The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 774: powerful contempt

Mu Changling left. From the moment he took action to the moment he left, it only took a moment. He didn’t leave his name from the beginning to the end, and he didn’t even pay attention to the master of Yunshang Palace.

While everyone was speculating on his identity, they were also more embarrassed. It was not a good thing for a strong person to despise Yun Shang Gong, and for them to see Yun Shang Gong embarrassed like this.

Now it seems that the master of Yunshang Palace is not a generous person. If he is implicated, his life will be at risk.

 Hence, those who responded quickly left immediately. Anyway, they all saw what should be seen and what should not be seen. With so many people, the law does not punish everyone, and Yun Shanggong couldn't keep silent even if he wanted to.

The person who was slow to react also reacted when he saw someone leaving. In a moment, no one was left watching the excitement.

At the entrance to the Land of Refining, there were only a hundred strong men from Yunshang Palace and those guarding the entrance, as well as dozens of people who were lying groaning on the ground after being seriously injured by Mu Changling's counterattack after attacking Ji Jiuzhong.

 Everyone looked at their palace master.

The Palace Master of Yunshang Palace, his face turned extremely dark, "Go and find out who he is."

 “Yes.” Someone immediately responded and left.

 However, it is not easy to find someone who has no name or surname. If someone lives in seclusion and is deliberately not found, they may not be able to find the person even if they search the entire continent.

The Palace Master of Yunshang Palace looked at the trash on the ground, raised his hand and said, "Get it away quickly."

It's so embarrassing. So many people took action together, but they didn't even touch the skirt of someone's clothes. It was the first time in his life that he failed like this. Although these people are not wearing Yunshang Palace's clothes, anyone who is not stupid knows that these people are from Yunshang Palace.

If he succeeded, he could explain what he did on the grounds of suppressing lower-class mainlanders. Now that he failed, no matter how he explained it, it was just a cover-up.

It was obviously a sure thing, and I had made two preparations, but it actually failed. This was something the Palace Master of Yunshang Palace never expected.

Now he was holding a breath in his heart, feeling extremely uncomfortable as he couldn't go up or down. However, the matter has become a foregone conclusion. No matter how high his cultivation level is, he cannot pull Ji Jiuzhong out of the place of experience.

What they want to do is to wait until Ji Jiuzhong comes out of the training ground in a month. However, at that time, what else can they do to Ji Jiuzhong?

Is it possible that he should lead the powerful men from Yunshang Palace to directly confront Ji Jiuzhong in an upright manner? Thinking of the above meaning, it was not impossible. His heart sank. The good reputation that Yunshang Palace had accumulated over the past tens of thousands of years would probably be wasted on Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuzhong’s talent is so scary. What level will he be in one month?

The Palace Master of Yunshang Palace encountered such a difficult matter for the first time and had a headache.

 After all the wounded on the ground were taken care of, the hundreds of strong men were sent back by the Palace Master of Yunshang Palace, leaving only those who guarded the entrance before.

The Palace Master of Yunshang Palace walked up to Lu Xingze and said, "Yan Xiangluo has not come, what are you going to do next?"

Lu Xingze glanced at the Palace Master Yunshang Palace, "Yan Xiangluo is here, but you didn't notice it."

The Palace Master of Yunshang Palace was stunned, "When did you come?"

He has already arranged for people to guard various places, and they will definitely find out whenever Yan Xiangluo appears. How could his people not notice when he comes?

What kind of cultivation level does Yan Xiangluo have? What kind of cultivation level does his person have? Isn’t it possible?

“Last night, I left in a short time and used the invisibility pattern.” Lu Xingze said.

The Palace Master of Yunshang Palace thought for a moment, "Maybe she went back to Jiuyuan City again." "It's very possible that only Jiuyuan City is the safest place for her now."

Lu Xingze glanced at the raised rock. He was sure that his feeling yesterday was not wrong. Yan Xiangluo did appear on that rock last night, but the time was too short. Before he could confirm who had done it, he left.

I have to admit that Ji Jiuzhong was very decisive and avoided an unnecessary battle.

“Are you going to Jiuyuan City?” asked the Palace Master of Yunshang Palace.

 “Hmm.” Lu Xingze looked back.

He can release a soul and come here. It is not easy to find a body suitable for his soul body to live in, and he cannot stay in this body for too long.

His goal is Yan Xiangluo. Now Ji Jiuzhong has entered the first training place to practice. It will take a month to come out. This is the best time for him to deal with Yan Xiangluo.

 What he wants is Yan Xiangluo's life, so things will be much easier to handle.

In Jiuyuan Continent, as long as the benefits you give are enough, people will naturally come forward to help you achieve your goals.

 “What do you need me to do?” asked the Palace Master of Yunshang Palace.

This person is the person that Yun Shangtian specially told to respect. He is the person of the Ninth Heaven that they yearn for. Although he is only a spiritual soul, as long as he is satisfied with the other party, when they want to go to the Ninth Heaven, he will open the door to the Ninth Heaven for them. The door is not impossible.

 Therefore, when the man's soul body comes, the Lord of Yunshang Palace allows him to choose a body that he can temporarily live in among the people in Yunshang Palace.

Unexpectedly, only Lu Xingze's body was suitable. Fortunately, Lu Xingze had the foresight to agree and temporarily gave his body to the man.

 “No need.” Lu Xingze left two words and disappeared in a flash.

Lu Xingze's soul body curled up in a corner of his body. When he knew that the man's goal was actually Yan Xiangluo, his eyes flashed.

At that time, when the man chose him, he agreed so readily because he knew very well that if he did not agree, the other party would use some coercive means and even destroy his soul. That's why he agreed without hesitation, letting the other person think that he was happy to serve him.

But if a man uses his body to offend Yan Xiangluo, it would be fine if he succeeds. If he fails, he and Yan Xiangluo will become enemies in the future. Ji Jiuzhong cares so much about Yan Xiangluo, which is equivalent to becoming friends with Ji Jiuzhong. He had become enemies, and even became enemies with the entire Jiuyuan City. How could he survive on the mainland in the future?

At this time, he was extremely conflicted. He didn't want to offend Yan Xiangluo, but he was no match for the man. Now that Ji Jiuzhong was gone, the man had to put Yan Xiangluo to death. He always felt like he was going to be in bad luck.

 It happens that I understand it very well, but I can’t do anything.

He prayed in his heart that the man could not find Yan Xiangluo. There was a time limit for his soul body to reside in his body. As long as he could not find Yan Xiangluo within this time and was unable to take action, he would not offend Yan Xiang. Fallen.

Perhaps he would be smarter and not do it himself, so that at least no one would know that it was him who touched Ruan Xiangluo.

The man went to Jiuyuan City, but he tried his best and couldn't find Yan Xiangluo in Jiuyuan City. Lu Xingze breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, after Ji Jiuzhong entered the first training ground, he saw a desert in front of him, the kind of desert that had no end.

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