daughter probably for the Shen family's Amethyst Stone. "Ji Jiuzhong followed the information. content analysis.

He heard from Xiang Luo that when the Heavenly Master is not strong enough to spy on the secrets of heaven, he needs crystal **** to assist him. Among them, white crystal is the best, followed by yellow and purple.

 “I wonder if the Shen family knows what he has done?”

Of course, Yu Chengye also knew that the Heavenly Master sometimes needed crystal **** to help. When his wife sent away her daughter's soul, she relied on a topaz stone ball in her hand. It was not big, only as big as his fist, but The power is not small. It was precisely because of this that he thought of changing his luck.

A dark light flashed across Ji Jiuzhong's eyes, "Maybe you know. After all, not everyone can have a Heavenly Master. We don't have it. If our son-in-law has it, they will be very willing to just supply some amethyst stones. After all, if we have it, The Celestial Master’s family does things much more smoothly.”

Juan Chengye frowned, "If the Shen family protects Long Mo Qing, things will be a little tricky."

“So it’s best if he comes to you on his own.” Ji Jiuzhong raised the corners of his lips.

Although he is not afraid of confronting the Shen family, it is better to do less than to do more. He does not have the inclination to create another opponent for himself, and it is still the entire family.

"Even so, the Shen family may not be willing to give up on him." Jue Chengye knew very well what those families would do for their own benefit. He had seen too much over the years.

 Have you not experienced it yourself?

"It doesn't matter, the Shen family doesn't dare to be enemies with the Ji family, either now or in the future." Ji Jiuzhong said confidently.

Yu Chengye looked outside, nodded and said, "Even if they are enemies, what do we have to fear from them?"

 They were able to come here all the way from the lowest continent. If they were timid, how could they have made it this far?

Ji Jiuzhong lifted Yun Tuan off his shoulders, "Can you find the location of your master?"

The cloudy black bean-like eyes turned around, "I couldn't find it before, but now I can."

 After regaining the power of the mythical beast, Yun Tuan can finally speak human words and talk to people.

It has now restored the power of the divine beast. Although its master is hiding in the space, the master's space has opened it up to free entry and exit. Therefore, its divine beast's power can detect where the master is.

“Where is Luoluo?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yun Tuan pointed in one direction and said, "It's very far away. We have to teleport there. It's in a forest not far from the trench in the Demon Realm."

"Devil world?" Ji Jiuzhong looked at Ji Zimo outside the door, remembering that Ji Zimo just said that Luo Luo took him to the Demon Palace.

Ji Zimo glanced at him and said, "The Demon King took the girl there, and gave the girl a Demon King's Order. From now on, the girl can go directly to the Demon Palace without fear of the trench between the two realms of demon spirits."

Ji Jiuzhong's face suddenly darkened. Although Ge Tianjun was Luoluo's sworn brother, he didn't care about Luoluo's safety at all. He actually took her to the demon world. What should I do if she is contaminated with demonic energy?

Although Luoluo has a magic bead on his body, only Luoluo and him know about it, not Ge Tianjun.

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