The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 760: Luo Luo willing to give up

Fang Xi'er said seriously, "Brother, I really became sworn friends with Xiangluo because I like her. The first time I saw her, I knew we were the same kind of people."

Fang Qiyuan smiled, "I don't know who my sister is yet. Don't worry, I will treat Xiangluo as my own sister from now on."

Fang Xi'er felt relieved. She was worried that her father and brother would take the family too seriously and she would be sorry for Xiangluo in the future. With her brother's words, she felt relieved.

 She did not say this out of words, but from the bottom of her heart. She really believed that this girl, Yan Xiangluo, was the kind of person who has no fear of life or death.

 Then she told her father and brother about the commercial street outside Jiuyuan City.

The head of the Fang family said, "Don't worry, just leave this matter to dad."

He will not miss this opportunity to make good friends with Jiuyuancheng. He doesn't care what other people think of Ji Jiuzhong and Yanxiang. He is very optimistic about them, and their achievements will definitely not stop there.

Can this strength be used to make Jiuyuan City re -prosper under the surround of strong people?

Fang Xi'er hesitated for a moment and then asked, "Won't dad come in with us?"

My father's cultivation has been at the peak of the Saint level for many years, but it is not easy to break the God. Even if the Fang family does not lack resources, it is still difficult to break through.

 Just like before, if my father hadn't made a breakthrough, I wouldn't have been plotted by my third uncle.

 The head of the Fang family sighed, "The Fang family can't afford to have no one in charge. Besides, dad didn't succeed in breaking through last time, so he won't be able to break through again in a short time."

There is another reason that is not stated. He cannot leave when his son and daughter are not at home. He has to guard the Fang family and wait for them to come back, and he also has to guard his father.

After their brothers and sisters come back this time, their cultivation will definitely increase greatly. If there is any destined opportunity, cultivation will be easier.

 After that, he can devote himself to practicing to break through to the **** level. Although it was a bit regretful not to be able to enter the first place of training, people's opportunities were different. He didn't know where his own opportunities were, but now he knew what was most beneficial.

Fang Qiyuan has more to think about than his sister, "Is dad worried about grandpa?"

The head of the Fang family said, "I was worried before, but after Xiang Luo's words, I don't worry about your grandpa anymore, and he won't go in. Although the opportunity is rare, it is not suitable for everyone."

 The brother and sister saw that their father knew everything and said nothing.

 When doing research, bring those people in.

Yan Xiangluo left Fang’s house and found Ji Jiuzhong. Seeing her relaxed steps, Ji Jiuzhong knew that she was very happy at Fang’s house and didn’t ask any questions.

"Let's go back and make preparations. We don't have a few days left." Ji Jiuzhong actually didn't need him to go there in person. He arranged for someone to go there.

He can only control the overall situation in the dark. Sometimes it is better not to come forward in person. Just like now, if he doesn't come forward in person, the other party will definitely have a rare chance. If he comes forward in person, he will think that Ji Jiuzhong has Asking them for help will make you lose the feeling of a rare opportunity.

“Okay.” After Yan Xiangluo responded, Ji Jiuzhong took her back to Jiuyuan City using the teleportation pattern.

A few days have passed, and under the supervision and command of Juan Chengye, the inner city has completely taken shape.

It's just not as popular as the outer city, but once Jiuyuan College recruits students, its popularity will naturally increase.

 The two of them returned directly to the palace. They did not see Qi Hao and An An, and their mother was not in the palace either.

 There was almost no one in the palace except Ji Zimo.

“Ancestor Zi Mo, where are my mother, An An and the others?” Yu Xiangluo asked. Ji Zimo said, "They just moved out of the palace yesterday and went to live in a mansion in the inner city. They happen to be neighbors with Qi Hao and his grandson, so the two children can get along easily."

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised. She thought that even if her parents had built the house, they would have to wait until they came out of the land of training before moving there.

"Where are Chen Moran and the others?" Yan Xiangluo asked again.

Ji Zimo asked, "Are they the ones you bought from Xiangyangcheng Mansion?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said, "Yes."

 “Quiet Zi Xian was brought to help.” Ji Zimo pointed in one direction.

Yuan Xiangluo is not surprised. Although they have just come out of the Yunxia Secret Realm, they still have to enter the first training place, as long as their cultivation is above the holy level.

 Therefore, if you want to get things done before leaving, you need help. Chen Moran and the others had gotten along well with Mu Zixian in Xiangyang City before, so they were naturally comfortable with things.

"I'll go home and have a look." Yan Xiangluo turned around and walked out of the palace.

Ji Jiuzhong reached out and grabbed her, "Luoluo's home is here."

Yan Xiangluo turned to look at the obviously jealous man, speechless, and took his hand and said, "I haven't married you yet. Of course, where my parents are, I will be there, and where I am, you will be there."

 Took him and walked out of the palace.

This time, Ji Jiuzhong did not resist, and the corners of Ji Zimo's mouth twitched as he looked at him.

Sure enough, all the men in the Ji family are infatuated, and Ji Jiuzhong is no exception.

 Perhaps this was the main reason why Ji Jiuzhong chose the Ji family in that life.

The two of them left the palace and walked towards the place that Yu Chengye had chosen before. They walked through a large area of ​​office space and behind them were alleys. Countless mansions were rising from the ground, making Yu Xiangluo feel like she was dreaming. Feel.

They were only away for a few days, but Dad and Zixian were so fast that they built so many mansions?

 However, there are no outsiders coming to live in the inner city, so why are there so many mansions built?

“Jiuchong, what are your plans for so many mansions?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the cluster of buildings and finally understood the appearance of a city. "Except for the mansion where my own people live, the rest will be used by the teachers of Jiuyuan College in the future."

 Some people have families, so you can't let them teach and have to divorce their wives. This is also the benefit of teachers at Jiuyuan College. However, they only have the right to live, not the right to buy or sell.

This is true for all mansions in the inner city, and the land rights will always belong to the Ji family.

 This is also a way to control the inner city.

 “You think so far.” Yan Xiangluo admired sincerely.

Then she thought of her Copper Tower Palace magic weapon, and said to Ji Jiuzhong, "What do you think I would do if I took out the Copper Tower Palace magic weapon and put it in the inner city for myself and the students of Jiuyuan College to use for training?"

“Are you willing to give up?” Ji Jiuzhong asked with a raised brow.

Ruan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "What's the point of being reluctant to part with? I've already come out of the ninth floor. The copper tower has no training effect for you and me, and there are so many weapons and cultivation techniques inside. Bai blind, you can give students the opportunity to choose, of course there are conditions, you can decide the conditions. "

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