The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 744: Best of both worlds

Whether Jiuyuan College can become the number one institution in Jiuyuan Continent mainly depends on the strength of its teachers. Without strong teachers who are admired, who would be willing to send their children here to study and practice?

“Let’s use our own people as the main force first, and then there will be strong people who are willing to come here to teach.”

 Ji Jiuzhong has already thought about it. Not to mention other things, the Ji family's Xuanwen, Xiangluo's medical skills, alchemy skills, and their formation attainments, Jiuyuan College will not have to worry about recruiting students.

As long as the first batch of students are taught and become strong men in various fields on the mainland, then Jiuyuan College will naturally become the top college on the mainland.

 There will be no shortage of it for both students and teachers.

Yu Chengye also admitted that Ji Jiuzhong's idea was right, but it also took time. After all, students can't be taught it in an instant.

“There will definitely be no shortage of troublemakers.” This is the most critical point.

 How could other colleges and forces in the mainland allow Jiuyuan City to develop, especially if it is the territory of the Ji family?

 “It’s okay, otherwise why would you want Black Feather Guard to do anything?” Ji Jiuzhong raised the corners of his lips.

Seeing that Ji Jiuchong had already thought about it, Jue Chengye said nothing more, "How do you plan to build Jiuyuan College?"

 There are many ways to build a college, it all depends on what Ji Jiuzhong wants.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "The most powerful college in Jiuyuan Continent will naturally have the strongest and most complete college."

 “You want to refine the academy?” Yan Chengye instantly understood what Ji Jiuzhong meant.

"Well, only the refined academy is the strongest." Ji Jiuzhong thought a lot. Although this is the most expensive way, it is also the easiest way.

"Okay, I understand what you want me to do for you." Chengye sighed. He finally understood that this kid must do his best unless he doesn't do something.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "My father-in-law taught Luo Luo and An An so well, so he must be very experienced in teaching students."

“So, you want me to be the first dean of Jiuyuan College.” Yu Chengye rolled his eyes at Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and said, "No one is more suitable than my father-in-law."

What he didn't say was that since he was his father-in-law, he naturally had to protect him a little. What better way than to make himself famous in the mainland. Although my father-in-law is now famous in mainland China, he is not the kind of person that a few people fear. The father-in-law has strength, but only lacks a springboard, so he will build a springboard for his father-in-law. With a father who is the dean of the best college in the world, who would dare to bully Luoluo.

In this way, their whole family can live in Jiuyuan City before they leave Jiuyuan Continent and go to Jiuchongtian.

It's very safe here. Even if you and Luoluo leave for something, you don't have to worry about the safety of your father-in-law, mother-in-law, and An An.

 And An An has a place to study and a partner. In the future, his friends will be all over the world. Even if he and Luo Luo leave, they can live a good life.

Ji Jiuzhong just likes to put things in front of him that have not happened. This is also the guarantee that he can get to where he is now step by step.

 I also don’t want Luoluo to have any worries.

This move kills two birds with one stone. It not only helps the Ji family, but also helps the father-in-law's family, getting the best of both worlds.

Yu Chengye is also a human being among the best. How could he not understand Ji Jiuzhong's intention of such an arrangement? He once again sighed in his heart that his daughter really has a good eye for people. "Come on, let's arrange the inner city before Luoluo and the others come back from their training." Jue Chengye didn't hesitate. Since the decision was made, it must be done well.

Now his cultivation level is also one of the strong men in the mainland. Although he is not the strongest, no one dares to provoke him easily now that he is strong enough.

 But he also admitted that he did need a status worthy of a higher level of cultivation. Since his son-in-law gave it to him, he was not polite. Helping himself was equivalent to helping them. The stronger he was, the more they would have a backer.

Ji Jiuzhong and Jue Chengye went to the inner city together and drew plans on the spot. Ji Zimo looked at them from above the palace.

He was a little curious about what kind of person Ji Jiuchong was in his previous life. He was such a smart and beautiful person who handled everything. What happened in his previous life that made him spend so much time arranging his and Yuan Xiangluo's afterlife? .

Half a month has passed. Mu Zixian and the others who went to the Yunxia Secret Realm for training have all come back, but Yan Xiangluo and the other three have not returned yet.

If it weren't for the clouds, both Ju Chengye and Ji Jiuzhong would have suspected that something had happened to them.

Yun Tuan would lie on Ji Jiuzhong's shoulder day by day, never going there. Some people thought Yun Tuan was Ji Jiuzhong's spiritual pet.

There is no way, it's not that it likes to stay on Ji Jiuzhong's shoulder, but it can't go there. Both Juan Chengye and Ji Jiuzhong are worried about Yan Xiangluo and the three of them, and they have to ask it at any time, how is Luoluo, and then it After replying that it was okay, the two of them continued their work.

If it wasn't around, the entire Jiuyuan City would be looking for it.

There is nothing interesting about Jiuyuan City now, so it simply stays on Ji Jiuzhong's shoulder and doesn't go there.

Mu Zixian and the others came back in high spirits. They went to thank Ji Zimo for his advice first. They had gained a lot this time. Even the ones with the lowest cultivation levels had been promoted to the third level, not counting those who were in the Purple Bamboo Forest. encounters.

Ji Jiuzhong was also surprised that their cultivation had improved so much. After asking, he found out that it was Ji Zimo who had given them some advice.

Sure enough, as the saying goes, having an elder in the family is equivalent to having a treasure, and having an ancestor is really equivalent to having a treasure.

"The mistress hasn't come back yet?" Mu Zixian asked in a low voice without seeing Yan Xiangluo.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at him and said, "Luoluo probably wants to get out of the ninth floor."

Mu Zixian and the others looked at each other for a moment. They had not been to the ninth floor yet.

“Master, when will we go in again?” Mu Zixian asked.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "It's not a good thing to advance too quickly and too diligently. You should stabilize your cultivation first."

Mu Zixian and the others knew that what Ji Jiuzhong said was right. It had only been a few months since they arrived in Jiuyuan Continent. They had made breakthroughs repeatedly. They had accomplished in a few months what others had not been able to do in decades. Indeed, it should not be too great. Got greedy.

"Master, what are you doing in the inner city?" Mu Zixian was very surprised. According to the time, the master has only been out for half a month, so why has the inner city changed so much?

So many buildings were rising from the ground, and they sensed a familiar atmosphere from them. These buildings were all refined by the master, and it must be no small matter for the master to have personally experienced and planned them.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't bother to tell Mu Zixian and the others, and just threw the plan he had recorded with his father-in-law to them and let them see for themselves.

 A group of people gathered around Mu Zixian to watch, and they were all shocked.

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